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现代大学英语听力2Unit 6精品文档Word下载.docx

1、t have enough change, so she had to join the queue at the ticket window. She bought her ticket and ran to the escalator. Laura went to the platform and waited for the tube. It arrived and the crowd moved forward. Laura was pushed into the train. It was almost full but she was given a seat by a man w

2、ith a moustache. Laura thanked him and sat down. She started to read her newspaper. In the tunnel the train stopped suddenly and Laura was thrown to the floor together with the man with the moustache. Somebody screamed. The lights went out. It was quarter past 6 on a cold, wet December evening. KeyA

3、1. db-a-e-cB aTask 2X was a secret agent. He had rented a furnished room in a provincial town not far from the public park and had been there two weeks. He was standing at the window looking out at the dull beds of geraniums, the park gates and the cold, uninviting statue of Queen Victoria that stoo

4、d across the street from him. It was raining hard and the few people who passed by looked wet and miserable. X was miserable, too. How, he wondered, could anybody think there was anything interesting about the life of a secret agent? He knew it was because people had seen so many television plays ab

5、out glamorous spies that they thought the life of a secret agent was exciting. They were convinced that every cigarette lighter concealed a secret tape recorder; that a fountain pen held in a certain way would open a locked door, that the touch of a gold ring against the hand of an enemy would make

6、him reveal all his secrets. How wrong they were! He looked round his room. The wallpaper was in the worst possible taste, the pictures horrible, the carpet worn, dirty and faded; and he was cold. This was the third Monday he had come to the window to look out. He prayed it would be the last. As if i

7、n answer to his prayer, a certain meeting he had been sent to investigate was about to take place. He took out his camera. Just beneath the statue two women had stopped to speak. He knew one of them, and it was she who pointed in his direction. The other woman looked up towards him and in that brief

8、 moment he photographed her. a 2. b 3. d 4. c T 2. T 3. FCwondered; television plays; exciting; every cigarette lighter; tape recorder; held in a certain way; the touch of a gold ring against the hand of; reveal; How wrong they were!Task 3Harry: Well, Robert, have you made up your mind yet what you

9、want to do when you leave college? Nora: Oh Harry. Surely hes a bit young to decide on his career. He hasnt even got to college yet. Not at all, Nora. Its wisest to decide in good time. Look at me, for example. I really wanted to be a sailor, but now I spend my days sitting at a desk in an office. Y

10、es, its silly to train for the wrong job. And after all, Robert will be going to college soon. Now if I were a man Id be a farmer. To see the crops growingthats my idea of a good life. Yes, and to see the money rolling in is more important still. Robert: Well, thats not the way I look at it, Dad. It

11、s the job I care about, not the money. Maybe not; but youll learn to care about the money too, when youve got a family to keep. And of course Peterwell, hes keen to be a racing driver, or else an explorer Oh, Peters not old enough to make up his mind about such things. You havent answered my questio

12、n yet, Robert. What would you like to do? Are you sure you dont want to be a farmer, Robert? Or a market gardener? No, Im sorry Mum, but I dont want to at all. Id rather be a civil engineer. I want to build roads and bridges. Not ships? Isnt it better to be a shipbuilding engineer? Look here, is it

13、my career were planning, or yours? All right, all right, theres no need to lose your temper But youd better win that scholarship first. Harry-Sailor Nora-Farmer(if she were a man)Robert-Civil engineer Peter-Racing driver or explorer 3. c . b 5. dTask 4Here are some of the things a young man or woman

14、 should not do when he first asks an editor for a job:He should not tell the editor that he wants to be a foreign correspondent or a columnist. Very probably the editor does not need either. He wants a reporter who will go to such places as government offices and police stations and write a true story of what is happening there Being a foreign correspondent or a columni

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