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1、2007年上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)考生注意:本卷有10大题,共110小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part l Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6 分) A B C D E F G1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

2、(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)7. A) Yellow.B) White.C) Green.D) Orange.8. A) Wednesday.B) Thursday.C) Friday.D) Saturday.9. A) Once a week.B) Twice a week. C) Three times a week.D) Every day.10. A) See a film.B) Take a plane. C) Buy film tickets. D) See her cousin off.11. A)Light pollution.B) Air pol

3、lution. C) Water pollution. D) Noise pollution.12. A) English. B) Maths. C) Physics. D) Chemistry.13. A) 140 yuan. B) 80 yuan. C) 60 yuan. D) 20 yuan.14. A) Go out for dinner. B) Ask the man to cook. C) Go shopping with the man. D) Cook dinner for the man.15. A) The train was late. B) He lost his wa

4、y. C) The traffic was heavy. D) He started too late.16. A) At a bus stop. B) At a post office. C) At the Peoples Square. D) At a police station.III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)17. Jack and his wife

5、 went to a restaurant last Friday evening.18. They drove their car to the restaurant.19. It was easy for them to park their car outside the restaurant.20. The restaurant was so busy that they waited for a long time.21. They were pleased with the food and service there.22. Jacks wife went outside to

6、get the wallet.23. It was an enjoyable evening for Jack and his wife.Personal InformationFull name: (24) Lee Age:16Male Female School: (25) Sky Middle SchoolTV Viewing HabitsWhen to watch TV:6:00-7:00 (26) evening, Sunday (27) Time spent watching TV each week: (28) hoursFavourite programmes:World (2

7、9) , (30) IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the table (听对话,完成下列表格,每空格限填一词):(共7分)Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20 分)31. My father usually reads morning papers before going to _ work. A) the B) a C) an D) /32. The train to Beijing leaves _ eigh

8、t oclock. Lets hurry. A) in B) on C) at D) from33. Please keep the park clean when you enjoy _ there. A) your B) you C) yours D) yourselves34. We havent got much _ for our picnic. Will you go and get some? A) apple B) tomato C) bread D) biscuit35. The farmers are satisfied _ their harvest through a

9、years hard work. A) with B) to C) of D) for36. Ive got two tickets for tonights concert. One is for me, _ is for you. A) other B) the other C) others D) another37. Jane can speak English _. She wants to work for the Special Olympic Games. A) correct B) nice C) sweet D) well38. This motorcycle is not

10、 as _ as that one, and it uses less gas. A) expensive B) less expensiveC) more expensiveD) the most expensive39. Which would you like to buy, a DVD player _ an MP3 player? A) so B) or C) but D) and40. Peter was late for the meeting _ he missed the ferry. A) though B) because C) while D) if41. Mr Smi

11、th said to Billy, “Your idea sounds _.” A) clearly B) fluently C) good D) loud42. Nancy _ lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college. A) has done B) will do C) was doing D) is doing43. Tara is interested in Chinese culture. She _ Chinese at Fudan University next year. A) studies

12、 B) studied C) will study D) had studied44. Students _ be careful when they do chemical experiments in the lab. A) can B) must C) need D) may45. Wed better _ off our mobile phones. The meeting will start in a minute. A) to mm B) turning C) turn D) turned46. That building is part of Shanghais history. It _ many years ago. A) built B) builds C) is built D) was built47. It _ several years to build Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the highest railway in the world. A) spent B) took C) cost D) paid48. John _ hi

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