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1、 stand by B. to acting; to stand by C. acting; stand by D. acting;3.“Mrs. Williams can speak French.”“Yes. But she would rather _ English with us.”A. have spoken B. speak C. spoke D. speaking 4.Through science weve got the idea of _ progress with the future.A. representing B. associating C. establis

2、hing D. preferring5.There is no _ information about how many people died in the explosion. A. stylish B. reliable C. relaxed D. loyal6.Who _ to meet us but the manager himself!A. is coming B. will come C. should come D. has come7.My hometown is quite different from _before.A. what was it B. what it

3、was C. which it was D. that it was8.It is because the dictionary is too useful in my work _ I must get it.A. so B. so that C. that D. therefore9.What was the critics _ to the book?A. reaction B. opinion C. comment D. impression10.I like to go to the cinema when I am in the _ for it.A. motive B. mind

4、 C. mood D. notion11.She is _ a poet than a musician. A. more of B. the more C. far more D. more or less12.She reached _ the phone and knocked over a glass. A. out B. for C. into D. up13.It is only when one is ill _ one realize the value of health. A. that B. which C. because D. as 14.Never before _

5、 so much money. A. I had B. I had had C. have I D. had I had15. _, he could not have done such a thing. A. A fool as Jim is B. Fool as Jim is C. As Jim is cool D. As fool is Jim16.He talks as if he _ to America.A. has been B. had been C. were D. was17.The focus of our attention is _ how to teach stu

6、dents to do rather how to follow.A. at B. on C. about D. to 18.Ten people have applied for the job of a secretary, _ are suitable.A. whom B. who C. most of whom D. of whom19.Not until the game had begun_ at the sports ground. A.had he arrived B. did he arrive C. would he have arrived D. should he ha

7、ve arrived20.I felt uncomfortable with his way of talking, because he always put me under_.A. aggression B. high pressure C. tension D. defensePart II. Reading Comprehension: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, the

8、re are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the best choice.Passage AUS corporations are moving well-paid technology jobs to China, India and those countries where used to be location of low-cost centers.Analysts predict as many as two million US white-collar jobs such as pr

9、ogrammers, software engineers and applications designers will move to these countries by 2014. This causes a problem for publicly traded companies, which would ordinarily brag (吹牛) about cost savings to investors. Instead, they send vague signals that they are opening up operations in China and Indi

10、a, but often decline to explain in details. Moreover, on a US presidential election year, job losses are a hot button issue. A company that highlighted a major job transfer could wind up in the campaign debate. Multinationals find that when they expand overseas, they cause problems at home. Offshori

11、ng companies are paying Chinese wages and selling at US prices, said Alan Tonelson, of the US Business and Industrial Council, Theyre not creating better living standards for America.There have been reports that IBM intends to move 4,700 high-end jobs to China and India next year.21. Which of the fo

12、llowing statements is not true according to the passage?A. US corporations intends to employ more staff in India and ChinaB. Two million US white-collar jobs have been moved to other countriesC. IBM plans to move well-paid technology jobs to China and IndiaD. Job losses are a hot issue in the US pre

13、sidential election campaign debate.22. The reason why US corporations are moving well-paid technology jobs to China and India is that _. A. these countries need more high-end jobsB. US corporations brag about cost savings to investorsC. the employees wages in these countries are lowerD. it is the de

14、cision of the US Business and Industrial Council23. The word “they” in line 4, paragraph 2 refers to _. A. investorsB. analystsC. China and IndiaD. publicly traded companies24. Publicly traded companies _ the possibility that they will move jobs to countries where used to be locations of low-cost centers.A. explained publiclyB. explained in detailC. indicated vaguelyD. opened up25. In China and India the US corporations are likely to offer jobs to all the following professionals except _.A. a

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