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04 于老师 动词和动词短语专题Word下载.docx

1、agree with ones opinion 同意某人的观点Food agrees with sb 食物适合某人Weather agrees with sb. 天气适合某人 agree with 和 一致3.break 1)break ones promise/word 违背诺言break the law/rule 违背法律/规则2)break away from his old friends 脱离,断绝来往break away from habits 改掉习惯3) The car broke down. 出故障,坏掉The plan broke down. (谈判,计划等)失败His h

2、ealth broke down. 被搞垮/垮掉break down our food 分解4)break into a bank 闯入,破门进入5)break in 强行进入,插嘴,打岔6)The party broke up. 散会break up the candy 分开broke up the crowd. 驱散The two friends broke up. 分开,分裂The meeting broke up. (集会)结束,学期结束7)break through 突破8)break out 爆发,突然发生9)break off the conversation 突然停止,中断(谈

3、判)break off the relations 断绝关系,解除婚约break the ice 打破冷场局面break the silence 打破沉默broken English 蹩脚的英语4.bring 1)bring about 引起,造成bring about a peaceful solution 实现2)bring down prices 降低价格bring down 使倒下,击落,3)bring in 赚得,有收入bring in experts 请来,扯进来,让参加bring in good crops 收获庄稼4)bring on disease 引起疾病bring on

4、the crops 使成长更快,使提高5)bring out the meaning of the phrase 讲解清楚bring out a persons best qualities 显示出来,表现出来bring out a book 出版,生产,提出6)bring up children 抚养,教养bring up everything 呕出bring up fresh evidence 提出7)bring back 归还,带回来bring back our happy childhood 使回想起8)bring forward the question 提出bring forwar

5、d the date 提前,提早,拨快 1)call for quick action 要求call for patience 需要有,要求有call for you 来找某人call for the packages 来取某物2)call on/upon sb 拜访某人call at sp 拜访某地call on/upon sb to do sth 号召,呼吁,要求某人做3)call in a doctor 找来,请来call in all the books 收回call in the army 召集call in on sb/ call in at sp 顺便拜访某人/ 某地

6、4)call off the game 取消,停止举行call the dog off 叫走5)call out a doctor 叫(请)出来call out his name 叫出(名字)6)call up/ give sb a call/ make a call 打电话call up good memories 使想起(往事)7)call attention to 引起的注意6.carry 1)carry on 进行carry on a conversation 继续进行,进行下去2)carry out our experiment 进行,实行,执行3)carry out his pro

7、mise 履行4)carry off the prize / cattle/ the child 夺走,拐走,抢走,叼走5)She was carried off by a heart attack 使 死掉6)carry through the work 进行到底,完成,实现His courage carried him through. 使度过过(困难,危险)e 1)come across 无意中碰到,找到,想到2)come about 发生,造成3)come along 快点,快说,跟着去Hows your work coming along? 进行,进展,生长4)come around

8、 / round 来看望或找某人,到来5)come at sth 拿到,得到come at sb 向攻击,向 扑上来6)come down 下降,跌价The snow came down thick and fast 下(雨、雪),垮come down from 从. 传下来I am coming down with a cold. 患上(某种传染性疾病)7)come off 脱落,洗掉When does the concert come off? 举行,进行His plans hasnt come off. 成功8)come on = come along 进行,进展The rain has

9、 just come on. 开始Night is coming on. (夜幕)降临,到来come on 赶快,来吧(不要犹豫)come on/ upon = come across 碰上,找到9)come out 出版,出来,开花,发芽How did the story come out? 结果(如何), 结局The truth has come out at last. 宣布,透露,传出(消息)He came out first in the exam. 考试结果,考第名10)come to 加起来共计, 恢复知觉When it comes to mathematics. 谈到, 涉及到

10、come to a door/ the football match 来到某地,来参加某活动11)come up (to) 走过来,走近,到来The question came up. 被提出,提及come up to 达到标准/愿望, 赶得上12)come up with 提出13)come to oneself 苏醒过来14)come to an end 结束15)come into effect / force 生效16)come into being /existence 开始存在,建立,产生17)come into power 开始执政18)come into fashion 开始时

11、兴19)come into blossom/ flower 开花20)come to a conclusion 得出结论21)come to the point 谈正题,谈主要问题 1)care for the sick child 照顾,照料 care for Paris 喜欢,对有兴趣 Would you care for a cup of coffee? 你喜欢/要吗?2)care about 关心,在乎,介意,担心3)medical care 医疗护理9.catch 1)catch fire 着火2)catch ones breath 歇口气,缓口气3)catch ones

12、 eyes/attention 引起注意4)catch sb doing 突然发现,碰见5)be caught in= be stuck in 被困扰6)get caught in= be hooked in 被钩住7)catch sight of 看见8)catch a glimpse of 瞥见8)catch on 变得流行,明白9)catch up with 赶上10.clear 1)make it clear that 清楚,明白,明确2)clear away theses dishes 收走,消失,消散 clear away these doubts 消除,清除3)clear up

13、晴朗起来, 开朗起来 clear up the things 整理,收拾4)clear out 离去,走开,溜走 clear out a drain 使空,清除内含之物pare 1)compareto 把比作2)compare with 把和比较3)compared to/with 和相比12.cover 1)be covered with 覆盖着2)cover 10 miles 走完(一段路程)3)cover 220 pages 看完(多少页)4)cover an area of 有(多大面积)5)cover the subject 谈到,涉及6)cover the event 报道,采访13.cut 1)cut off 切断,切下来2)cut out 剪下,剪成,删去,戒掉3)cut in 插嘴4)cut up 切碎5)cut down a large forest 砍掉,砍到 cut down his weight 削减,减少6)cut through 凿穿,剪断,锯断7)a short cut 捷径 1)deal with a man 和打交道,与相处 deal with the matter 处理 deal with the questions on politics 谈论,论述 What shop do you deal with? 和做买卖 d

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