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1、从那时起,这座伟大的纪念碑对通过纽约 港进入美国定居的千百万人来说就一直是自由的象征。New words and expressions 生词和短语noble adj. 高尚的,壮丽的 monument n. 纪念碑statue n. 雕像 liberty n. 自由present v. 赠送 sculptor n. 雕刻家actual adj. 实际的,真实的 copper n. 铜support v. 支持,支撑 framework n. 构架,框架transport v. 运送 site n. 场地pedestal n. 底座【生词讲解】1. noble 1)adj. 高尚的,高贵的 i

2、gnoble ignubl a.卑鄙的a noble mind 崇高的思想2)adj. 贵族的、高贵的a man of noble birth 出身高贵的人 ; a noble family 名门望族3)壮丽的、庄严的、宏伟的 a noble oak 一颗极大的橡树2. monument1)n. 纪念碑a monument to soldiers killed in the war 阵亡将士纪念碑. eg:People erected a monument in his honor. 人们为了纪念他,为他建立一个纪念碑。2)n. 史迹、遗迹an ancient monument 古代遗迹;a

3、national monument 自然纪念物3)n. 不朽的成就、丰功伟业Shakespeares plays remain as monuments to his genius.莎士比亚的戏剧是他天才的不朽著作。3. statue n. 雕像a bronze statue 铜像 ; a statue of Buddha 佛像the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像statuesque .sttjuesk adj. 雕像般的, 均衡的, 轮廓极美的a statuette 小雕像4. liberty 1)n. 自由、解放religious liberty 宗教自由Give me

4、liberty, or give me death. 不自由,毋宁死!liberty to do sth 许可,准许做某事You have liberty to use all the library facilities. 你可以使用图书馆中的所有设施.You have/are at liberty to say what you like. 你尽可以畅所欲言.2) n. 自由、权力civil liberties 民权、civil liberty的复数You have the liberty to vote. 你有自由投票权3) 随便、任意、不客气take a liberty be guil

5、ty of a liberty 无礼take the liberty of doing sth take the liberty to do sth冒昧地做某事I take the liberty to us use your phone. 我冒昧地用你的电话set sb at liberty 释放 ; set a hostage at liberty 释放一个人质5. present prizent, 1)v. 赠送、贡献、呈递present sth to sb present sb with sth 将.赠送某人The principal presented a diploma to ea

6、ch of the graduates. The principal presented each of the graduates with a diploma . 校长把毕业生的文凭一授予给毕业生。The prize was presented to the winner. 奖被颁给获胜者。 The winner was presented with the prize .2)v. 提出、交出、显示I presented the letter of introduction to the receptionist. 我将介绍信交给了接待员。present a calm face 不露生色6

7、. sculptor n. 雕刻家sculpture n. 雕刻术、雕刻品He studies sculpture. 他学习雕刻术He made a beautiful sculpture. 他雕刻了一个漂亮的作品。7. actual adj. 实际的,真实的an actual happening 真实的事件the actual conditions 现实的情况The actual price was lower than I had thought. 实际价格低于我索推想的。in actual fact 实际上actuality ktuliti n. 实在, 现实, 现状in actuali

8、ty 实际上; 事实上actually adv. 1) 实际上、事实上Did you actually see the accident ?你真的看到这起事故?He looked calm, but actually he was very nervous . 他看起来平静,但实际上很紧张。2) adv. 真的、竟然That big-bodied Tom actually fainted at the scene . 大块头汤姆竟然晕倒在现场。8. copper 1) n. 铜 2) 铜币 penny 便士 ; halfpenny 半便士3)(口语)警察 俚语中用 cop 9. support

9、 1) v. 支持,支撑 That bench wont support four people.这长板凳无法支撑四个人。 Tom was supported by his friend on either side. 汤姆两侧都有朋友扶持着。I dont support his opinion that the defense expenditure must be increased. 我不赞成他增加防御开支的观点。2)v. 扶养、赡养He supports a large family. 他养一个大家族。3) n. 支撑、支持、支撑物The table has three support

10、s. 这个桌子只有三只脚。The bridge will fall down if we dont add more support. 如果我们不添加更多的支撑物这座桥会跨下来。4) n. 维持生技计、维持生计者Father is the chief support of my family. 父亲是我们家的维持生计者。a mean of support 维持生计的方法10. framework 1) n. 构架,框架2) n. 构造、机构、组织the framework of society 社会结构 frame 1) n. 骨架 the frame of a ship 船的骨架the fr

11、ame of a car 车的骨架The frame of the house was completed in a week.房子骨架在一个星期内完成。2)n.(窗等的) 框架、装饰框The paintings in the museum have gold frames around them .在博物馆里的画周围用金框装饰。3) n.体格a person with a strong frame 一个具有强壮体格的人。11. transport 1) v. 运送、输送The yellow bus transports passengers from the airport to the city.黄色的公共汽车运输旅客从

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