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1、Chapter 01The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing True / False Questions1、Global commerce thrives during peacetime. TRUE全球电子商务蓬勃发展在和平时期一个事件能够影响国际业务的形状,随着未来的展开,就是世界贸易组织,北美自由贸易区和欧盟的快速增长。2、One event that will influence the shape of international business as the future unfolds is the rapid gr

2、owth of the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the European Union. TRUE3、A trend that will impact international business in the future is a mandate to properly managethe resources and global environment. TRUE这一趋势将在未来的国际业务的影响是一个妥善管理的资源和全球环境的任务今天,大部分的商业活动是本地或区域范围4、Today, most business activities are

3、 local or regional in scope. FALSE5. International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a companys goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit. TRUE国际营销是规划设计的业务活动的性能,价格,推广,并直接向消费者或用户的流量在多个国家公司的商

4、品和服务的利润6.A good illustration of an uncontrollable variable that might impact international business is a marketing decision with respect to research. FALSE一个很好的例证就是无法控制的变量,可能会影响国际业务与营销决策方面的研究。7. The foreign uncontrollable environment is the same as the domestic uncontrollableenvironment. FALSE国外的不可控

5、的环境和国内的不可控的环境一样。8. The level of technology is an uncontrollable element for international marketers.TRUE 技术水平就是一个无法控制的国际营销因素。9. The political and legal environment is a controllable element for international marketersbecause of the ability to lobby and influence legislation. FALSE10. In a broad sens

6、e, the uncontrollable elements of the foreign business environment constitute the culture. TRUE政治和法律环境,就是一个国际营销的可控元素,因为游说和影响立法的能力。11. A self-reference criterion is closely related to ethnocentrism. TRUE一个自我参照标准是密切相关的民族优越感。12. To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-

7、cultural analysis thatemphasizes the need for ethnocentrism. FALSE为了避免商业决策中的错误,有必要进行跨文化的分析,强调种族优越感的需要。13. To be globally aware, you should be tolerant of cultural differences. TRUE全球意识,你应该包容文化差异14. If a company is in a stage designated as being one with no direct foreign marketing, thecompany does n

8、ot actively cultivate customers outside national boundaries. TRUE如果一家公司在与环境了指定一个阶段是“没有外国直接营销,”公司不积极培育国界以外的客户。15. Of all the stages in international business, a stage called regular foreign marketing produces the most profound change in the orientation of the company toward markets and associated pla

9、nning activities. FALSE在国际业务中的所有阶段,一个阶段称为“经常性的国外营销”产生的最深刻的变化,在该公司向市场和相关的规划活动方向。16. If a company uses a strategic orientation called domestic market extension, it views itsinternational operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations. TRUE。29如果一家公司采用了所谓的国内市场扩展的战略方向,看其国际业务作为次要的,

10、其国内业务的扩展17. The global marketing concept views the marketplace as consisting of one primary domesticmarket that is complimented by several smaller regional markets. FALSE全球营销理念的意见作为市场组成的一个主要的国内市场是由几个较小的区域市场称赞。Multiple Choice Questions 多项选择题1. Strategic plans that are competitive in global markets ar

11、e .A. the challenge of international marketingB. expanded domestic marketing plansC. not necessary for small firmsD. multilingual and multicultural in scope1。是在全球市场上的竞争力的战略计划是 。A. 国际市场的挑战B. 扩大国内市场营销计划C. 没有必要为小企业D. 语言和多文化的范围2. For firms venturing into international marketing for the first time, the f

12、irst requirement is:A. employment of foreign nationals in target foreign markets.B. a thorough and complete commitment to foreign markets.C. obtain market data from consulate of the country being targeted.D. an assessment of the cost of doing business in the foreign market.E. performance reviews of

13、all potential salespeople being considered for foreign assignment.对于首次进入国际市场的风险投资公司,第一个要求是:A. 就业的外国公民在国外市场的目标。B. 进入外国市场的全面和完整的承诺。C. 获得有针对性的国家的领事馆的市场数据。D. 在国外市场开展业务的成本评估。E. 所有潜在的销售人员绩效评估正在考虑对外资转让。3. is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, anddirect the flow of a co

14、mpanys goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.A. Global managementB. Global businessC. MarketingD. International marketingE. Global marketing concept3。 是设计,计划,价格,推广,和直接的利润,消费者或用户在超过一个国家一个公司的商品和服务的流动有关的业务活动的表现。A. 全球管理B. 全球业务C. 市场营销D. 国际营销E. 全球营销理念4. The only dif

15、ference between the definitions of domestic marketing and international marketingis that marketing activities:A. focus on consumers in domestic markets and barterers in foreign markets.B. take place in more than one country.C. follow traditional communication paths in domestic markets.D. focus on distribution in the domestic market.E. are usually non-regulated in foreign markets.4。国内营销和国际营销的定义之间唯一的区别是营销活动:A. 重点放在消费者在国内市场和国外市场 barterers。B. 在一个以上国家的地方。c.按照传统的通信路径,在国内市场。D. 集中分布在国内市场。E. 通常是在国外市场的非管制。5. With respect to the environment in which a business operates, such

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