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1、3. In my class some students love music, are fond of drawing and_ enjoy reading.A. some ; the other B. others;the otherC. others; the others D. some ;others4. How about seeing the film Roman Holiday tonight?A. Thank you B. Never mind C. Good idea D. Not at all 5. Id like some. Er,. excuse me, how is

2、 the word j-u-i-c-epronounced?Its_.Thanks. Id like some juice,please.A. /d3u:s/ B. /d3u:is/ C. /ju:s/ D. /juns/6. How soon shall we start the bicycle trip?A. In three days B. After three daysC. In three days time D. After three days time7. _day it is!Lets go out and have a picnic!A. How cold B. How

3、niceC. What a cloudy D. What a lovely8. Bob, we are moving this weekend.Congratulations! I_ you happiness in your new flat. A. wish B. hope C. expect D. send9. Can I help you?Well,Im afraid the bag is_ heavy for you,but thanks all the same. A. so B. too C. quite D. very10. All my favourite story boo

4、ks by my mother before my last exams.A. hid B. have hidden C. were hiding D. were hidden11. I can_swim_skate. Im going to have some training next year.A. either; or B. neither; norC. both;and D. not only;but also12. Can you tell me_?Two weeks ago.A. when you bought the toysB. who did you buy the toy

5、s forC. how much the toys costD. how many toys did you buy13. Tomorrow will be Fathers Day. What will you do for your father? I will say I love you, Daddyas soon as he _ up.A. will wake B. is waking C. wakes D. woke14. Will you please show me how to do the role- play exercise?Sure. Now let me tell y

6、ou_ first.A. which to do B. how to do C. when to do D. what to do15. Do you believe some special dogs can do things _man?A. as good as B. as well as C. as soon as D. as careful as16. Dont_while the bus is moving,or you may hurt yourself and even someone outside. A. get on B. get up C. get off D. get

7、 in17. Yesterday morning Tom hurried to class_his schoolbooks, so he had to share Marys.A. without B. for C. with D. past18. I came to your home yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in.Oh, we _ some shopping in the supermarket.A. have done B. did C. were doing D. are doing19. Anns house is ten miles

8、away from the school and nobody else in her class lives_.A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the furthest 20. May I park my car here,Sir?_. You may park it over there.A. Yes, you may B. Yes, you canC. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt二、完形填空(本题共25小题;每小题l分,满分25分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题

9、卡上将该项涂黑。AYou must have hobbies of your own. Are you interested in our hobbies? OK,now let me tell you something about my 21 hobbies.My hobby is collecting stamps. When I began, I tried to collect the stamps of all 22 , but there were too many, so now 1 collect only US and Chinese ones. 1 23 a lot of

10、 friends in the US, so I often get letters from them. Some of my stamps are very pretty and some are unusual. We can 24 a lot from stamps, such as the history of the countries.My younger brother, Peter, likes 25trains. He often goes to the station nearby and watches them carefully. 26 a train goes t

11、hrough the station,he writes down its name and number.My sisters hobby is sewing. She has no sewing machine, 27 she doesnt have to worry about itshe can use my mothers. She makes most of her 28 herself, and when I tear (撕坏) my shirt or my trousers,I always ask her for 29 .My father has a hobby, too.

12、 It is walking the 30 . Every morning and afternoon he goes walking with his handsome dog.21. A. classmates B. teachers C. friends D. familys22. A. countries B. colours C. prices D. sizes23. A. miss B. have C. meet t). remember24. A. choose B. make C. learn D. take25. A. collecting B. taking C. maki

13、ng D. watching26. A. When B. Although C. Until D. Because27. A. and B. so C. but D. or28. A. decisions B. plans C. cakes D. clothes29. A. money B. help C. pity D. advice30. A. cat B. sheep C. dog D. horseBOne day, a poor boy, who was selling newspapers from door to door in order to pay for his schoo

14、ling,found he had only ten cents left,and he was 31 He decided to ask for a meal at the next house. However, he changed his mind when a young woman opened the door.Instead of a 32 he asked for a drink of water. But as he looked so hungry, she 33 him a large glass of milk. He drank it, and then asked, How much do I owe (欠) you?My mother

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