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1、发现We can identify trends for the future, but accurate predictions are almost impossible.【2015浙江阅读】我们可以识别未来的趋势,但是准确的预测是不可能的。We can identify trends for the future, but accurate predictions are almost impossible. 【2015浙江阅读】我们可以发现未来的趋势,但是准确的预测几乎是不可能的。identify with与产生共鸣He identified with the story in the

2、 book.【2015天津阅读】他与书里的故事产生了共鸣。identify的名词形式:identification adentfken n. 身份证明;识别,认出;Dont forget to bring your drivers license or another form of identification when you donate.【2014福建阅读】当捐赠的时候,不要忘了带驾驶证或其他形式的身份证明。identity adentt n. 身份;特性James wonders about the identity of his birth mother.【2012江西】詹姆斯想知

3、道他生母的身份。Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society.【2009北京阅读】音乐表达我们的特点和价值观,它也体现出我们社会的特性。idiom dm n. 习语,成语 ignore n v. 忽视Seeing the positive side of things doesnt mean youre ignoring what happened.【2015全国一七选五】看到事情的积极一面并不意味着你忽视正在发生的事情。ignore的形容词形式:ignorant 无知的Being ign

4、orant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.【2008上海翻译】我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。ignore的名词形式:ignorance n. 无知同义词: overlook v. 忽视 overlook v. 忽视ill l adj. 有病的,不适的用法:speak/think ill of sb 说某人的坏话。反义词 speak/ think highly of 高度评价。Once youve put yourself in anot

5、hers shoes youre less likely to think ill of them.【2014上海阅读】一旦你能从对方的角度思考,你就不会有可能说他的坏话。ill的名词形式:illness lns n. 疾病拓展:ill与sick的区别ill 表示生病的;有病的这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如病人可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。又如:She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father

6、 .她在照顾她生病的父亲。 sick 有恶心的;厌倦的之意。如:The smell makes me sick.这气味使我感到恶心。 ill 作定语修饰名词时是坏的;邪恶的He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人。illegal lil adj. 非法的It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money in exchange for favors to them.【2010湖北单选】公共官员向人们索取礼物或金钱来给她们帮助是违法的。illegal的反义词:legal li:gl 合法的;法律的I

7、f a product already on the market is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action.【2009山东阅读】如果市场上的产品对健康有害,FDA有权要求生产商或经销商主动将该产品下架,活着它可以采取法律措施。To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public

8、, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation.【2009山东阅读】为了理解这些产品如何能够被合法地推销给公众,了解相关的规定是有必要的。imagine mdn v. 想象;猜想imagine doing something 想象做某事 Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature. 【2013北京阅读】想象一下如果没有被拍照或被

9、打断签名你就不能做任何事情。imagine sb doing sth 想象某人做某事It wasnt hard for me to imagine Dad sitting at the old table in our basement reading those letters and answering each one.【2012浙江阅读】相像爸爸坐在地下室的老桌子旁边读这些信并且一一回复对我来说并不困难。imagine的三个形容词形式:imaginative mdntv 有想象力的; imaginable mdnbl 可以想象的; imaginary mdnri 虚构的,幻想的;The

10、 underlined word rainbow in the last paragraph refers to something imaginative and fun.【2010浙江阅读】最后一段下划线单词指的是一些有想象力的并且有趣的东西。They are scarcely imaginable three decades ago.【2013江苏阅读】他们在30年前是无法想象的。In the past, many people were worried that the Internet isolated us and caused us to spend too much time

11、in the imaginary world of the computer.【2007江苏阅读】在以前,许多人担心互联网会孤立我们并且让我们花更多的时间在虚拟世界里。imagine的名词形式:imaginationimagination mdnen n. 想象力;想象; What makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.【2013北京单选】使这本书卓越的是作者的创造性的想象力。In imagination I have bought all the farms, one after a

12、nother.【2008四川阅读】我想象一个接一个的买了所有农场。短语:in ones imagination 在某人的想象中image md n. 形象;映像;图像;意象They helped to promote a companys image.【2015上海填词】他们有助于促进公司的形象。What is the popular image of teenagers today?【2007北京阅读】当今人们对青少年的映像是什么?The German artist Joachim Schmid has gathered photographs, postcards and newspape

13、r images since 1982.【2012北京阅读】德国艺术家Joachim Schmid自1982年来收集了了所有的照片、明信片和报纸图像As John Sauven points out, there is a strong appeal in images of the wild, the untouched.【2012北京阅读】正如John Sauven指出的那样,没有被开垦的荒野的意象非常有吸引力。imitation mten n.模仿In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is hel

14、pful.【2011天津阅读】在技能和性格发展的早期,模仿是有用的。imitation的动词形式:imitate immediate midt adj. 立刻的;目前的,紧迫的;直接的The Somali robbers frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to call on all nations to take immediate action.【2009福建单选】索马里海盗频繁的攻击海域迫使联合国号召所有国家立刻采取措施。Now that many species of parrot are in immediate danger of dying out, biologists are working together to study the natural history and the behaviour of

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