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英语采访节目word版本 10页Word格式文档下载.docx

1、举个例子来说吧:English Listening Quizzes: An Interview With A Famous DancerYou will hear a man interviewing a famous dancer. Write down the answers to the questions he asks. You will hear the listening twice. After you have finished, click on the arrow to see if you have answered the questions correctly.第一

2、步:选准访谈材料选择基本要素:自己的兴趣(人物&事件)、自己的听力水平(访谈速度和内容难度)。第二步:打通词汇基础在下定决心听懂一段访谈之前,先google或baidu一下,把相关的内容中文英文进行查找,词汇是基础的基础。遇到不明白的尽量“联想”加“猜”,屡试不爽哦。第三步:关注5W原则When?where? who? why? what?我们在听访谈时首先抓住听力主角所讲关键词,记下来或做记号,留给自己进行分析理解:时间、地点、人物、事情观察本文例子中的题目,其实5W原则把握好,整个访谈内容都理解了。 第四步:全神贯注的听这个过程要非常投入,就像节目里的主持人是在和你对话。把自己的大脑神经都

3、聚到这个焦点上。如果发现自己开始自言自语地回答问题,就证明有效果了。如果是视频,可以以无字幕-双语字幕-中文字幕-英文字幕-无字幕的方式,越有耐力获得的收获越大。(来自:WwW. : 英语采访节目 ) 第五步:记笔记加 总结 每一遍都会有新的收获,每一篇的体会也不一样。自己特别准备一个访谈节目笔记本,从今天开始吧,多记多总结,过不了多久,你一定会惊讶的发现:哇!我听懂了!篇二:大学英语访谈类节目表演MS. YANG: But this is a beautiful Embassy.SECRETARY CLINTON: Isnt it? I am so proud and impressed b

4、y it. It took a long time to build,but it is very beautiful and very functional. And the architecture is Chinese-inspired, so its really a wonderful addition to our embassy community. I know you have just had a dialogue with the Chinese women. Some of them you have known for 11 years. Well, to the y

5、ounger generation of women, like your daughters, what kind of advice would you like to give to those who aspire to succeed and lead, but could be afraid of failure? Well, thats a good way of phrasing the question, because I think that overcoming your fears, whether youre a young woman or a young man

6、, to be willing to take a risk, to try something different, to follow your heart, to pursue your dreams, takes a certain level of courage. And I just try to tell young people who ask me all the time what I think about the best way forward is to be true to themselves, you know, to listen to their own

7、 heart, to do what gives them joy in life, and meaning in their public and professional careers. And I think if you do that, you may change, you may take a different path. But if you can keep focused on what you believe is important, I think thats the best way to proceed. Lets get back to this trip.

8、 In your testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, you suggested that U.S. should use smart power to handle international issues. How is that approach, or strategy, reflected in your Asian trip, especially your trip to China? Well, it is our goal in the Obama administration to reach out t

9、o the rest of the world using every tool at our disposal. I like to talk about the three Ds of our foreign policy: defense, diplomacy, development.We want to emphasize, particularly, diplomacy and development. And what I have tried to do in the month that I have had this position is to make clear th

10、at we will represent and defend the interests and the security and the values of the United States, but we want to listen. We are different countries and different cultures. China and the United States have very different histories. And we need to understand each other better so that we can find mor

11、e common ground. And I was encouraged by my talks with your leadership, that there are a number of areas we can work on together. We are constructing, and have agreed, in principle, to a strategic and economic dialogue that will not only include the economic crisis, which is very important, that Chi

12、na and America lead on a recovery, globally, but clean energy and climate change, and more educational exchanges, and people-to-people exchanges, more work on health care, medicine, science.I want to deepen and broaden the connections, not only between government officials, as important at that is,

13、but between all kinds of Chinese and Americans. You know, former Treasury Secretary Paulson used to champion the U.S.-Sino dialogue in the structure of the Strategic Economic Dialogue. Have you convinced President Obama to let the State Department take back the reigns? And, if so, what kind of new f

14、ramework of dialogue are we talking about? Well, we are going to have a comprehensive, integrated dialogue. It will be co-chaired by myself and the Treasury Secretary, because I think there was an awareness that our prior engagement at the dialogue level, government-to-government, was very heavily d

15、ominated by economic concerns, and by traditional Treasury priorities. They are very important but that is not the only high-level dialogue that needs to occur So, we have always had a lot of interaction at many levels of our governments. But what we want to do is to integrate those, and to have our two Presidents, when they meet at the G-20 summit in April, announce the mechanism that we will be pursuing now. Have you found the terminology to define the relationship betwe

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