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1、AthatBmoreCsuchDas2.This is the best book _ I ve ever bought.Awith whichBthatCwhichDwhen3.Lilys little daughter is particularly weak _ mathematics.AatBinCofDwith4.Its the first time that she has been to the United States, _Aisn t sheBhasnCisn t itDhash5.In the eastern part of New Jersey_, a major sh

2、ipping and manufacturing center.Alies the city of ElizabethBthe city of Elizabeth lies thereCaround the city of Elizabeth liesDthere lies the city of Elizabeth around6.She is indifferent _ hardship and dangers.AofBatCinDto7.The streets are all wet. It _ last night.Amust be rainingBmust have been rai

3、ningChad to rainDmust have rained8.The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.Afirst playingBto be first playedCfirst playedDto be first playing9.Maine has _ weather than most of the other states in the continental United States.Aa coolerBthe coolestCcoolerDthe cooler

4、10.Although receiving financial support from family,community,or the government is allowed,it is never admiredA虽然允许接受来自家庭、社区或政府的资助,但并不推崇这种做法B虽然政府允许接受来自家庭、社区的资助,但并不推崇这种做法。C虽然从不推崇接受来自家庭、社区或政府的资助,但这种做法是允许的。D虽然家庭、社区被允许接受政府的资助,但并不推崇这种做法。11.NO more messages were heard so that we began to worry if George W

5、as deadA再也没有得到乔治的消息,我们开始担心他是不是死了。B没听到乔治更多的消息,如果他死了,我们会很担心的。C我们担心如果乔治死了,就再也得不到消息了。D没有听到让我们担心乔治安危的消息。12.He doesnt dare to leave the house in case he should be recognizedA在被人认出来的情况下,他不敢离开这所房子。B他不敢离开这所房子,怕万一被人认出来。C他不想离开这所房子,为了不被人认出来D被人认出来之后,他不想离开这所房子。13.No sooner had they got in the wheat than it began

6、to rain heavily.A他们刚收割完小麦就开始下大雨了。B他们还没收割完小麦,就下大雨了。C他们在下大雨前,收割完了小麦。D他们收割小麦前,就开始下大雨了。14.Dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know.AstrangeBamusingCcuriousDconscious15.Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane.AwhereBwhichCwhileDwhy16.In orde

7、r to change attitudes _employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.AaboutBofCtowardsDon17.It is generally believed that teaching is _it is a science.Aan art much asBmuch an art asCas an art much asDas much an art as18.The fact came up _specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as y

8、oung as 6 months old.AwhatCthatDwhose19._, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.AHowever the story is amusingBNo matter amusing the story isCHowever amusing the story isDNo matter how the story is amusing20.Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may g

9、et _ by a car.Arun outBrun overCrun awayDrun after21._, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.AStrangely enoughBEnough strangelyCStrange enoughDEnough strange22.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy

10、it.Ato seeBto be seenCseeingDseen23.For the sake of her daughters health, she decided to move to a warmAweatherBtemperatureCseasonDclimate24.You seem to show interest in cooking. What _, Im getting tired of it.AOn the contraryBTo the contraryCOn the other handDTo the other hand25.These wild flowers

11、are so special that I would do I can to save them.AwhateverDwhichever26.Time will _whether I made the right choice or not.AseeBsayCtellDknow27.Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _the girl and took her away, _into the woods.Aseizing; disappearedBseized;Cseizing; disappearingDseized;28.It

12、suddenly _ me how we could improve the situation.AoccurredBfearedCshookDstruck29.Was it because he was ill _he asked for leaveAsoBwhenCwhyDthat30.John likes Chinese food, but he _eating with chopsticks.Ais used toBused toCisnt used toDdidnt used to31.Fujian Province lies _ the east of China and Taiw

13、an is _ the west of Fujian.Ain; inBto;Cto; toDin;32.For John this was the beginning of a new life, _ he thought he would never see.ConeDit33.We stayed for the night at the foot of the mountain and _ to climb it the next morning.Aset aboutBset offCset upDset out34.We should do as much as we can _ our country better and more beautiful.AmakeBto make

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