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1、 第I卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节:话题语篇(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden change in pronunciation started, with vowels (元音) being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had contact (接触) with many people from around t

2、he world. This meant that lots of new vocabulary entered the language. The invention of printing also meant that there was now a common language in print. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Spelling and grammar became fixed, and the dialect of London became the standard. In 1604 t

3、he first English dictionary came out. Early Modern English and Late Modern English are mostly different in the number of words. Late Modern English has many more words, mainly because of the following two reasons: First, the Industrial Revolution (工业革命) led to the need for new words. Second, the Bri

4、tish Empire covered one quarter of the earths surface, and the English language took in foreign words from many countries. From around 1600, the English colonization (殖民地化) of North America led to American English. Some English pronunciations and words “froze” when they reached America. In some ways

5、, American English is more like the English of Shakespeare than modern British English. Some expressions that are called “American English” are in fact from British expressions. They were kept in the colonies while lost for a time in Britain. Spanish also had an influence (影响) on American English. F

6、or example, words like canyon, ranch, stampede and vigilante are from Spanish. They entered English by the people of Spain who settled in the American West. French words and West African words also influenced American English. Today, American English has a greater influence, because of the USAs movi

7、es, television, popular music, trade and technology. 1. What we can learn from paragraph 1? A. The sudden change in pronunciation started at the beginning Middle English. B. A great many of new vocabulary didnt appear in English until 16th century. C. People could read much easier because of the dia

8、lect of London became the standard. D. After the first English dictionary, spelling and grammar became fixed at last.2. What helped to increase the vocabulary of Late Modern English?_ a. the invention of printing b. the Industrial Revolution c. the colonization d. the contact with other countries A.

9、 a, b, c B. a, c, d C. a, b, d D. b, c, d3. The third paragraph mainly talks about . A. English colonies in North America B. the development of American English C. other languages influence on American English D. the difference between American English and British English B People who like travellin

10、g have their reasons. They believe that travelling can help them expand their field of view, especially in the geographical and historical sense. They also think that touring will give them more chances to enjoy different kinds of food and experience new things that would never be brought by other a

11、ctivities. But those who dislike travelling also have some reasons. Travelling, in my opinion, does more good than harm. Most importantly, it broadens (使扩大) our mind. We can get in touch with other civilizations (文明), cultures, customs and ideas. Through history, most people travelled because of nec

12、essity (必要性)not for pleasure. People travelled just in order to remain alive. They searched for food to eat or places to live in. They sometimes ran away from enemies. This is not to say that no one ever travelled just for the fun of it. In ancient times, for example, rich Romans travelled all the w

13、ay to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games, and festivals. Of course, some people decided to travel just out of curiosity (好奇心). They wanted to find out what it looked like beyond the horizon (地平线). Also business travel has been going on for centuries. Traders could not only make money but also

14、learn to speak several languages and be introduced to different cultures. So, travelling does enrich our mind and draw new ideas to us. There is no doubt that we can get much from it.4. People enjoys travelling because . A. Enlarge their knowledage B. Have more chances to eat different food C. Exper

15、ience new things D. Above all5. How many reasons for travelling are mentioned in Paragraph 3?_ A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.6. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Different kinds of travelling. C.Ways to enjoy yourself while travelling. B. Travelling enriches our mind. D.The advantages and disadvantages of travelling. C An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members. Fragile items, like those made of glass should usually be placed on

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