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1、W: Thats the time I can certainly use, believe me. Im not even halfway through.Q: What does the woman mean?(a) She doesnt have time to tale to Dr. Foster.(b) She needs the additional time to finish her paper.(c) Dr. Foster hasnt finished grading the papers.(d) She wants the man to help her with her

2、paper.第四套:第13题 Did I hear that right? Our reports are due next Friday? Just the introduction. The rest will find out about it today in class. What does the man imply?(a) The reports should have been completed by today.(b) Only the first part of the report is due next Friday.(c) Some students didnt f

3、inish their reports on time.(d) Some students havent started their reports yet.第九套:第12题 I dont know what to do, I have two papers due next week, and theres no way Im going to get them both done. Have you ask your professors to extend the deadlines? They are usually pretty good about that sort of thi

4、ng, but if youre going to ask them, dont wait till the last minute. What does the man imply the woman should do?(a) Start her papers before she talks to her professors.(b) Try to finish one of the papers this week.(c) Talk to her professors soon to ask for more time.(d) Ask her professors to help he

5、r choose topics for her papers.第十套:第10题 You know that report was due in my office a couple of days ago. Where is it? Im sorry, its coming along, but as long as the computers down, I cant finish it.(a) He needs the womans help.(b) Hell complete the report when the computers fixed.(c) The report was m

6、uch longer than he thought it would be.(d) The report was finished a couple of day ago.第25题 Dr. Jones, I was wondering if you would consider giving me an extension on my paper. I just got back on campus yesterday from hospital. Well, under the circumstances I cant see how I can deny year request. Wh

7、at does Dr. Jones say he will do?(a) Give the woman more time in write her paper.(b) Visit the woman in the hospital.(c) Refuse to accept the womans paper.(d) Let the woman change the topic of her paper.第十一套: What am I going to do, I have a big paper due Monday. But I promised Laura wed clean the ap

8、artment this weekend. Why dont you just see if Laura will postpone it for a week? What does the woman suggest the man to do?(a) Help Laura with her paper next week.(b) Ask Laura to clean the apartment by herself.(c) Ask someone else to clean the apartment with Laura.(d) Ask Laura to wait until next

9、weekend to do the cleaning.第十二套: Ive been working on this report all day. And Ive still got 12 pages to write. At this rate, Ill never get it done by tomorrow. Oh, thats right. You werent in class today, so you probably havent heard that the deadline has been extended a week.(a) He has already finis

10、hed his report.(b) He hasnt chosen a topic for his report.(c) The womans report is already long enough.(d) The woman will have time to finish her report.第十四套:第3题 I dont know if I will be able to turn in my economics paper on time. Havent you heard that the professor gave us a weeks extension on it.(

11、a) She hasnt heard from the professor in a week.(b) The class has extra time to complete the assignment.(c) She only just found out about the economics paper.(d) She wont see the professor until next week.第十五套:第17题 Professor Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, tha

12、t electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it? Im sorry, Steven. Im leaving for a conference tomorrow and Ill be away two weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there. What will the professor probably allow the student to do?(a) Atten

13、d a conference with her.(b) Mail her the paper after the deadline.(c) Submit a handwritten draft of the paper.(d) Complete the course without submitting the paper.第十八套:第16题 What do you think of the assignment we just got in doctor Bennets class? A 25-page paper in 2 weeks! There goes my social life. What does the woman imply?(a) The assignment will be time-consuming.(b) She wont do the assignment.(c) She wants to write a longer paper.(d) Shes not interested in social issues.- 3 -

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