1、 冷水机组AbstractThe design for the Harbin Wangjiang Design Group office building air conditioning system. Harbin Wangjiang Group is a small and medium-sized office building office buildings, the total floor area of building is 4138m2, air-conditioned area is 2833m2. There are eight floor of the buildin
2、g, building the way .This design of the main room of the building for office, most of them is very small, and the rooms are not connected, the selected air-conditioning system should be able to achieve independent control of each room, considering the various factors to determine the selection of fa
3、n-coil plus fresh air system. Arrangement in the room ceiling fan coil units, using the dark form of equipment. Set the focus on fan-coil system, plus an independent air system, fresh air from the outdoor unit to deal with the introduction of a new wind to the indoor air enthalpy value, do not bear
4、the load of indoor. All bear the indoor fan-coil cooling load and part of its new rheumatoid load. Fan-coil plus an independent air system sent by the Venetian and the under side air delivery. Closed water system with a dual-track program, three cold-water pump, dual-use a prepared; cooling pumps th
5、ree elections, one prepared by dual-use. In the cooling load calculation based on the completion of the selection of coil units, and air volume, the calculation of water, the wind pipe and water pipes to determine the specifications of the road and check the resistance to the most disadvantaged and
6、the loop to determine the pressure the relevant manuals provided by air-conditioning design parameters, and further completion of the new air units, water pumps, , which will be reflected in their drawings, the final design of the entire air-conditioning systemKey words: PAU+FCU systems; load; pipel
7、ine design; refrigeration machine; Chillers 1 设计依据 1.1 设计任务书 1.2 建筑平面图和剖面图1.3 国家主要规范和行业标准:、采暖通风与空气调节设计规范 GB500192003;、高层民用建筑设计防火规范 GB5004595;、公共建筑节能设计标准 GB501892005;、建筑设计防火规范GB500162006;1.4 哈尔滨市设计计算参数:1.4.1 室外计算参数表1.1 哈尔滨室外气象参数夏季大气压力98.51kPa冬100.15kPa空气日平均温度26室外空调计算温度-29 空调室外计算干球温度30.2最冷月平均相对湿度74%空调
8、室外计算湿球温度23.4 采暖室外计算温度-26室外平均风速3.5ms3.8ms最热月平均相对湿度77 %室外通风计算温度-20 1.4.2 室内计算参数表1.2 各空调房间室内计算参数夏季冬季新鲜空气量噪声标准温度()湿度(%)m3h人db(A)2655204030 451.4.3 其他设计参数注:本设计中人员密度、照明功率密度、设备密度均未说明。此处均根据1公共建筑节能设计标准选取。表1.3 照明功率密度值(w)1建筑类别房间类别照明功率密度办公建筑普通办公室11高档办公室、设计室18会议室走 廊5其 他表1.4 不同类型房间人均占有的使用面积(人)人均占有的使用面积4高档办公室82.55
9、0表1.5 不同类型房间电器设备功率(w)电器设备功率131.5 建筑围护结构的热工性能1.5.1 外墙本设计所取维护结构材料以参照1“节能设计标准” 以及“建筑施工说明”为准,由于部分墙体表面装修材料不同而引起导热系数的微小变化在此忽略不计,只取主要墙体进行热阻计算,选取参照范围如下:图1.1具体参数及做法见下。煤矸石多孔砖(EPS板)190外墙 传热系数K值:0.436 W(.K) 做法如下:图1.21.5.2 内墙加气砼砌块分户墙 传热系数K值:1.182W(.K) 具体做法如下:图1.31.5.3 屋面钢筋混凝土屋面板 传热系数K值:0.493W(.K) 做法如下:图1.41.5.4
10、外门节能外门 名称:木(塑料)框夹板门和蜂窝夹板门2.6W(.K)1.5.5 外窗外窗:PA断桥铝合金辐射率0.25Low-E 中空玻璃(空气9mm)其中外窗的选取与建筑窗墙比相关,哈尔滨地处严寒A区,其维护结构限值可根据节能标准查取1该建筑朝正北向,对建筑的各个方向维护结构进行统计如下表表1-6朝向窗类型窗面积墙面积窗墙比传热系数标准限值东断桥铝合金中空玻璃(9mm)204.961353.860.1512.63.0西断桥铝合金中空玻璃(空气9mm)27.54508.950.054南549.941207.520.4552.0北32.34425.880.076通过计算得建筑外窗总面积814.78
11、m2 墙体总面积3500m2 总窗墙比为0.2331.6 设计范围:本设计哈尔滨望江集团办公楼属中小型办公建筑,本建筑总建筑面积4138m2,空调面积2833m2。全楼冷负荷为196千瓦,根据房间功能,全楼采用水冷机组进行集中供给空调方式。1.7 设计原则:满足国家及行业有关规范、规定的要求,利用国内外先进的空调技术和设备,创建健康舒适的室内空气品质及环境。2 负荷计算2.1 空调冷负荷的计算本设计采用冷负荷系数法计算夏季空调冷负荷,通过冷负荷温度与冷负荷系数直接从各种扰量值求得各分项逐时冷负荷。现分项说明如下:2.1.1 外墙冷负荷与屋面冷负荷:在日射和室内气温综合作用下,外墙和屋面瞬变传热
12、引起的空调冷负荷,可按下式计算:CLFk(t-t)其中:CL外墙和屋面瞬变传热引起的逐时冷负荷,w; F外墙和屋面的面积,m; k外墙和屋面的传热系数,wm; t室内设计温度,; t外墙和屋面的冷负荷计算温度的逐时值,;查3附录2-4得哈尔滨市8:0020:00各时刻各朝向的t值如下表所示(煤矸石多孔砖(EPS板)190外墙 为型):时刻910121415161719S35.235.134.934.834.634.434.234.033.933.8W37.937.837.737.537.337.136.936.636.436.
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