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1、2. if you have to go through a smoke-filled area, youd better _with your head low . A. crawl B. retreat C . proceed D . Drag3. Mother_my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her . A. remarked B. motioned C . shrugged D . Impressed4. If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling , the n

2、ormal reaction would be to stop doing it .5. Among these articles, which do you think are most likely to interest our students?6. Long after even the latest apple tree had finally broken into leaf, the mulberrys branches remained stubbornly bare .7. These schools come under the supervision of locall

3、y appointed committees. 8. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in conflict with it . 9. These rows of small trees growing close together create living walls for shelter and privacy in the garden.10. Dont hesitate to let me know if theres anything I can do for . 11. During the nine

4、months before her baby is born ,her face is one perpetual (永恒的) smile .12. Traditional Chinese food is far superior (较高的;优越的) to McDonalds and KFC or any fast foods I know .13. Under this law ,consumers have the right to reject faulty goods and demand a refund (退款)14. I was shocked by the conditions

5、 in the factory , which constituted definite health and safety hazards.15. His bedroom consists of a single bed with a small television at its foot . 16. Linda is 35 years old and ,after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single depresses her .17. Lucy ,who did not even go to grade sch

6、ool , had no prospect of a job at the time .18. The workers in the factory stopped working in protest against their foreman using bad language .19. This technique is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin .20. The rise in unemployment frustrated the governments plans for economic recovery.21.

7、 Henry seemed bewildered by this completely unexpected turn of events. 22. Andrew was determined to pursuer a computer career after graduation. 23. The solution to this problem is anticipation(未雨绸缪),that is preventing it from developing by thinking ahead and taking action early.24. Henrys actually c

8、apable of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he healthy. 25. As a teacher,he thinks his business is to stir up curiosity in his students rather than insist on obedience.26. As a matter of fact ,all those countries with whom we are failing to compete invest more in education than we do . 27. Th

9、ats just a(n) estimate -nobody really knows what the figure is because nobody bothers to calculate it .28. The body cannot store vitamin C so it is essential to have a fresh supply every day . 29. More and more people taking to their bikes as a(n) alternative to driving or using public transport. 30

10、. My uncle lived in a comfortable home converted from farm buildings some 15 miles to the northwest of the city .(Units 6-10)1. In view of global warming,coastal buildings should anticipate sea-level rise. 2. I feel confident you will extend a helping hand to those who are suffering from cold and hu

11、nger.3. My attitude to ageing is that its inevitable so theres very little we can do about it .4. We had better move forward ,for it will not do us any good to dwell on (详述;停留在;居住在.上)the past . 5. The book is written so that a reader will benefit in a future encounter with a work of art . 6. They to

12、ok emergency steps to protect themselves from the dreaded disease. 7. The spending cuts made it impossible to fill the posts left vacant by retired teachers . 8. Can you list a few problems likely to confront the human race in the next few decades?9. More than $10 million in research costs has been

13、lost on a(n) abandoned nuclear safety program .10. They will give presentations on those aspects of engineering that are having an impact on the development of military equipment . 11. They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs ,but as the aircraft were widely dispersed

14、,this took time in the dark .12. Disposable (可支配的) income is steady and consumption has barely fallen,though people have become more cautious about buying luxuries (奢侈品).13. The new project designed to create more jobs for the laid-off has been launched quietly and without fuss.14. His views have be

15、en clearly expressed in numerous speeches and newspaper articles .15. There is no real evidence to suggest high-protein diets improve our performance at school .16. The majority of reported incidents on the football field concerned bad language and unsportsmanlike conduct .17. Susan is never known to be tempted to follow fashions ,however attractive they m

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