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1、“She has long hair*.She was young.,4tHer hair was short;4Were they active in class?” Yes, they were.”能力目标:1、 能运用所学语言谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。2、 初步了解字母xyz在单词屮的发音规律。情感目标:培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质。【学情分析】:本单元的教学对彖是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初步 的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一些 积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴槊能用英语进行H常交际,在实践屮 提高口己的英

2、语水平。因此教师要通过丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他们 的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而乂容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获 取知识,形成能力。【教学重点】:能听懂、会说并认读句子Who s your favourite teacher? She* s young.She has long hair,utShe was young.,t4Her hair was short.“Were they ac-tive in class?Yes, they wee”能灵活运用一般过去时与他人谈论人物以而的外貌及 性格特征,并与人物现在的外貌及性格特征进行比较。【教学难点】:用二般过去吋描述人物以

3、前的外貌及性格特征,并与人物现在的外貌及性 格特征做比较。【基本功训练重点】:能运用所学语言谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。【课时数及课时安排】共四课吋,Lesson 1 1课吋,Lesson 2 1课时,Lesson 3 1 课吋,Lesson 4 1 课时【教学方法】:任务教学法、情境教学法【教学手段】:光盘、卡片【检测试题】:一、 读一读,写一写。(young, kind, t all, thin, old)1 He was short then.Now het and 2 My aunt was young then.Now, shes a grandma* Shet 3 T

4、hey were thirty years ago.They are old now.4 Miss zhang is .She has long hair二、 读一读,选( )1. He young then.A. is B* were C* was( )2. is your favourite teacher?A、What B、Who C、Whose( )3、He was short four years ago. Now he is A、thin B、tall C、big ( )4、Is she tall?Ax Yes, she was.Bn Yes, he is.C、Yes, she i

5、s.( )5、They were in my class ten years A now Bx old C agoLesson 1 She,s very kind.课型:新授课一教材分析:英语第五册 Unitl 的主题是 Teachers, Day. Lesson 1 She s very kind. 其语言功能是描述人物外貌及性格特征。二学情分析:木单元的教学对象是五年级学生,他们经过三年的英语学习,已掌握了初步 的英语知识,在听、说读写方面有了一定的基础,并且在课外知识上也有了一些 积累。但他们的英语实际应用能力有限,渴望能用英语进行日常交际,在实践中 提高口己的英语水平。因此教师耍通过丰

6、富多彩的教学活动吸引学生,激发他们 的兴趣,将枯燥的语言变得生动而又容易记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获 取知识,形成能力。三教学目标:(-)知识目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词、规范书坊:card, who, young, kind2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:She, s very kind. Shc, s young. Shc, s strict. (-)能力目标:能运用所学句型,描述他人的外貌特征。(三)情感目标:培养学生尊敬你师长的品质及学会树立良好的人际关系。四教学要点分析:(-)教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词、规范书写:She, s very kind. She s you

7、ng. She, s strict. 灵活运用一般过去式描述人物外貌及性格特征。(二)教学难点:能在真实语境中运用所学句型灵活描述人物外貌及性格特征。五、 教学方法:情境教学法、任务教学法六、 教学准备:录音机、单词卡片、头饰七、 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up:Free talk: talk about the summer vacation.T: In my summer vacation, I met some new friends. They are very kind.Please open your books, turn to page 1, and look at th

8、e characters together. Can you find who our new friend is?Ss: It s Lucy Docs she have long hair? No, she has short hair. Who cam say something about Lucy?SI: She, s bcautifulS2: She, s cute Who s in this circle? It,s me. Yes. You can draw yourself here.设计意图:既复习了以前的关于外貌的单词及句子,又为新知做了铺垫,也起到了课 前热身的作用。St

9、ep 2 Presentation: Today we re going to learn Unit 1 Lcsson 1 She s very kind. Please open your books, turn to page 4. Look, Jenny and Danny arc talking.Task 1: please listen to the tape once, try to find who they eire t alki ng.1.Play the tape, have students listcn carefully emd try to find.2.T: Le

10、t, s check: Can you find who they are talking?(Invitc individual to answer, check: Miss Zhang) Yes, they are talking Miss Zhang. How is Miss Zhang? Is she tall? Is she beautiful?整体感知课文,让学生根据图片带着问题听录音,既练习了听力,又助于 对课文的理解。Task 2: please listen again, try to find the sentences to describe Miss Zhang.1.Pl

11、ay the tape, have students listen carefully and try to find the sentences. Let s check: Who can say somcthing about Miss Zhang?(Invitc individual to answer, check and write: She, s young. She, s tall. She has long hair. She s very kind. And she,s strict. Learn the words: young, kind, strict)3.Practi

12、cc the sentencos, read one by one or group by group, and check. Look, what s Danny doing? lie,s making cards, (lcarn: card) Why is he making cards? s Teachers? Day. Grcat! Tomorrow is September 10. It s TeachersDay. Dannys making cards for his teachers, (learn: September)带着问题再次听录音,有助于学生加深对课文的理解。Step

13、 3 Practice:1.Play the tape, have studcnts listen carefully and try to point and follow. (learn: who)2.Lis ten again, pause and try to follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3.Practice in groups. Each has a role. Teacher walks around and helps them.4.Invitc some to show, praise th

14、em in time.Practice talking about appearances: (2. Let,s talk.) Let s sec the teachcrs. Who arc they? (Miss Liu, Miss Wang, Mr Li, Mr Black) Please try to describe their appearanccs in groups. Let, s guess who the teacher is.Invite in dividual to describe, the others try to guess and say. Praise them or cncourage them in time.通过分角色朗读,机械操练,游戏等方式,调动学生口、眼.耳、脑的参 与激发兴趣,加深印象,使新知识在游戏中得到延伸练习和拓展

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