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1、What is Intercultural communication?Basic conceptsmuumuujeansWhere are they from?KimonoSari(Saree)What is culture?Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs,customs,values,behaviors,institutions and communication patterns that are shared,learned and passed down through the generations in an identi

2、fiable group of people.Generally speaking,culture is the way of life.Culture is everything and everywhere.Thanks to culture,without it we cant survive in societyA metaphor of culture We compare culture to iceberg.It suggests that only small part of it is visible while most of it lies concealed.Habit

3、s,dress and manners are visible.Worldview,value systems,ways of thinking,national character and any other deep concepts are foundation of visible part.“Where are you going?”in China,we give a general answer to it.Chinese culture emphasizes on social relationship and the heavy interdependence between

4、 Chinese people.In western countries,it may be interpreted as an intrusion into ones privacy.The underlying individual-oriented relationship is the invisible part of the iceberg.1.If you are a tourist guide,what are you expected to say when you are showing the foreign visitors to another site?A.This

5、 way,please.B.Come here,please.C.Follow me,please.D.Move on.2.A visitor stops you in the corridor of your head-office probably to ask for the way.What is your most likely reply to the visitors“Excuse me”?A.Whats the matter?B.Yes?C.Thats all right.D.Dont worry.3.At a fair,a visitor,accidentally havin

6、g knocked down your poster,says,“Im terribly sorry.”What should you reply?A.It doesnt matter.B.Never mind.C.Dont worry.D.Thats all right.exercise:Could you understand the following passage?指尖洁白的Toilet paper,犹如天使不染尘世的羽翼。冰冷的、麻木的、牵动起令人烦闷的悸动。我欠自己一个抱歉,并开始为昨日那不经意的放肆而痛。翻译:昨个吃多了拉肚子,老拿着手纸去厕所,看来真不该吃。这是一个多么简单的

7、早晨呢?和之前相同,又和之前不同。我仍然在这个地方醒来,望望窗外,淡淡的雾气还在空气之间,有一点点冷的气息。我喜欢听kettle咕噜的声音,然后是一杯浓浓的MAXWELL,用这样甜蜜的感觉开始我的一天真好。black coffee适合一人独处而有心事的时候,虽然很好,但是不应该出现在当下。这样的时刻是短暂的,我们不都过着hurry的生活吗?还是Leica牛仔裤和纯棉shirt,拖上小羊皮船鞋,很快地走过走廊,礼貌地和每一个遇到的人打招呼。去dining hall买一块ricecake 填充我空虚的stomach。然后是到达,等待,开始,anyway,put my heart in it.当我一

8、个人返回的时候,很多人反方向和我擦身而过。我们都在碌碌.碌碌.而我现在,又要去HALL了.每一天都这样周而复始。每天起来都困的要死,上厕所的时候烧开水,等我拉完水已经开了。喝一大杯速溶麦斯威尔咖啡。赶紧穿一下衣服,还要去食堂吃一个米糕不然好饿,排队排了老久,不过还吃饱了。上了1,2节的课就闪人,别人还接着去上三四节,而我又要去食堂了。欧野What is Intercultural communication?“Intercultural communication is contact between persons who identify themselves as distinct fr

9、om one another in cultural terms.”(Collier&Thomas,1998)intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities.(Samovar&Porter)To further understand“intercultural communication”,please read the section of“Intercultural Communication Reading”on P.2 and

10、answer the questions:1 In the story,why could Pete not communicate well with Chinese students?2 What are the major barriers in intercultural communication?1 In the story,why does Pete could not communicate well with Chinese students?Language problemCulture problemThe way Pete handled the intercultur

11、al communication situation2 What are the major barriers in intercultural communication?Language difference.(If we understand others language or dialect,but not their communication rules,we can made fluent fools of ourselves.)Nonverbal communication:gestures,postures,facial expression etc.Stereotypes

12、:like culture,religion,idea,value,etc.Watch a video and get a deeper understanding.Classifications of Communicationverbal/nonverbalDirect/indirectInterpersonal/interorganizational/mass media-basedIntracultural/interculturalIntrapersonal/interpersonal/Case studyRead the passage of“an Intercultural Cl

13、assroom”.This is the beginning of this passage:It was a hot day.Since it was still too early to use the air-conditioner,according to the regulations of the university,every class kept its door open to make the classroom cooler.While I was lecturing on Chinese grammar in Class 4,waves of laughter cam

14、e from the neighboring Class 5.A German student named Stephen raised his hand and stood up.“The laughter from Class 5 is bothering us.I think we should go to their class to protest,”he said.After reading the passage,answer the following questions:1 How many different solutions did Class 4 propose?2 what is the mode of communication favored by Asians?What cultural values underlie it?3 what is the mode of communication favored by Westerners?1 what is the mode of communication favored by Asians?Asian people are very courteous and indirect in thei

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