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1、,根据所给提示 .一 As 1. the from (resign) _ intends he a_, his achieve to opportunity no has he company. 2. to ) 有益的(_ is it say we lives, their improve or people help can something When people. 3. Im afraid itll be very hard for you _ (adapt) this story for children. 4. Youd better not get_ (annoy) at his

2、 ignorance. 5. Finland gained _ (independent) from Russia during the First World War. 6. The manager c_ his business carefully. ) of France. 文学7. Im interested in the classical _( 8. We must give _ (assist) to the elderly. ) is a friend that you spend a lot of time with, or someone you are traveling

3、 伙伴9. A _( with. 10. I offer you my hearty _(congratulate) _, he doesnt dare to take on any challenging task.11. Being afraid of losing d_ ) from his teacher. 鼓励12. He received a lot of _ ( 写出所给词的相应形式。. 二 ) 同义词1. stupid _() 名词2. absent _( ) 复数3. handkerchief _ () 形容词4. access_ ( 6. former _ ( ) 名词5.

4、 disabled _() 反义词 ) 反义词7. harmful _ ( 短语翻译。. 三 _ 换句话说1. _ 总而言之2. _ 取笑3. _ 一切顺利4. _ 特别5. _ 在于6. 祝贺某人某事7. _ 上气不接下气_ 8. Unit 2 Robots 用方框中所给的动词短语的正确形式填空。 .一 leave sb alone test out turn around set aside smooth away ring up 1. How many people _ while I was out? 2. The model must _ before we put it into

5、mass production. 3. _, I saw an old friend of mine, whom I havent seen for years. 4. She is very upset. _ for a few minutes. _ our differences and work together for a common purpose. 5. Its time for us _ 6. There are still a few problems to be _ before we can complete the project. 完成句子。. 二 她陪朋友去听音乐会

6、。1. She _ her friend _ the _. 我真羡慕你的才能啊!2. How I _ you _! 他们不断的讲她是如何的聪明时3. 她觉得不好意思。, _ when they kept telling how clever she was. She _ 他留他们过夜。, 出于对无家可归的孩子们的同情4. _ _ _ for the homeless children, he gave them shelter for the night. 运动使我的肌肉变得很结实。5. Exercise _ my muscles very _. 他解释了声音如何在水中传导。6. He gav

7、e an _ of how _ _ in water. 根据所给提示,用本单元所学的单词完成句子。. 三 1. We all _ (desire) peace and happiness. 2. He _ (pile) old paper in the corner of the room. 3. He _ (scan) the horizon, looking for land. 4. They _ (declare) the results of the election soon. their end to intend they means That (divorce). _ get

8、to want Jane and Tom 5. m_. 6. The news that a lion escaped from the zoo _ (alarm) the local people. 满意7. To his _ (), he passed the examination. ) art. 高雅的8. Flower arrangement is an _ ( ) to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. 荒谬的9. It is _ ( 10. He _ (paint) the gate blue. ) cold. 严重的,可怕的

9、11. She is in bed with an _ ( 12. He told me to keep my word and I _ (obey). Unit 3 Under the sea 注意实用其正确形式。, 从下面方框中选择适当的短语填空 .一 help out in the meantime ahead of be aware of sort out scare to death upside down a pack of 1. There was a roadblock straight _ us. 2. Women _ often more _ their feelings

10、than men. 3. Ill phone for a taxi. _, you must get packed. 4. They were _ by the terrible snowstorm. 5. The cooks ill, so I am _ this week. 6. They met _ wolves in the forest. _. 7. Weve got a few little problems _ 8. Everything is _ in his house. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。. 二 1. _ anyone _ (witness) the car acc

11、ident yesterday? 2. The clouds _ (reflect) in the lake. Didnt you see them? 3. _ (not yell) at me like that. 4. The sailor had _ (abandon) the sinking ship. 5. They all _ (flee from) the burning building last night. 6. He _(drag) his suitcase along the platform, for they were too heavy to carry. 7.

12、We _ (rent) this house from Mr Smith. 根据所给的汉语提示填空。. 三 ) memory of that dreadful night. 鲜明的1. I have a _ ( ?)年收入2. What is your _ ( ) at a hotel for tonight? 住所3. Can we find _ ( ) with her classmates. 关系4. She has a very good _ ( ) and cleaner than that in the city. 纯洁的5. The air in the forest is _

13、( ) at physics. 敏捷的6. The boy was very _ ( ) 令人畏惧的7. His strength was _ ( 根据提示写出所给词的适当形式。. 四 ) 名词1. deep _ () 同义词2. language _ ( ) 名词3. beautiful _ () 形容词4. poison _ ( ) 名词6. taste_ ( ) 反义词5. narrow _ ( ) 反义词7. deep _ ( Unit 4 Sharing 完成句子。 .一 我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。1. I _ _ my sister in New York yeaterday. 她渴望出国。2. She _ _ _ go abroad. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片

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