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第四套新人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4三3课时文档格式.docx

1、 go out; practice; dish; do the dishes; before; classroom, fight, rule, outside, dining3. 熟练掌握下列短语: fightagainst; bestrictwithsb; toomang;much4.语法: (1)熟练运用have to, can 以及他们句式的变化 (2)掌握祈使句,肯定形式与否定形式句型及其使用方法。 5. 使用所学单词及其句型进行写作。二、学习策略: 1. 依据图片理解单词和短语。(Understand and remember the words and phrases with t

2、he help of the new words and phrases.)2. 采用小组合作学习,检查巩固所学的祈使句句型。(Remember the new words and phrases in groups.)3. 使用祈使句制定理想中学校的校规。(Write the passage.)二、情感态度:明白学校设定规章制度的重要性,自觉遵守学校的校规校纪。Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Preview:一、Translate them into English.在课上_ 2. 在上学的晚上_ 3. 校规_禁止交谈_ 5. 听音乐_ 6. 不得不_

3、在走廊上_ 8. 上学迟到_ 9. 放学后_二、把下面的句子补充完整。1.你们学校有什么规定?Whatarethe_in yourschool.2.请勿在走廊上追逐也不要上课迟到。Dontrunanddont _class.3.我们可以在学校吃东西吗?Canwe_inschool?4.我们可以在食堂吃东西但不可以在课室吃。Wecaneatin_,butcant5.你们必须在学校穿制服吗?是的,我们要穿。Doyou_atYes,_.6.我们还有什么必须得做吗?你们必须打扫课室。dohavetodo?You_.(设计说明:课前就布置给学生,提前熟悉词组和句子,有重点,有目的的预习可以为本节课的学习

4、扫除障碍,通过习题的训练,是学生有针对性的学,同时可以检测学生的预习效果。)Step. Warming up and leading in热身导入1. Lead-in “His name is Xiaoxin. He is a new student. You are xiaoxins new classmates, please tell him what are the school rules.” 1. Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs.Can I run in the hallways? No, you cant. Can I we

5、ar a hat in class? No, you cant.Dont run in the hallways. Dont wear a hat in class.Can I fight? No, you cant. Dont fight. Can I eat in class? No, you dont. Dont eat in class. Can I sleep in class? Dont sleep in class. What do I have to do? You must be on time for class. You must wear a uniform at sc

6、hool.2. “Do you know other school rules? Please tell Xiaoxin.” Ask the students to talk in groups.(设计意图:通过学生喜闻乐见的卡通人物图片展示,给学生们创设易于理解和表达的语境,抓住学生的注意力。又通过介绍小新是学校的新同学,要求学生给小新介绍学校的校规校纪导入,巩固校规的表达方法,从而熟悉句型和can, have to的用法。Step. Grammar FocusSum up:Let the students make conversations.We must be on time for

7、class.No, we cant. but we can eat in the dinning hall.Yes, we can. No, we cant.Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.We have to be quiet in the library.Can we run in the hallways?通过本项训练,旨在培养学生获取知识善于总结的能力,并能通过做对话练习中训练重点和难点。Step Ask some students to write them down on the blackboard “Xiaoxin wants to know what

8、are the rules in the library. Can you tell him?”3a. Write the rules for the school library. Dont talk. Dont eat in the library. Dont listen to music. Dont take photos.Library Rules1. Dont talk. 2. Dont eat in the library.3. Dont listen to music. 4. Dont take photos.3b Use the words to make questions

9、 about the rules. Then write answers according to your school.Be quiet?Q: _ (she / have to / in the library)?A: _Eat? _ (he / have to / in the dining hall)?Listen to music? _ (we / can / in the hallways)?Wear a hat? _ (we / can / in the classroom)?Step Report(1) Make up five cool rules for your drea

10、m school. Share your rules with the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School!1. We can eat in class.2. We dont have to come to school every day.3. (2) A report. “My Coolest school.”At my dream school, we dont have to come to school every day. We can eat in the classroom. We can listen to m

11、usic in class. We dont have to do homework. We dont have to wear the school uniform at school.本环节是对知识点的灵活运用,句子可以让学生到黑板上去写,规范一下学生的书写,以及一些注意事项和学生容易出错的地方,然后用之前学习过的句子准备一篇作文:我理想的学校,既巩固了知识点的运用,也锻炼了学生的口头表达,提升了学生的个人能力。Step Summary:Inquiry into knowledge by filling in the blanks一、Notalking!禁止交谈。 no后面加上名词或_也表示不要做某事。与don+do的用法相似。 E.g.:( 1) Nowetumbrellas!=_putumbrellashere! 禁止放湿雨伞! (2)Nofood!food 禁止吃食物! (3)N

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