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小学英语3A Unit6教案新译林版Word文件下载.docx

1、 2 学生能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语hat lur is ? Its 3 学生能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 4 学生能初步运用本所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论颜色。1 学生能听懂、会读、会说red, range, ell, green。2 学生能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语hat lur is ?1学生能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。2学生能初步运用本所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论颜色。教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 个性化修改 Free tal Presentatin nslidatin 1 T: Hell! Gd rning S: T:

2、Hi,are u ?S1: Hi,are u?S2:2 A gae: agi ees 快速大声说出物品名,当看到炸弹时大声说:“bb嘭”。最后一个图片出示我的红色外套。This is atIs it nie? hat lur is it? (复习单词red) 2 A hant at, at, l at at;hat lur is it?Red, red, its red 3T出示魔术领结。N pa attentin t the b tie Its redN I ill pla a agi 表演颜色魔术。变成其他颜色并教导颜色单词。Red, ell,green, range 4 Pla a ga

3、e老师出示衣服的图片,学生如果听到的单词和衣服的颜色一致就一起大声说es。如果颜色不一致就大声说嘭。教师出示四张图片,分别是自己的红色外套,和杨玲的帽子,t恤衫和短裙。 T:Its at 教师出示红色的外套。出示杨玲的sirt, ap和T-shirt图片 hse are these?今天她将在学校的舞台上为同学们展示她的衣服。Lets ath the artn and irle the lthes 6 PPT呈现hat lthes des she use?教师点选,如果正确就说eah eah eah,不正确就说n n n 7 PPT呈现任务H an lurs are there?再次看动画,观

4、察共出现几种颜色,注意观察裙子颜色的变化 教授句型hat lur is it? Its和单词range, red,和ell Reading tie 跟音读。跟师读。小组读。两人一组。分角色读表,演对话。 angLing has paed a agiu an als pal a agi取出自带的水瓶,同桌之间变魔术,表演对话。Step 4 Her Ss:Gd rning/ afternn, iss Xu es, I a N, I nt 抢答 Its nie Its red 齐说歌谣 跟读单词 快速回答 There angLings 看卡通片圈出衣服 回答eah/n 将颜色按变化的顺序重新排列 跟

5、读 分角色表演对话 同桌之间变魔术,表演对话。A:Hell/Hi/Gd rning/afternn, B:L at bttle Its Its nie/great/H nie!Great!板书设计 Unit6 lurs hat lur is ? Its red/ell/green/range red and ell 作业设计 1Listen t Str tie 3ties;2At the dialgue;3Tal abut ur fail ebers lthes ith ur friend 教学后记 第二时 1 能正确地听说读单词red、ell、green、range, bla, blue,

6、brn, hite 2 能正确地运用句型hat lur is/are?询问颜色并能做出回答: Its/There 3 能比较熟练地唱歌曲:lur sng 4 能听懂会说:hats this?2 能正确地运用句型hat lur is ?询问颜色并能做出回答 lur sng并能根据各自的衣服颜色做出唱达 1、bla, blue, brn的认读 2、能根据物品的单复数运用句型hat lur is /are?询问颜色,并做出相应回答Its /There 、道具、服装、图片、彩色笔 ar up Revie Presentatin and pratie Sng tie Fun tie 1 Greeting

7、s 2 Free tal Gd rning/Hell Gd rning/Hell iss Li H are u? I fine, than u L, this is friend/father hat lur is his/her L at hat lur is it?1T: ang Ling lies fashin sh hat des she sh? H des she sa? Lets l and sa 2T: hat lur are her sirts? Sh e the lur: red green, ell, range There is a bx n the des hat lu

8、r is the bx? hats in the bx? Xx pen it and have a l - blue,brn,bla,hite Read and spell 1 Pratie 1) As and anser hat lur is this?2) Read and ath 3) Gae:hat lur is issing? hat lurs are issing? N, lets listen t a sng hat sng is it? Lets listen hat lur an u hear?D u reeber the sng?hs earing ell tda?3 Le

9、arn t sing a sng 4 Sing a sng Sing tgether, in grups, At last: h is earing ell tda, ell tda? h is earing ell tda, 1Pla and sa lurful lthes, lurful life There are se lthes hat are these? And hat lur are the? Lets pla and sa del: T (操纵): hat lur is this T-shirt? D u ant t pla? Lets thin and sa the sen

10、tenes at first Pla and sa( 8 students) 1 L and sa Rulers: 2人一组, 准备2套卡片,一套是服饰,一套是颜色。一人持颜色卡片, 一人持服装卡片。1)小组活动。2)集体展示:1D u n?1hat lur is the banana? Its _r _ 2hat lur is the panda? Its _and _ 3hat lur is the sea(大海)? Its _ 4hat lur is the range? Its _ hat lur is the sun? Its _ Red and ell ae _ ell and b

11、lue ae _ Red and blue ae _ Gd rning/ afternn, iss Xu Its ell/ She shs her sirts There range, green, red sand ell 选出对应颜色的水彩笔 Se rans Its 跟读并拼读单词 Its 连线 对话 Its lur sng 跟读句子 学唱歌曲 齐唱 I earing ell tda, ell tda I earing ell tda, The are and hat lur is this ? hats this? Its a hat lur is it?(问2物品后交换所持卡片) 小组活动 Its a es Its a hat lur is it?完成练习 range Green purle Its blue red bla range (hat lur are the? The are) brn green hite ell 1 熟读8个颜色类单词,并写出其大小写形式。2

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