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1、金老师教育培训211个精选语句让语篇熠熠生辉17页211个精选语句,让语篇熠熠生辉此处的211个语句是由一线名师结合高考常考主题语境,从高考真题、教材课文、学生习作等素材中整理、归纳、创作的,不仅包含了近五年高考试卷中常考单词、短语,更是涉及了高中阶段几乎所有重点句型,实用性超强。考生要熟记每个优美的句子,为书面表达积累丰富的素材。话题一个人情况(Personal information)1.To tell the truth, I was not so good at my study when I came to high school.说实话,当我刚进入高中的时候,我学习不太好。2It

2、is a great honor for me to be here to share my experience in college with you all.能和大家一起分享我在大学的经历,我感到很荣幸。3Recently, Ive been so occupied with an important exam at the beginning of the new term that I failed to reply to your letter in time.最近我忙于新学期初的一次重要考试,所以我没有及时给你回信。4I am particularly good at spoke

3、n English and have a deep understanding of the cultures of our city and our country, which will greatly help me do the job. 我尤其擅长英语口语并且我对我市和我们国家的文化了解透彻,这将对我做这项工作很有帮助。 5Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and how to share my experienc

4、e with them. 就我个人而言,我喜欢在团队中工作,这给我提供了一个机会来学习如何与他人相处,如何与他们分享我的经验。6Im writing in reply to the notice for a volunteer, hoping that I may have an opportunity to act as a tour guide.我正写信回复招聘一名志愿者的启事,希望我有机会担任导游。7If you feel that I am qualified for the job, please inform me of the time of an interview at yo

5、ur convenience. I hope to hear from you in the near future. 如果您认为我适合该项工作,请您在方便的时候通知我面试的时间。我希望在不久的将来能收到您的来信。8To be honest, I have a gift for communicating with others.说实话,我有与别人沟通的天赋。9I am easygoing and outgoing and able to get on well with others.我很随和、外向,能够和别人友好相处。10Meanwhile, it is my independence t

6、hat makes it easy for me to adapt to a new environment.同时,正是我的独立性使我很容易适应新的环境。11Not only am I outgoing and energetic but also I am optimistic and enthusiastic.我不仅开朗活泼,而且乐观热情。12I manage my time well , so I can always get things done on time.我时间安排得很好,因此总是能按时完成工作。13I have a good command of English, whic

7、h enables me to communicate with foreign friends well.我精通英语,这使我能与外国朋友顺利交流。14I have strong team spirit and like to work with others.我有较强的团队精神,喜欢和别人一起工作。15As for my hobby, Im keen on playing football, which makes it possible for me to make more friends with the same interest.至于我的爱好,我酷爱踢足球,那使我能够结交更多的志趣

8、相投的朋友。16What satisfies me most is that I have no difficulty communicating with others in English.最使我满意的是我用英语和别人交流起来毫不费力。17Last but not least, I am familiar with all the places in our city.最后但同样重要的是,我对我们城市所有的地方都很熟悉。18Above all, I promise I will try to serve our guests from all over the world with ent

9、husiasm. Besides, I have a rich knowledge of Chinese history, so I can introduce our splendid culture to them. 最重要的是,我承诺我将热情地为来自世界各地的游客服务。此外,我非常了解中国历史,因此我能向他们介绍我们灿烂的文化。19It has become such an important part in my life that I can hardly imagine what life would be like without music.它(音乐)已成为我生命中重要的一部分

10、。真的很难想象,如果没有音乐(我的)生活将会怎样。20Never for a moment can I stop my love for reading because books are wise teachers as well as good friends in my life.我对书的热爱一刻也不能停止,因为在我的生活中书是良师益友。话题二日常活动(Daily routines)21.Furthermore, I also actively participate in community activities and volunteer service activities.此外,

11、我还积极参加社区活动和志愿者服务活动。22In addition, it does benefit you if you participate in a variety of afterschool activities.此外,参加各种课外活动对你确实有益处。23At the fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture much better but

12、 definitely feel the unique beauty of it.在展览会上,相关书籍、图片、录像带、实物将被展示,通过这些游客不仅能更好地理解中国的传统文化而且一定能感受到其独特的美。24Its strange that fishing isnt as easy to learn as it seems.很奇怪的是钓鱼不像看起来那样容易。25No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain.我刚到家就开始下雨了。26As scheduled, we have an English Talent Show today, wit

13、h the purpose of developing our interest in English learning and improving our practical abilities to listen and speak.按照计划,我们今天举办英语才艺大赛,目的是培养我们英语学习的兴趣,提高我们实际听说的能力。27To help you have a better understanding of Chinese culture, the Students Union will organize a New Years party.为了帮助你们更好地理解中国文化,学生会将组织一

14、场新年晚会。28Everyone is supposed to be in Room 120, the big classroom, exactly at 2:30 pm., Monday.周一下午两点半大家必须在大教室120房间集合。29We feel it an honor to have an opportunity to get together with Mr Jones.能有机会与琼斯先生欢聚一堂,我们深感荣幸。30I will try to make the club known to every student and make more students involved i

15、n the activities organized by the club.我将尽力让每个学生了解社团,让更多的学生参与社团组织的活动。31Last week, our school carried out a survey among all the students, aiming to find out their opinions about setting up an English Corner.上周,为了了解学生对建立英语角的看法,我们学校在所有学生中做了一项调查。32On hearing the news/Hardly had they got the news when s

16、ome of my classmates signed up for it in groups immediately.我们班一些同学一听到消息,就马上分小组报名参加。33Through this activity, not only did we pass our love and friendship to others, but we also enriched our own school life.通过这次活动,我们不仅给别人传递了爱和友谊,还丰富了我们自己的学校生活。34It is an interesting and meaningful activity. When we are tired of studying, we can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beaut

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