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1、?txt10e?a?3?3?1a¥?oa2global armingthere is little doubt that the planet is arming. over the last entur, the planets temperature has risen b around 1 degree fahrenheit ou ma or ma not use. reuse hatever ou an, like ontainers and paper, and rele hat ou annot reuse. it reall is as simple as that.finall

2、 turning off unused soures of poer suh as televisions and heaters ill help the environment, as ell as save ou mone.if everbod stuk to these rules, e ould be doing a great thing b proteting the earth. so please take into onsideration hat i have said, and tr to do our part. after all, it ill be our ne

3、xt generation that ill feel the effets.第二篇:英语作文全球变暖全球变暖environmental protetionno one,regardless of rae, religion or nationalit, an den that the orld e live in is being inreasingl intolerable beause of the effets of global arming. aording to man experts, even greater impats are still on the a.there a

4、re numerous auses for this problem. on one hand, human-related emissions of arbon into the atmosphere is ausing, and ill in the future ause, signifiant global arming aording to the theor. on the other hand, the lak of knoledge about the importane of proteting environment hinders the solving of the p

5、 is urgent that immediate and effetive ations should be taken right XX. first, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautif the environment. besides, striter las onerning global arming and irresponsible use of fuel resoures have to be put into effet and ahieved good resu

6、lts. in a ord, there is a long a to go before e an take a fortable orld for granted again .man people believe that human ativit is ausing the earths temperature to rise. the sa that this global arming ill have dreadful onsequenes for our environment, suh as drought and flooding. mhat should governme

7、nts do to help prevent global arming? give reasons for our suggestions.the earths temperature is rapidl hanging. as a result there has been a lot of limate hange suh as heat aves, droughts and floods. sientists believe that this is the result of human ativit, hih is polluting the earths atmosphere.

8、this ould bee a disaster if governments do not at to help prevent global arming. the an at in three as; b supporting researh, b making las and b keeping the general publi informed.firstl, governments an support researh. for example, the should enourage panies to develop vehiles that ause less pollut

9、ion. the should also supportalternative soures of eletriit from ind and ater rather than from oil and oal. as ell, the should sponsor onferenes to disuss the effets of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem.seondl, the should make las that limit the amount of greenhouse gases

10、 that panies an emit. private panies should be rearded for folloing these las. the should also be punished for reating pollution.finall, everbod is affeted b global arming. therefore, it is important thatgovernments involve individuals in the problem solving proess. for example the should enourage h

11、ouseholds to save as muh energ as possible b using more effiient light bulbs or less hot ater. the should also enourage the publi to rele, and this should be pulsor for everone. another a of saving energ is b publi transport sstems. governments should spend mone on publi transport to make it as eas

12、as possible for the publi to save summar, it is lear that there are a lot of things that governments an do to prevent global arming. the should involve panies, support sientists and enourage individuals to protet the planet.第三篇:全球变暖英语作文作文一people around the orld ma feel that the limate has b

13、een getting steadil armer and armer in reent ears. plaes hih used to be abundant in snofall have frequentl experiened snofree inters. drought lasts longer in some dr areas. people find that ithout air onditioners the ould hardl ork or fall asleep on hotter summer das.the side effets of global arming

14、 are alarmins. a armer global limate melts the ie aps, raising sea levels. hat is more, it disturbs eather patterns, ausing droughts, severe storms, hurrianes. people suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global stop global arming e should make immediate and ontinual efforts. e hope the

15、situation ill soon hange. global arming athes and holds our onern, for it affets us and ill affet our later generations. e annot ait an longer. do it. do it right. do it right no.作文二diretions: for this part, ou are alloed 30 minutes to rite a short essa on the topi environmental protetion. ou should rite at least 120 ords folloing the outline given belo.1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响引起全球变暖的原因3. 我们需要采取的措施no one,regardless of rae, religion or nationalit, an den that the orld e live in is being inreasingl intolerable beause of the effets of global arming. aording to man experts

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