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1、Thank you, Chaka, for that introduction. Thanks to all of you for having me here this evening. Iwant to acknowledge the members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Chairwoman MarciaFudge for their outstanding work. (Applause.) Thank you, Shuanise Washington, and the CBCFoundation for doing so much

2、 to help our young people aim high and reach their potential.Tonight, I want to begin by paying special tribute to a man with whomall of you have workedclosely with; someonewhoserved his country for nearly 40 years as a prosecutor, as a judge,and as Attorney General of the United States: Mr. Eric Ho

3、lder. (Applause.) Throughout his longcareer in public service, Eric has built a powerful legacy of making sure that equal justice underthe law actually means something; that it applies to everybody - regardless of race, or gender,or religion, or color, creed, disability, sexual orientation. He has b

4、een agreat friend of mine.He has been a faithful servant of the American people. We will miss him badly. (Applause.)This year, we ve been marking the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. Wehonor giants likeJohn Lewis - (applause); unsung heroines like Evelyn Lowery. We honor the countlessAmeric

5、ans, some who are in this room - black, white, students, scholars, preachers,housekeepers, patriots all, who, with their bare hands, reached into the well of our nation sfounding ideals and helped to nurture a more perfect union. We ve reminded ourselves thatprogress is not just absorbing what has b

6、een done - it s advancing what s left undone.Even before President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law, even as the debate draggedon in the Senate, he was already challenging America to do more and march further, to builda Great Society - one, Johnson said, “ where no child will go unfed, a

7、nd no youngster will gounschooled. Where no manwho wants work will fail to find it. Where no citizen will be barredfrom any door because of his birthplace or his color or his church. Where peace and security iscommon among neighbors and possible among nations. ” “ This is the world that waits for yo

8、u, ” he said. “Reach out for it now. Join the fight to finish the unfinished work. ” To finish theunfinished work.America has made stunning progress since that time, over the past 50 years - even over thepast five years. But it is the unfinished work that drives us forward.Some of our unfinished wor

9、k lies beyond our borders.America is leading the effort to rally theworld against Russian aggression in Ukraine. America is leading the fight to contain andcombat Ebola in Africa. America is building and leading the coalition that will degrade andultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL.

10、 As Americans, we are leading, and wedon t shy away from these responsibilities; we welcome them. (Applause.) That s what Americadoes. And weare grateful to the men and women in uniform who put themselves in harm sway in service of the country that we all love. (Applause.)So weve got unfinished work

11、 overseas, but weve got some unfinished work right here athome. (Applause.) After the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, our businesseshave now created 10 million new jobs over the last 54 months. This is the longest uninterruptedstretch of job growth in our history. (Applause.) In ou

12、r history. But we understand our work isnot done until we get the kind of job creation that means everybody who wants work can a findjob.Weve done some work on health care, too. I don t knowif you ve noticed. Thanks to theAffordable Care Act, we veseen a 26 percent decline in the uninsured rate in A

13、merica. (Applause.) African Americans have seen a 30 percent decline. And, by the way, the cost ofhealth care isn t going up as fast anymore either. Everybody was predicting this was all going tobe so expensive. We ve saved $800 billion - (applause) -in Medicare because of the work thatwe ve done -

14、slowing the cost, improving quality, and improving access. Despite unyieldingopposition, this change has happened just in the last couple years.But we know our work is not yet done until we get into more communities, help more uninsuredfolks get covered, especially in those states where the governor

15、s aren t being quite ascooperative as we d like them to be. (Applause.) You know whoyou are. It always puzzles mewhenyou decide to take a stand to makesure poor folks in your state can t get healthinsurance even though it doesnt cost you a dime. That doesn t makemuch sense to me, but Iwont go on on that topic. (Applause.) We ve got more work to do.It s easy to take a stand whenyouve got health insurance. (Laughter and applause.) I mgoing off script now, but -(laug

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