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1、3. 一 Could you tell me?一In two weeks.A. when you go to the movies B. how often you take exerciseC. how soon he will come back D. how long it will take you to get home4. 一 Must we clean the classroom now?. You can clean it after school.A. Yes, you must B. Yes, you canC. No, you neednt D. No, you must

2、nt5. Which sign means that you can park your car here?IL完形填空(共10分,每小题I分)根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.Its hard to forget the time when I stood in front of all my classmates and forgot my words while I was giving a speech. 6 that I didnt want to join in any class activities for a long time. 7 , things beg

3、an to change one day.A week before my schools English festival, my teacher asked me to make a speech in front of the 8 school. I didnt want to, but my teacher 9 me to think about it carefully and gave me a piece of paper. “The 10 step to success is the willingness(意愿)to try, and the key to it is to

4、work hard. I was encouraged by this and decided to have a try.I finished 11 the speech on paper in a day and practiced it during my lunch breaks. I also asked my teacher for suggestions. As a result, 12 speech was a success. Since then, Ive become more active and 13 . I ask and answer questions in c

5、lass more often and I 14 many different after-school activities.I learned thatthe road to successis difficult and weneed to have15 andwork hard.6. A. BeforeB. AfterC. AboutD. Until7. A. ButB. HoweverC. SoD. Or8. A. allB. eachC. everyD. whole9. A. warnedB. advisedC. trainedD. allowed10. A. firstB. se

6、condC. thirdD. last11. A. makingB. reportingC. writingD. having12. A. myB. hisC. herD. our13. A. helpfulB. responsibleC. outgoingD. thankful14. A. take actionB. take part inC. take pride inD. take after15. A. celebrationB. creativityC. ceremonyD. courageIII.阅读理解 供20分,每小题1分)Passage A单项选择根据短文内容从各题的四个选

7、项中选择一个最佳答案.Champion(冠军)of the coldArctic tern北极燕鸥Size : About 35 cm longFood : Fish and shells(贝类)Skill : We spend summer in the Arctic. When it is winter in the Arctic, we fly to Antarctica(南极).We hold the record for the longest migration(迁徙) of any animal in the world!Lemming旅鼠 15 cm long GrassSki

8、ll: We grow hard shells on our claws (爪子).We can dig holes easily in the hard and icy land.Polar bear北极熊 2. 5 to 3 m long Seals and fish Our thick and waterproof fur(防水毛皮)coat keeps us warm and dry after swimming. Under our fur, we have black skin(皮肤).This helps us take in the suns heat.Arctic fox北极

9、狐 45 to 100 cm from head to tail Lemmings, fish and birds We can change the color of our fur. Usually, we are white in winter and brown in summer.Harp seal格陵兰海豹 1. 5 to 1. 8 m long Fish Our thick fur and fat keep our body temperature at 40C. We can stay warm!16. Which animal holds the record for the

10、 longest migration of any animal in the world?A. Lemming.B. Harp seal.C. Arctic fox.D. Arctic tern.17. What color is Arctic foxes fur in summer?A. Brown.B. Black.C. White.D. Yellow.18. How many kinds of animals in the passage eat fish?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.19. According to the passage, the

11、 followings are true EXCEPTA. Lemmings can dig holes easily in the hard and icy landB. Polar bears have black skin under their furC. Arctic foxes9 size is from 45 to 100 cm from head to tailD. Harp seals9 thin fur and fat keep their body temperature at 40C20. The passage probably comes from the colu

12、mn(栏 目)of a magazine.A. art B. animal C. health D. sportsPassage B单项选择 根据短文内容从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.Wang Hongyue, 14, SichuanI feel happy when Im with my family. My parents never compare me with other kids. My mom will say well done or thank you if I help to do the housework.I especially like my brother.

13、 I still remember when I was eight. I had a bad stomachache. My parents were not at home, so it was my brother, then 14, took me to the hospital. For me, happiness has nothing to do with money. Having a loving and caring family is enough.Ren Xuyang, 14, GuangdongI feel happy while trying to help oth

14、ers. Last year, I visited a special school for students with weak sight or hearing loss(丧失).It is difficult for them to write and read pinyin, so I taught them over and over. For over 3 hours, we repeated the same work, but we didnt feel tired. As an old saying goes, The rose is in her hand, the flavor in mine.

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