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1、I have been busy preparing my exam. You look pretty nice tonight.忙着准备考试呢.你今天晚上很漂亮!Thank you!3艾伦:Hows everything going? 你最近怎么样?莫妮卡:Fine. My company is sending me to California for two months training.挺好的.我的公司要送我去加利福利亚州培训两个月.Thats a good opportunity. Im very happy for you.这可是个好机会.我真为你高兴.By the way, ho

2、ws Michelle? I havent seen her for two weeks.对了.米歇尔怎么样?我有两周没看见她了.Her new novel will be published next month. Shes busy working with it.她的新小说下个月就要出版了.她正忙着这事儿呢.Please send her my congratulations.请代我向她表示祝贺.I will. 4Jone:Hi ,guy ! its so long time since last meet you ,how are you recently ? 嘿,伙计!好久没有见过你

3、了,最近怎么样?Tom:In my old ways 老样子5茱莉亚:Whats up, Lisa?最近怎么样,丽莎?丽莎:Amazing!棒极了!What happened? You got your idols signature?什么好事?你拿到你偶像的签名了?You bet! Not only his signature, I also had a picture with Orlando Bloom. He is so easy-going and friendly. 你猜对了。不仅仅是签名,哈,我还跟合影了呢。他很平易近人,而且很友好呢。I heard he was nice to

4、 his funs. 我听说过他对他的影迷都很好。You know that! I stayed up all night when I met him. 你知道吗,我碰见他那天晚上,一晚上都没有睡着啊。Hope so did he. 希望他也是!6Lina:Oh my gosh, Rose, is that you?哦天啊,是Rose么?Rose:Lina! Hey! Whats up!哦是Lina,最近怎么样?Lina:I am thrilled to see you here! What a surprise!You have changed a lot. 太高兴在这里见到你。感觉太意外

5、了。你变化真大。Seriously? Heck, no! I am still the same old Rose 变化很大吗?不不,我依然是以前的Rose。No way, you are much more charming now. 不,你比以前更迷人了。Oh really, but look at you! What a big change, wow. 哦,真的?但是看到你,你也是有巨大的变化呢!I know, we havent seen each other for a long time. Here, this is my new phone number, call me an

6、ytime 是,我知道,我们都很长时间没有见面了。给你,这个是我的新电话号码,随时给我打电话。Thanks, Im sure i will. 谢谢,没问题,我会打给的。I have to go now, see you!恩,好,我现在必须要走了,再见了。Bye Lina! Ill contact you. 再见,我会联系你的。6Chen:Hows everything going these days?最近怎么样?Ellis:Terrific!ve been dating a hot Chinese girl!很棒!最近我在追一个中国女孩.Woh!Chinese girls are prett

7、ier, arent they?哇,中国女孩很漂亮,是不是?那当然!I was dating a girl from States, but she stood me up each time. 我跟一个美国女孩约会,她每次都放我鸽子.Thats insane!不可能的事!It makes sense, I think she might fall for a French guy. 完全有可能,我想她可能喜欢上了一个法国小伙.Pity for her! And people may think that Chinese girl likes me because I can get her

8、green card. 这是她的损失!别人可能会认为那个中国女孩喜欢我是因为我能给她办美国绿卡.That happens, dude! People talk!哥们,这种传言很正常!嘴长在别人身上.Yeah! But I got to tell her Im a decent guy. 是啊,但是我还是得告诉她我是一个正经美国小伙.7Bill:Hi,Jack,long time no see,hows everything going?嗨,杰克,好久没见,最近怎么样?Jack:Yeah, its ok. Oh,look,I just got a new mobile phone. 还不错。瞧,

9、我的新手机。Woo! Fabulous, let me have a look. 哇,酷,我看看。Ok, here you are. 给你。Isnt it the most famous iphone recently?这就是最近畅销的IPhone?Yes, and what attracts me most is its powerful functions, such as 3G, a 3.2 megapixel camera, video recording, music player, FM radio with RDS, memory card slot 是的。最吸引我的是它超强的功

10、能,比如3G,320万像素的摄像头、录像、音乐播放器、RDS调频广播、储存卡Oh my god! It seems that theres nothing impossible with the little mobile phone. 天呀。看起来这个手机简直是无所不能。Yeah, cant agree more, my man! You never know what is waiting for you. 是的,完全同意,我的朋友!你永远不知道下一秒是什么在等你。Its the magic of science and technology. 这就是科技的魅力。Wait, wait, y

11、ou remind me a famous quota from Forest Gump, “ Life is just like a box of chocolate, you never know whats in it” 等等,这让我想起阿甘曾说过:“生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道里面到底是什么。”8May:Hi ,bobo,havent seen you for a long time,whats up?嗨,波波,好久不见,最近怎么样?Bobo:Hi,may,its bad recently.I am ill,but I still have to work. 嗨,梅,最近糟透了,我

12、生病了,但是我仍然要继续工作。MAY:Oh,my god!Youd better have a rest. 哦,我的天,你应该好好休息!I agree with you .I will ask for leave when I finish this job. 我同意,完成这份工作我就请假。9I:Hi, Ma Chuang, long time no see, how is everything?嗨!马闯,好久不见最近怎么样?Ma:Well, pretty good, how about you?哈哈,挺好的,你呢?Same here! This summer would be very ho

13、t, where do you plan to have a vacation?恩,我也一样!今年暑假很热,准备到哪去度假?I do not have any plan. But Hainan sounds great, and you?我还没打算呢! 听朋友说海南不错哦! 你去哪儿?I have already decided!我早就想好过了!Really?真的?I am planning to go to Guilin. 我准备去桂林。Is it interesting there?是嘛? 那里好玩吗?Without a doubt! Have you ever heardGuilins scenery is the best in the world? Summer there is very cool! With mountains and rivers around, seems I am just in heaven! What I love most is the snacks there, whe

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