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1、8. She asked us all what we thought of her new hairstyle ,but she was only looking for ( compliments赞美;恭维).9. The amount of water in the pond will ( diminish减少;减弱) as the dry season continues.10. Marys comforting words provided the ( reassurance恢复自信) I needed .11. They are worried that their decisio

2、n might prove to be ( detrimental影响) to the future of the company.12. When a person has an infectious disease ,he is usually ( isolated孤独;隔绝的) from other people.13. This type of unsympathetic无同情心的 approach can destroy a childs confidence and ( self-esteem自尊;自负) .14. Throughout his speech ,he(accente

3、d口音;强调) the seriousness of the situation.Unit(3)1. We are ( constantly不间断的) reminded of his success.2. The change in leadership will have a huge ( impact影响;作用) on government policy.3. The financial ( burden重负) will be more evenly shared.4. ( Candidly坦率地;自然的) ,David, I think youre being unreasonable.

4、5. Seeing my work completed successfully gives me a strong sense of ( fulfillment完成;履行;实现).6. The company had 143 ( salaried领薪水的) staff, most of whom it could no longer afford to keep.7. She expressed ( resentment埋怨;不满) at being interviewed by a social worker.8. Hes been running the company with the

5、 ( assistance帮助) of his son.9. She needs to ( perfect完美的) her Arabic before going to work in Cairo.10. Harry could scarcely ( suppress禁止,隐瞒) a smile. Unit(4)1. I have got the Key ( in case也许;免得) we want to go inside.2. ( Every so often有时;偶尔),she spends a weekend in London.3. His punishing累人的 work sc

6、hedule had made him ( resort to诉诸于;采取) drugs.4. Lets(talk over说服;讨论;商量) the problem with our teacher.5. Maybe we can forget what has happened and (start over重新开始) .6. They were claiming record profits when, ( in reality事实上) ,the company was close to bankruptcy.7. If we lose the contract, hundreds of

7、 jobs are (at stake危险).8. He(seized on 抓住)the suggestions as a way of getting out of his financial difficulties.9. The bank has offered a reward for any information ( leading to领到) the arrest of the man.10. After two years spent teaching abroad ,she returned home for a month to ( take stock of估计;观察

8、)her life.Unit 51. The soldiers( renewed更新的;重建的) the attack after stopping for a little while.2. The rules of safe driving ( apply运用;申请) to everyone.3. Its no use being sorry if you ( persist坚持) in doing it. 4. The cold winter was ( succeeded) by a stormy spring.5. I cant just ( drop使落下;放弃) everythi

9、ng to receive casual visitors.6. The details of the policy have not been( revealed显示;透露) yet. 7. The sight of the Great Wall filled the visitors with ( wonder对感到疑惑).8. It was on Sunday that Davis felt his loneliness most( keenly敏感的;强烈的).9. He hunted ( vainly徒劳的;自负的 )through his pockets for a piece o

10、f paper.10. Father( impressed )on me the value of hard work.Unit 61. There are concerns that these poor people may not ( survive幸存) the winter.2. There have been several minor( conflicts战斗;冲突) between the two countries over the past decade.3. The university is trying to make more accommodations ( av

11、ailable可用的) for students.4. Do remind me because Im ( likely ) to forget.5. A number of bombs have exploded, seriously (injuring) at least five people.6. Our countryside is increasingly being (absorbed) into the larger cities.7. Her farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from f

12、oreign(competition).8. Her first ( instinct本能;直觉) was to shout and get angry with him.9. He( hesitated)before he spoke ,as if he wasnt sure how his words would be received.10. I bought some new shoes that are very ( similar类似的;相似的) to a pair I had before.Unit 71. Winning the competition put a ( end)

13、 to his financial财政 problems.2. She has ( booked登记的)a table for four at their favorite restaurant.3. Jack left the job after ten years because he was beginning to feel ( trapped捕获的;收集的)。4. It is not enough just to have ( book) learning.5. Our conversation (ended) with him saying he would try to be m

14、ore understanding.6. Does the idea of working abroad ( appeal ) to you?7. Hopefully ,the thief will fall right into our ( trap诱惑;使限制) .8. The new name was meant to give the party greater public ( appeal ).9. Please being some (samples样本;尝试;体验) of your work to the interview.10. The chemical (structure结构;组织)of this particular molecule分子 is very unusual.11. His contribution was of little or no practical

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