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1、 Last weekend Mary helped her mother in the kitchen.4. Youll be here tomorrow, wont you?5. You dont come and see me like you used to.6. He went out with his friend lask weekend.7. Ive lived in Chongqing for twenty years.8. Look out! The train is coming.9. I have been living here for almost 20 years.

2、10. On her way to her office, she stopped to buy a newspaper.11. She will have the curtain changed before the guests come.12. While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain.13. Mary didnt turn up until the train left.14. A: Have you seen the film Life Without Steve?B: No, I havent seen it yet.1

3、5. Tell her Ill pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.16. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It could have been anyone.17. Mr. Smith has a five-year-old daughter.18. A: I didnt have time for lunch today. I didnt either.19. Mike offered to help and so did John.20. Because of the illness, she was kep

4、t in bed for a few months.21. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday, I went to buy something special for her.22. If my brother calls, tell him to meet me at six.23. Look at the car! This is the most beautiful car I have ever seen.24. Toms computer is broken .Hell have it repaired.25. He was singing when t

5、he teacher came in.26. Ive always enjoyed swimming.27. We wont have the rehearsal if it rains tomorrow.28. Everybody had a good tome at the party.29. Did Nick have a good time at the Party last night.30. Dalian is east of Beijing on the coast.31. Its very easy to clean up the room-anyone can do it.3

6、2. Learning English well isnt easy but I like it very much.33. Did you get up early this morning.34. A: I havent sat down all day. You must be very tired.35. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a boat.36. Someone stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.37. Do you know the people who came he

7、re this morning.38. The baby is named after the nurse who was looking after her.39. Jack used to take a walk after supper when the weather was fine.40. Jack and Jane have been married for 10 years.41. If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.42. His teacher doesnt know when John is, nor do his

8、classmates.43. He was interviewed by different people in the company.44. Im going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have anything special in mind.45. They might tell him something interesting about their companies.46. Thats a really excellent idea.47. A: How about another piece of chicken, Sally?

9、No, thanks. It was delicious, but Im really full.48. Mr. Hilton is not good at music. Neither are his children. 49. She didnt go to the party because she was tired.50. Youd better stop talking. Were listening to the news.TASK 2: 选择填空. A 篇: Tom: Hi, Xiaoyan, How was your weekend? about, their, of, up

10、, all, What, Because, where, so , would . You should come and see a match sometime.B篇: Polly now works for Green Fingers. As, which, at, do, at, sure, visits, talks, customers, will be a very good thing for the reputation of the company.C篇:I was a student at the time, and I didnt have mush

11、money. with, save, up, so, put, back, for, for, were, for. Then he told us that his wife was dead!D 篇:Last week Polly decided to give up her job. are, paid, with, but, talked, with, another, out, apply. She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack o

12、f experience in some areas.E篇:Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England for three, one, get, which, while, recommended, his. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much.F篇:Hotel Concorde This h

13、otel is .Although, little, are, doubles, to, both, only, with, takes, for.二、阅读选词填空。 She is bored, shes been a secretary for too long. be fed up with I wish to see you again soon. look forward to He is working very hard. nose to the grindstone I havent got any letter from my brother since he left. he

14、ar from This big dictionary is very expensive. cost the earth You need four of them for your radio. battery If I wont it, Id buy another restaurant. lottery They are very friendly and warm to their guests. hospitality You need to get a smaller jumper. baggy10. Lets go to something really funny to ma

15、ke us laugh. comedy11. John always helps me whenever I have difficulties. supportive12. To be an artist, you have to use your own ideas. creative13. She seldom speaks in front of a lot of people. shy14. I really admire Judy. She never gets tired. energetic15. The by does a lot of work every day to get eno

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