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1、我确实认为如果上个月你的左腿没有受伤的话,我们现在就能赢下这场足球比赛了。分析句子结构可知,I actually believe后是由that引导的宾语从句;且该宾语从句使用了混合虚拟语气,主句表示与现在情况相反,而if引导的虚拟条件句则表示与过去情况相反,故应用had done结构。2.Tom will take charge of the meeting this afternoon,and he is asking once held the meeting for suggestions.A.who B.that C.what D.whom答案A汤姆将负责今天下午的会议,他正在征求曾主

2、持过这种会议的人的建议。ask sb. for suggestions向某人寻求建议。根据句意及句子结构可知,空处在句中引导宾语从句,表示“谁”,且在从句中作主语,故需用who来引导该宾语从句。3.Peking Duck, as one of the best ways to eat the delicious duck,has earned a reputation both at home and abroad.A.regarded B.regardingC.being regarded be regarded北京烤鸭被认为是最好的品尝美味鸭肉的方式之一已经享誉国内外。根据句意及

3、分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词,且Peking Duck与regard之间是被动关系,故应用其过去分词在句中作后置定语。4.The house was greatly damaged by the truck.Wed better leave things they are until the police arrive.A.what B.whenC.if D.as答案D这辆卡车对这座房子造成了严重的损坏。在警察到来以前,我们最好保持原样。分析句子结构可知,空处应用as在句中引导方式状语从句用来表示主句谓语动作发生的方式,意为“按的方式”。5.Listen!Johnson,togethe

4、r with his classmates, the English Speech Contest to be held next week.A.will discuss B.has discussing D.are discussing答案C听!约翰逊和他的同学们正在讨论下周即将举行的英语演讲比赛。根据句中的“Listen”一词可知,空处所表示的动作现在正在进行,故应用现在进行时;又名词作主语,且其后有together with连接的名词时,谓语动词的单复数应同前面的名词(Johnson)保持一致,故空处的谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。6.The cottage

5、has large windows on every side one could enjoy the lakeside scenery.A.on what B.from whatC.on which D.from which这幢小别墅四面八方都有大窗户,人们可以透过窗户欣赏湖边的景色。分析句子结构可知,空处应用“介词关系代词(which/whom)”在句中引导定语从句,修饰先行词windows,故关系代词应用which;再结合句意可知,可将介词确定为from,故选D。7.At first the thief strongly denied that he jewelry from the s

6、tore,but when the solid evidence was shown in the presence of him,he admitted everything.A.has stolen B.had stolenC.would steal D.was stealing这个小偷一开始坚决否认他从那家商店偷了珠宝,但是当确凿的证据摆在他的面前时,他承认了一切。根据句意可知,空处所表示的动作发生在denied所表示的动作之前,表示“过去的过去”,故应用过去完成时。8.I have been considering cancelling the project because it s

7、eems hard to go farther.But its too early to now.Theres still much hope.A.pick up the pieces B.throw in the towelC.go through your paces D.jump down your throat我一直在考虑取消这个项目,因为它似乎很难更进一步了。但是现在放弃努力的话为时尚早,仍旧有很大的希望。根据句意可知,throw in the towel认输,承认失败,放弃努力,符合语境。pick up the pieces(使)恢复,补救,收拾残局;go through ones

8、 paces展示自己的能力;jump down ones throat突然训斥某人。9.Who do you think should take responsibility for the problems the primary school in the past few years?A.experienced B.had experiencedC.has experienced D.would experience你认为谁应该对这所小学在过去几年里遇到的问题负责呢?根据句中的时间状语“in the past few years”可知,此处应用现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响。

9、故选C。10.Most of the scenes in the film had been cut before it was shown at the cinema,so parents dont have to worry about the negative effect of the film.A.violent B.puzzlingC.impressive D.conventional这部电影的大部分暴力场景在电影院上映前已被删剪了,因此父母没有必要担心这部电影的消极影响。根据句意可知,violent暴力的,符合语境。puzzling令人迷惑的,令人费解的;impressive给人

10、印象深刻的;conventional传统的,依照惯例的。11.The railway company extended a branch line to the seaside to fish direct to different parts of the country.A.apply B.donateC.convey D.recommend铁路公司将一条支线延伸到了海边以把鱼直接运送到全国各地。根据句意可知,convey运输,运送,符合语境。apply应用,运用;donate捐赠,赠送;recommend推荐,建议。12.I never suspected for a minute th

11、at you should doubt my original intentions,and is this you reward me for my help? B.whyC.what D.whether我片刻都没怀疑过你竟然会质疑我的初衷,这就是你报答我的帮助的方式吗?分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导表语从句,且在从句中作方式状语,故应用how“如何,怎样”来引导该表语从句。13.His wife left him when the children were small,so he the family himself.A.brought in B.brought

12、ought back D.brought about当孩子们还小时他的妻子就离开了他,因此他独自养活了这个家庭。根据句意可知,bring up抚养,养育,符合语境。bring in推行,引入;bring back使想起,恢复;bring about导致,引起。14.Oh,Hannah just told me that she was unable to translate the report into English.?She once spent 10 years living in London.A.Guess what B.Why notC.So what D.How come哦,汉

13、娜刚刚告诉我她无法将这份报告翻译成英语。怎么会呢?她曾经在伦敦住了10年。根据语境,尤其是答语中的“She once spent 10 years living in London.”可知,how come怎么会呢,符合语境。guess what你猜怎么着;why not为什么不呢;so what那又怎样。15.Actually we do a lot of things that always each other all the time:for example,we get bored of being children,are in a rush to grow up,and then

14、 long to be children again.A.repeat B.balanceC.contradict D.interrupt事实上我们总是一直做许多相互矛盾的事情:例如,我们厌倦了做小孩子,急着长大,然后又渴望做回小孩子。根据句意可知,contradict相矛盾,符合语境。repeat重复;balance抵消,保持平衡;interrupt使暂停,使中断。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(2018红桥区一模)I havent received chocolate,cars,flowers or anything since my husband was killed in a car accident.He always brought me flowers for Valentines Day and its 16 for me to see all of the advertising for

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