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中考英语语法测试 时态语态文档格式.docx

1、Dhas been to;4“Excuse me. Look at the sign: NO SMOKING!”“Sorry, I _ it.”Adont seeBdidnChavent seenDwon5I havent finished my homework _ .AyetBtooCalreadyDthen6Tom has worked here _ two years ago.AforBatCinDsince7The child _ crying when he saw his mother.AstopBstopsCstoppedDstopping8I _ you for a long

2、 time. Where _ you _ ?Adidnt see; did; go have gonet seen; have; beenDhaven gone9When I _ by the station, I saw the accident _Apast; happeningBpassed; happenedCpast; to happenDpassed; happen10Wheres Bob? -He _ Paris with his sister. -Hell be back in two weeks.Ahas been toBhas gone toCcomes fromDwent

3、 to答案1C句中有already和for two years,故用现在完成时。2Ausually常与一般现在时连用。3D前一个分句中有twice,提示用表示“去过”哪里的短语,故用has been to.后一分句表示她还想去那里,故用wants.4B说“没看见”应是在谈话之前发生的,故应用过去时。5Ayet作副词,意为“仍然、还”,可用于现在完成时的疑问句和否定句,不用于肯定句。6D“(一段时间) ago”虽不能和现在完成时连用,前面加上since就可以了。since后接“时间点”,“ago”恰好是一个表过去的时间点。注意since后只能接“时间点”,for后接一段时间。7C从句用来的是一般

4、过去时,故主句也用一般过去时。8Cfor a long time一般与现在完成时连用;问对方“上哪去了?那他(她)一定是已从那里回来,故应用 have been”9Dpass是“路过”,past也是路过,但past是介词或副词,不能作谓语词。happen是不带to的不定式作宾补。10B问“第三人称”上哪去了,那么他(他们)一定不在此处,故应用have(has)gone.时态、语态(2)11Peters mother died three years ago. She _ for three yearsAdiedBwas deadChas been deadDhas dies12I have f

5、inished my homework. -When _ you it?-An hour ago.Ahave; finishedBdo; finishCdid;Dwill;13Hes lived here _ 1980.AafterBinCfrom14He has _ been to Shanghai, has he?AalreadyBneverCeverDstill15Listen, Mary _ in her room.AsingBis singingCsings16My sister _ middle school half a year ago.Awill finishBfinishe

6、sCfinished17There _ a parents meeting tomorrow afternoon.AareBwill haveCis going to be18I _ him since I began to live in the city.AknowBhave knownCknew19Miss Gao _ English on the radio every morning.Ahad studiedBstudiesCstudy20What are you going to give our art teacher for Teachers Day? -Im not sure

7、. Maybe I _ him some flowers.Ahave givenBwill giveCgaveDgive11Cdie 是瞬间动词,不能表示延续。若表示相应的“延续”意义,需用be dead的现在完成时形式。12Cwhen不能与现在完成时连用,因为它表示的是一个时间点,一般多与现在时、过去时或将来时连用。13D谓语用现在完成时,故应用since.14B附加问句部分是肯定形式,故空白处应填never.15Blooklisten等动词在句首单独使用,都是现在进行时的标志。16Cago 用于一般过去时。17Cthere be 的一般将来时是 there will be或 there i

8、sare going to be.18B句中有since从句,故主句谓语用现在完成时。19Bevery morning一般与现在时连用。20B“be going to +动词原形”和“will +动词原形”都是一般将来时的表达方式,区别是前者表示“计划、打算”。后者表示带“意愿”色彩的将来。时态、语态(3)21Look! The children _ kites over there.AflewBflyCare flying22She says that she _ to Beijing next week.Ahas goneBwill goCgoes23Tom _ out. -Oh, has

9、 he? What time _ he _ out?Ais;Bwent; is; goingChas gone;Dis going; does;24“Wheres Li Lei? ” -“He _ his sports shoes in the room. He _ football with his friends. ”Ais putting on; is playingBputs on; will playCis putting on;Dput on; played25Lucy and Lily can speak good Chinese, because they _ China fo

10、r six years.Ahave been inBhave been toChave come toDhave gone to26The two old men _ each other since 1970.Bdon27This kind of machine _ cutting paper.Auses forBis using forCis used toDis used for28Three quarters of the worlds books and newspapers _ in English.Aare writingBis writtenCis writingDare wr

11、itten29This kind of flower _ every day.Amust waterBmust be wateredCwaterDwill water30That house _ in 1990. We have lived there for nearly ten years.AbuiltBbuildsCis builtDwas built21Clook在句首,是现在进行时的提示语。22B主句用现在时,从句用一般将来时,而不能用过去将来时。23C甲方说“汤姆出去了”,要用现在完成时 has gone to,乙方问“他什么时候走的?”指的是一过去时间,故用一般过去时。24CA问“李雷在哪里”指的是此时此刻,B回答他此刻在做什么当然要用现在进行时,他完成了现在的动作,下一步要做的事,就应用将来时。25Ahave been in表示在某处“居住”或“逗留”了一段时间。26C句中有 since短语。see(meet) each o

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