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1、举例式英语演讲开场欣赏举例式英语演讲开场欣赏目录第一篇:举例式英语演讲开场欣赏第二篇:悬念式英语演讲开场欣赏第三篇:提问式英语演讲开场欣赏第四篇:点题式英语演讲开场欣赏第五篇:幽默式英语演讲开场欣赏更多相关范文正文第一篇:举例式英语演讲开场欣赏*by taking exles#举例式开场欣赏you feel it welling up inside you, this delicate tingling, as if your every nerve were firing at once. you want to group for the newspaper, your homeworka

2、nythingbut you no longer control your body.these seconds of helpless anticipation seem like an eternity, but then the spell is broken. you crash forward, your muscles contracting like a fist, and you cant even see that people are running away from you because something has forced your eyes shut.and

3、then its over. you relax. your head is clear, your body under control.i am talking, of course, about sneezing. i e from a long line of sneezers. my father sneezed, and his father and his fathers father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into th

4、e snow following a sauna.this involuntary reflex known as the sneeze is not one of the burning mysteries of our time, but id like to tell you about some superstitions that have sprung up around sneezing and also let you know whats actually happening when you sneeze. finally, in the interests of soci

5、al harmony, ill tell you how to sneeze safely and politely.你会觉得全身冒汗,发抖,好像你的每一根神经即刻就断了似的;你想收拾一下报纸,整理一下家务,做点什么的,可你一下子却不能自我。这么一会儿的无可奈何的预兆几乎是永恒的,有时这种发作也会中断。当你猛地向前一倾的时候,你全身的肌肉就会收缩得像一只拳头,看不到前面有人从你身边擦身而过。这是因为好像有点什么东西立刻使你闭上眼睛。过去了之后,你就轻松了,头脑清醒,也恢复了自我。当然,我在此是谈谈打喷嚏。我出身于一个打喷嚏有着悠久历史的家族。我的父亲如此,我父亲的父亲如此,我们的先辈都如此。我

6、们这些人鼻子都是哇哧哇哧的,每每都好像大雪天洗蒸汽浴之后那么一种冰冷的感觉。打喷嚏也是一种无意识的轻松,它并不是我们这个时代秘密的焦点之一。但是,我想跟你们谈谈有关它的一些流传的迷信问题,谈谈你认为打喷嚏到底是回什么样的事。最后,考虑到社会协同关系,我还想谈谈有关打喷嚏的礼节性问题。i am not a poet, so i cannot praise my profession with beautiful poems. i am not a scholar, so i cannot value my price with my deep thoughts. i am not a singe

7、r, so i cannot sing a song for my post. but i am middle school teacher of english. now i would like to use my beautiful english s in my mind to pose my most beautiful praise from my heart. now i would like to work out the most mysterious philosophy in my heart. now i would like to sing a most enchan

8、ting praise for my profession from my heart. i love the profession as a teacher. i love my working post.我不是诗人,不能用美丽的诗篇赞美我的职业;我不是哲人,不能用深邃的思想思考我的价值;我不是歌手,不能用动听的歌曲歌唱我的岗位。然而,我是教师我是一名中学英语教师,我要用我脑海里所能采撷的、如花的英语词汇,构筑我心中最美妙的诗篇;我要用深深的思索,推演我心中最奥秘的哲理;我要用凝重的感情,唱出我心中最迷人的颂歌我爱我的教师职业,我爱我的工作岗位。many roads, in all dire

9、ctions, long and short, narrow and wide present before us, of which only one way is left for the youth to feel and take and this way is called make your way out.世上有不少的路,东西南北,长短宽狭,其中有一条,好像是专留给青年们去摸索的,叫出路。第二篇:悬念式英语演讲开场欣赏a hundred years ago today a man died. he died immortal. he departed laden with yea

10、rs, laden with works, laden with the most illustrious and the most fearful or responsibilities, the responsibility of the human conscience informed and rectifies. he went cursed and blessed, cursed by the past, blessed by the future; and these are two super forms of glory. on the deathbed he had, on

11、 the one hand, the acclaim of contemporaries and of posterity; on the other, that triumph of hooting and of hating which the implacable past bestows on those who have bated it. he was more than a man was; he was an age. he had exercised functions and fulfilled a mission. he had been evidently chosen

12、 for the work, which he had done by the supreme will, which manifests itself as visibly in the laws of destiny as in the laws of nature.the eighty-four years, which this man lived, span the interval between the monarchy at its apogee and the revolution at its dawn. whence was born, luis xiv still re

13、igned; when he died, louis of xvi already wore crown; so that his cradle saw the last rays of the great throne, and his coffin the first gleams from the great the presence of this society, frivolous and dismal, voltaire alone, having before his eyes those united forces, the court, the nobil

14、ity, capital; that unconscious power, the blind multitude .一百年前的今天,一个人去世了。但他是永生的。他离开人世间时已是古稀之年,但其著作丰富。他肩负着的责任既是世界上最感光荣的,也是最令人畏惧的。他让人们懂得良知并教化他们。对于他的去世,有人诅咒,也有人祝福。旧时代的人们诅咒他,而只有新时代的人才祝福他。无论诅咒也罢,祝福也罢,这两者对于他都是光荣和至高无上的。他临终时,受到了当代人和他们后代的赞美,但另一方面,像许多同旧时代战斗过的人一样,他也受到了对他恨之入骨的旧时代的高声大骂。他不仅是他一个人,而且是一个时代。他曾尽责尽职,完

15、成了一项使命。显然是天意助他完成这一项大事的。命运法则和自然法则都清楚地显示了上天的这个旨意cb法则和住这位伟人所生活的八十四年,从专制统治的鼎盛时期一直延续到革命的萌芽阶段。他诞生之际,路易十四仍大权在握;他去世时,路易十六已戴上皇冠。因此,王朝鼎盛时期的余辉照耀过他的摇篮,从那深渊里透出最初的光芒映照着他的灵柩。伏尔泰一个人,在这个无聊惨淡的时代,只身面对着宫廷、贵族和资本家的联合力量,面对着那群毫无觉醒意识的暴力、盲目的民众.第三篇:提问式英语演讲开场欣赏mr. chairman, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,i should like firs

16、t of all, to once again thank the norwegian nobel mittee for the award they have made to the united nations peace-keeping operations. their decision has been acclaimed all over the world. i take this opportunity also to express once again my deep gratitude to the countries, which have contributed troops or provided logistical support to these operations. it is to their willing co-operation that we owe th

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