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1、Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Today we are very happy to invite new premier of the state council and the new vice-premiers to meet with the press. First some opening remarks from the premier and then he will take your questions.国务院总理 李克强:女士们、先生们,记者朋友们,首先感谢大家在中国两会报道中所付出的辛劳。Ladies and gentlemen,

2、 friends of the press. First I would like to thank you for your hard work in covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions.这里我向大家介绍一下一起来的几位副总理。张高丽副总理,刘延东副总理,汪洋副总理,马凯副总理。Let me present to you the vice-premiers who are with us this morning. Vice-premier Zhanggaoli, vice-premier Liuyandong, vice-premier Wangyang

3、 and vice-premier Makai.我们衷心感谢人民代表的信任,从担任新职的那一刻起,我就深感这是全国各族人民的重托,是重大责任。我们将忠诚于宪法,忠实于人民,以民之所望为施政所向。把努力实现人民对未来生活的期盼作为神圣使命,以对法律的敬畏、对人民的敬重、敢于担当、勇于作为的政府,去造福全体人民,建设强盛国家。这几句话是我的开场白,下边就欢迎记者朋友们提问。We sincerely thank the NPCs deputies for their trust. From the moment we took on this new role, I have deeply felt

4、 the heavy responsibilities the Chinese people of all nationalities have placed on our shoulders. We will be true to the constitution, loyal to the people and the peoples wish will point ( to) the direction of governments efforts , we will take as our secret mission the peoples aspirations for a bet

5、ter life. W e will revere laws, respect the people, take on our responsibilities and have the courage to get things done, so as to benefit the whole nation and build a strong and prosperous country. These are my opening remarks. Now the floor is open for questions.新加坡联合早报记者:这次的那个国务院机构改革和职能转变方案引起外界的高

6、度关注,那我们想请问李总理的是,这次的改革是不是您理想的方案?要如何才能达到简政放权和转变政府职能的目标?谢谢。Lianhezaobao from Singapore. The plan for reforming state council institutions has attracted a lot of attention. Mr premier, is it your ideal plan and how do you intend to achieve the goals of streamlining government and transforming its functi

7、ons? Thank you.李克强: 你谈到理想,凡事,我想要做成的话,总是要在理想和现实之间作出可能的选择。这次改革方案,核心是转变政府职能,当然也是简政放权。如果说机构改革是政府内部权力的优化配置,那么转变职能则是理清和理顺政府与市场、与社会之间的关系。说白了,就是市场能办的,多放给市场。社会可以做好的,就交给社会。政府管住、管好它应该管的事。You asked whether this is our ideal plan, I think, to succeed in doing anything, one has to strike a proper balance between

8、ideal and reality. The core of the reform plan is to transform government functions. Of course, its also a source about streamlining government and delegate powers to lower levels, the institutional reforms is about optimizing the distribution of power within the government and transforming governme

9、nt functions is about redefining and rationalizing the relationship between the government on one hand and the market and society on the other. To put simply, we need to leave to the market and society what we can do well, and on the part of the government, we need to manage well those matters that

10、for within our preview.机构改革不易,转变职能更难,因为它更深刻。我经常在地方调研的时候,常听到这样的抱怨,办个事、创个业要盖几十个公章,群众说恼火得很。这既影响了效率,也容易有腐败或者说叫寻租行为,损害了政府的形象。所以必须从改革行政审批制度入手来转变政府职能。现在国务院各部门行政审批事项还有1700多项,本届政府下决心要再削减三分之一以上。Institutional reform is not easy, transforming government functions will be even more difficult, because it would re

11、quire more in-depth changes. When I visited local communities, I often heard people complain to me that they would need the approve of several dozen of departments to get something done or start their business, and people are quite frustrated about this. Such as date for fairs is not good for govern

12、ment efficiency, it might create opportunities for corruption or rent-seeking behavior, and would harm the image of the government. Therefore, we will start with reform of the system, of government, examination and approve. Right now , there are over 1,700 items that still require the approve of the

13、 state council department. Within the term of this department, we are determined to cut that figure by at least one third. 不是说政府有错位的问题吗?那就把错装在政府身上的手换成市场的手。这是削权,是自我革命,会很痛,甚至有割腕的感觉,但这是发展的需要,是人民的愿望。我们要有壮士断腕的决心,言出必行,说到做到,决不明放暗不放,避重就轻,更不能搞变相游戏。谢谢As for the view expressed by some people that the governmen

14、t has some misplaced roles, then we restore to the market the hand has misground on the government. The reform is about curbing government power itself imposed revolution, it would require real sacrifice and this would be painful, but this demanded by the development and wanted by the people. Then w

15、e are determined to make that sacrifice. We will keep our promise and match our words with action. We will never secretly hold on powers or shield away from real difficult issues. We will never play any games to get around the requirement of the reform.人民日报记者: 总理您好,我是人民日报和人民网的记者。很多人都认为,新一届政府所面临的任务十分

16、艰巨。那么,我想请问总理,您的施政目标是什么?您打算首先去解决的主要问题又是什么?Good morning, premier. I m with peoples Daily and its website. Many people believe that your government will face a daunting agenda. Mr premier , what are the goals of your government? And what are the top priorities on your agenda? 这是个大问题啊。关于施政目标,可以说中共十八大已经做出了全面部署,这就是本届政府的施政目标。在我们离实现现代化越近的时候,遇到的风险和挑战就会越多。Y

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