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1、it over the heads of the Englishmen towards the goal. But hes too far a6,France and England still have one goal each and there are only two m7left of the game. Just then an English p8gets the ball. He gives it to Bill, “King of the match”. Bill puts the ball into the goal. In the e9the English team

2、w10.1. best2. game3. for4. passes5. kicks6. away7. minutes8. player9. end10. wins【解析】本篇文章为一场足球解说,而且所有动词都用一般现在时形式。1. 本空的提示在前半句“这真的是一个非常精彩的比赛”,由此可以推导出这是最好的一个,而且I have seen this year也提示出应该用最高级,所以填best。2. 本题不难,前文已经出现过game,此处是词语复现,填game。3. 本空不难,主语是人Henry,结构上来说主谓宾齐全,最后加了一个国家,即可以推断出为了国家而踢球,所以填for。4. 到目前为止,

3、已经看出这是一场足球赛的解说。介词to提示了,这个动词应该是表示方向性的,由此可以想到足球运动中的“传球”,因此填passes。5. 本题考察的是选择正确的动词,既然是踢球,所以动词一定是kick,此处为第三人称,填kicks。6. 此空考察的词组的搭配,从句中可以得出“他离球门太远所以没有进球”,因此填far。7. 本题的关键在于left,解释为“剩余”,推测出是时间剩余,所以填minutes。8. 本题考察的是句子的成分,谓语gets和宾语the ball已经出现,所以此处很明显填主语,既然是足球比赛,肯定是球员得到了球,所以填player。9. 此处很明显表示的是“的最后”,所以填end

4、。10. 作为故事的结果,英国队赢得了比赛,所以填wins。Passage 10Today people can uthe phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you dont see the person you are twith. That may cin the future.Today some people are using a kind of telephone c“Picture phone” or “Vision phone”. Wit,two

5、 people who are talking can see each other.Picture phones can be useful when you have sto show the person youre calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a land ask to borrow a book. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you m

6、ay be able to go shopping tyour picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, youll go to your phone and call the shop.People at the shop will syou the thing youre interested in right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over town and nleave your room.1. u

7、se2. talking3. change4. called5. With6. something7. librarian8. through9. send10. neednt【解析】本篇文章是对未来电话功能的幻想,同样动词填一般现在时。1. 本空考察词组,“用来做某事”,所以填use。2. 本题不难,通过句意可以得知“打电话的时候你看不到那个和他谈话的人”,所以填talking。3. 本题的关键在于may,表示一种可能性,那么在将来这种情况可能会被改变,所以填change。4. 后面引号中的是电话的名字,所以是“被叫做的电话”,填called。5. 本题的关键在于后半句话,“人们可以在打电话

8、的时候看到对方”,所以是有这种电话才行,填With。6. 通过句意理解,既然叫做“图片电话”,就是可以发送一些东西给朋友看,所以填something。7. 本题的关键在于and之后的部分,ask to borrow a book指的是借书,所以肯定和图书馆有关,那么空7所在的句子解释为“打电话给某人”,所以填librarian。8. 本题考察介词的用法,本句说的是“可以用图片手机来购物”,那么空8解释为“通过某种方式”,填through。9. 本题不难,解释为“商店会把你要的东西送过来”,填send。10. 本题考察的是综合理解,因为图片手机购物很方便,所以人们不需要出家门就能买到东西,填ne

9、ednt。Passage 11Can vegetables be pin winter? Yes, but a greenhouse(温室)must be bfirst. The greenhouse should be mof glass. A large greenhouse may be ten metres lthree metres wand two meters high. The sunshine can rthe vegetables tthe glass. The wind and cold air can be sfrom getting in. The air insid

10、e the greenhouse is always w.More and more greenhouses are bbuilt all over the world. All kinds of vegetables can be brought onto our dinner tables in winter.1. planted2. built3. made4. long5. wide6. reach7. through8. stopped9. warm10. being【解析】本篇描述了蔬菜在温室中生长的相关事宜,整体难度不大,多以被动为主。1. 本空不难,首先可以确定为被动语态,再看

11、主语为vegetables,马上想到种植,所以填planted。2. 本句同样是被动语态,主语为greenhouse,是一个建筑,要种植蔬菜肯定要先有建筑,所以填built。3. 本题考察固定词组搭配,由组成的词组是be made of。4. 第四题开始描述温室的尺寸,有10米长,所以填long。5. 第五题说的是温室的宽,所以填wide。6. 本题稍有难度,既然是在温室中种植,而且温室是由草组成的,所以和阳光可以有直接的接触,所以阳光可以到达、接触到蔬菜,填reach。7. 本题考察介词,通过文意,可以得出阳光是通过草接触到了蔬菜,所以填through。8. 本题考察固定词组搭配及语态,通过

12、文意可得知风和冷空气无法进入温室,又有介词from,即风课冷空气被停止进入,所以填stopped。9. 本题不难,既然是在温室里生长,而且风和冷空气无法进入,所以里面的空气一定很温暖,填warm。10. 本题考察的被动语态的结构。are built已经是被动语态,那么变成现在进行时的被动语态只要填being即可。Passage 12Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and ueach other? Here is a simple test. Imagi

13、ne(设想) you will hold a mat four oclock, what time should you eyour foreign business friends to come? If they are German, they will aon time. If they are American, theyll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, theyll be fifteen minutes late.The British seemed to think since the English lwas widely used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they fthey were completely(完全地) wrong. For e, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the

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