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学年初中英语外研版八年级下册Module4 Seeing the doctor单元练习Word格式.docx

1、s Monday. B. Its June 1st. C. Its sunny.10. A. Yes, please do. B. Of course not. C. Please don C. 对话理解(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)听对话看问题,选择正确的答案,每组对话读两遍。11. What color are Lucys pants? A. Blue. B. White. C. Green.12. What does Jacks father like? A. Fishing. B. Running. C. Reading.13. What TV program does th

2、e man like best? A. TV plays. B. Sports shows. C. Animal world.14. How long has the man learnt English? A. For 5 years. B. For 3 years. C. For 6 years.15. What does the man want? A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water. D. 短文理解(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)听短文看问题,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。16. How old was Jack? A. Nine. B. Twelve. C.

3、 Ten.17. Did Jack study hard? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know.18. What were Jacks parents? A. Doctors. B. Teachers. C. Farmers.19. What did Jack want to be? A. Policeman. B. Cleaner. C. Pilot.20. When did the cleaner come to Jacks home every week? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On

4、Thursday.二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)21. - Internet business traditional business in the past few years? - Not really. A. Does; beat B. Will; beat C. Has; beaten D. Is; beating22. Are you going to take part the first test? A. on B. to C. in D. for23. - How long have you ? - Since 1990. A. bought the MP3 B. jo

5、ined the army C. become a midfield player D. lived in the town24. This kind of beef from India tastes . We dont like it at all. A. delicious B. good C. well D. awful25. If you want to be in good , you should eat food. A. healthy; healthy B. health; health C. healthy; health D. health; healthy26. I m

6、y uncle for a long time, so I plan to visit him this summer holiday. A. have seen B. havent seen C. see D. dont see27. - I think our chemistry teacher is working hard. He teaches us . - Yes, but he hasnt come today. He doesnt feel A. good; well B. good; good C. well; good D. well; well28. Miss Lin a

7、 lot of work for the poor area since 2010. A. does B. did C. has done D. will do29. - Whats the matter with you? - I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed. A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the30. Jenny was at the party. How did she have the energy to talk to almost every guest? A. proud B. spare C

8、. silent D. active三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共12小题;共12分)31. Im afraid I have got a f my temperature is very high.32. - Whats the matter, David?- I have a cold and Im c badly.33. Im not sure. P he knows the answer.34. He was awarded because he took an a part in class activities.35. I joined Communist Youth Leag

9、ue(共青团) last year. So I am a League m 36. I think you need to eat less and e more. Its good for you.37. Because of i ; his father didnt go to work yesterday.38. - I have a t - You should go to see a dentist.39. The girl is still very w after her illness.40. I think doing sports is good for our h 41.

10、 We must learn to look after ourselves in our d life.42. That beer made me quite s . I wanted to go to bed.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;43. Taking exercise every day helps him to keep good (健康).44. My father usually reads the (每日的) newspapers in the morning.45. My son had got a bad (咳嗽). He didnt go to

11、school today.46. I heard you had got a (头痛) yesterday.47. He joined the party two years ago and he has been a party (成员) for two years.48. No one can work the whole day in such a bad (环境).49. Mary didnt take part in the sports meet because of her (生病).50. No one answered the phone. (可能), he is not a

12、t home now.51. - I need some (练习) books. Shall I go shopping with you, Mum?- Sure.52. Thats my grandmother. She is 84. You wouldnt believe how (活跃的) she is!五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;53. 你出过国吗? (词数不限)Have you 54. My dream(梦想) is to (周游世界).55. 贝利,你祖父母的身体状况好吗?Billy, are your grandparents 56. 她应该量体温。She sh

13、ould 57. 我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年了。My sister for three years.58. 你曾经把你的钥匙锁在房间里过吗? you ever your in the room?59. Im going to (参加) the important meeting tomorrow.60. 玩电脑游戏太多对学习有害。Playing computer games too much study.61. Daniel三年前买了这台电脑。Daniel the computer three years ago.62. We should not a cold. (害怕感冒)六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) One day, Peter went to see his doctor. I am always tired when I 63 in the morning, he said. Do you sleep well? the doctor asked. Well, not 64 . I dream so much. I have been like this for a long time. Peter answered.Well, sometim

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