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1、2013新版人教新目标八年级英语下单词表及练习词汇运用Unit 1matter/mt/ n. 问题; 事情What s the matter? 怎么了? 出什么事了?sore/s:/ adj. 疼痛的; 酸痛的have a cold 感冒stomachache(合成词) n. 胃痛; 腹痛have a stomachache 胃痛stomach/stmk/ n. 胃; 腹部throat/rt/ n. 咽喉; 喉咙fever/fi:v/ n. 发烧cough n.& v. 咳嗽toothache(合成词)/tu:ek/ n. 牙痛headache(合成词)/hedek/ n. 头痛have a

2、fever 发烧nosebleed(合成词)/nozbli:d/ n. 鼻出血-Whats the m _ you? 你怎么了?-I have _ _. 我感冒了。-I have _ _. 我胃痛。-I have _ _. 我头痛。-I have _ _. 我牙痛-I have _ _. 我发烧了。-I have _ _. 我有点咳嗽。-I have _ _. 我鼻出血了。-I have _ _ _. 我喉咙痛。foot/ft/ n. 脚; 足Most animals have four _(脚).neck/nek/ n. 颈; 脖子Look,there is a ring around th

3、e dogs n_.lie/la/ v. (lay) 躺; 平躺lie down 躺下rest v.&n. 放松; 休息We are tired.So we are going to l_ down and have a r_(n.).He walked to the bed and _(躺) down.My mother asked us to stop walking to r_(v.) for a while.X-ray n. X射线; X光get an X-ray 照X光The lady got _ X-ray and she showed _ X-ray to the doctor.

4、A.a;the;the C.a;a;antake one s temperature 量体温I _(量体温) and found that I had a high fever.break/brek/ n. 间歇; 休息take breaks (take a break) 休息hurt/h:t/ v. (hurt) (使)疼痛; 受伤My neck _(痛) and I cant carry anything.He _(受伤)himself in P.E. class.passenger/psnd/ n. 乘客; 旅客How many _(乘客) are there in

5、the bus?to one s surprise 使.惊讶的; 出乎.意料_ my surprise,Lily didt go to Toms birthday party.A. At B. In C. To D. Withonto/nt/ prep. 向; 朝Some passengers helped Mr.Wang to move the man _ the bus.trouble/trbl/ n. 问题; 苦恼I have great _ in learning math and I am so worried.A.trouble B.interest C.funhit/ht/ v.

6、 (hit) (用手或器具)击; 打She _(打) him on the head with a book and he cried.right away 立即; 马上(=right now=at once=immediately)herself/h:self/ pron.(she的反身代词) 她自己ourselves/aselvz/ pron. (we的反身代词) 我们自己We enjoyed _(us) playing in the water.-Who taught you Japanese?-Nobody.I learned it by _.A. Myself

7、ll have a tennis game tomorrow.Im a little bit nervous.-Believe in _.You are the best in our club.A.herself B.myself C.yourself D.himselfbandage/bndd/ n. 绷带v. 用绷带包扎My father _ (用绷带包扎)my hand yesterday.My father put a _(绷带)on my hand yesterday.sick/sk/ adj. 生病的; 有病的 (与ill同义) be sick of sth./sb./doing

8、 sth.厌倦;厌烦Everyone will be sick of _(have) the same food for several days. 几天连续吃同样的食物,任何人都会腻烦。knee/ni:/ n. 膝; 膝盖“On your _!” the king shouted.breathe/bri:/ v. 呼吸 (breath n. 呼吸)Lets go out and _ the fresh air.Lets go out and take a _ of the fresh air.sunburned adj. 晒伤的Apply some sun cream,or youll ge

9、t s_.climber n. 登山者; 攀登者Aron is a mountain _(climb).be used to 习惯于.; 适应于. Now Im used _ up early. Getting up early is a good habit.A.get B.getting getting getrisk n. & v. 危险; 风险; 冒险take risks (take a risk) 冒险Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind _ _(冒险).accident/ksdnt/ n. (交通)事故; 意外

10、遭遇There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of _(事故).situation/stjen/ n. 情况; 状况The _(情况)will get better and better.kilo (=kilogram) n. 千克; 公斤【kg千克 km=kilometer千米】My mother went to the supermarket and bought three _(千克) of rice.rock/rk/ n. 岩石There is a big _(石头) on the way to the p

11、ark.knife/naf/ n.(pl. knives) 刀There are several _(刀) on the shelf.blood/bld/ n. 血The girl cried when he saw the _(血)。mean/mi:n/ v. (meant) 意思是; 打算; 意欲 (meaning n.意思)The French work bonjour _(意思是) hello in English.Do you know the _(mean) of the new adv.& prep. 离开(某处); 不工作; 从.去掉get off 下车He

12、_ _ the bus and walked home.get into 陷入; 参与 get into trouble 陷入麻烦get out of 离开; 从.出来 get out of trouble 摆脱麻烦cut off 切除He used his knife to _ half his right out (of) 用尽; 耗尽My pocket money _,so I wanted to find a part-time job to get more money.A. ran out B.went out out D.ran awayAron _ _ _(用尽) water after three days.give up 放弃; 投降If you dont _, your dream can come true one day.A. give away B.give up C.give out D.give offimportance/mp:tns/ n. 重要性; 重要 (important adj. 重要的)I didnt realize the i_ of learning English,but now I think

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