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选修七Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Language points Welcome to the unitReadingWord格式文档下载.docx

1、He lost touch with his former English teacher two years ago.两年前他与他以前的英语老师失去了联系。We stay/keep in touch with each other though we live in the different cities.尽管我们住在不同的城市,但我们仍然保持着联系。名师点津与“联系”相关的状语keep/be in touch with/be out of touch with 表状态,可和表示时间段的状语连用,而get in touch with/lose touch with表示动作,不能和表示时间段

2、的状语连用。 contribute to对做出贡献;促成,有助于(教材P2)Many different people contributed to the development of TV.许多不同的人为电视的发展做出了贡献。(1) 向捐赠;向投稿(2) contribution n. 贡献;捐款;捐助;投稿make a contribution/contributions to. 对做出贡献She continued to contribute articles to sports magazines.她继续向体育杂志投稿。Qian Xuesen made g

3、reat contributions to the space development program.钱学森对太空发展计划做出了很大的贡献。特别提示contribute to和 make a contribution/contributions to中的 to都为介词,to 后要跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。图形助记两图妙说记contribute向捐赠向投稿 though adv.可是,不过,然而(教材P2)It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin i

4、n the USA.然而,二十多年后,直到1951年,彩色电视节目才在美国定期播出。(1)though 用作副词时,常位于句末,有时也可位于句中。(2)though 用作连词,意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,可与although替换使用,不能与but连用,但可以和yet,still连用。(3)though 可以用于倒装句中,相当于as(意为“虽然”)引导让步状语从句,其语序是:adj./ adv./ n though/ as 主语 其他,而although一般不用于该结构。He said he would come to my house;he didnt turn up though.

5、他说要来我家;但他没来。In fact, theyre hard to spot, though they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.事实上,即使它们总是在人们接近的时候飞离,它们却很难被发现。Small though/as my cellphone is, it works very well.我的手机尽管小一点儿,但性能很好。 【导学号:95702000】 delay vt.& vi.(使)推迟,延迟n.延误,延迟(教材P2)Regular colour TV broadcasts were delayed in t

6、he UK until 1967.在英国定期播放彩色电视节目一直拖延到1967年。(1)delay sth. 使延期;使耽搁delay doing sth. 推迟做某事(2)without delay 毫不迟延地,立即delay in doing sth. 耽搁做某事Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.磨刀不误砍柴工。I apologized to the teacher, because I delayed handing (hand) in my homework. 我因耽搁了上交我的作业而向老师道歉。Th

7、ey must restore normal services without delay(delay)他们必须马上恢复正常服务。名词delay后可接in doing sth.,但不接of doing sth.或不定式。 (教材P2)They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.它们也使远离城市的人们可以收看电视,

8、在农村和边远地区经常可以看到卫星天线。(1)accessible adj.可使用的;可接触到的;可到达的;易理解的(1)be accessible to sb. 容易为理解的;容易 为接近的(2)access n. U (使用或见到的)机会/权利;通道give(sb.)access to 接见;准许(某人)使用get/have access to 得以接近/进入/使用These dangerous chemicals must not be kept where they are accessible to children. 这些危险的化学药品必须放在儿童够不到的地方。The website

9、 also gives access to a large number of tools that can be used to analyze these data.这个网站还提供了大量能够分析这些数据的工具。The public dont have access to the site.公众无权进入此地。95702001】(2)distribute vt.使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销(1)distribute .to . 把分发给distribute .among . 在中分配(2)distribution n. 分配,分发The teacher distributed the new

10、 books to the students.老师把新书分发给学生们。The unfair distribution(distribute) of wealth is becoming less and less nowadays.如今社会财富分配不均(的现象)越来越少。 benefit from 受益于,从中得到好处(教材P2)However, most people still benefit from satellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to

11、 the population living nearby.然而,大多数人仍然受益于卫星电视,因为当地的电视公司把从卫星接收器接收到的信号播送给附近的居民。(1)benefit vi.&vt. 使受益;有利于benefit sb./sth. 使某人/某物受益(2)benefit n. 利益;好处be of benefit tobe beneficial to. 对有益for the benefit of. 为了的利益(3)beneficial adj. 有用的;有好处的They are working together to benefit the whole community.他们在为整个

12、社区的利益共同努力。For me,I think people can get lots of benefits (benefit) from riding bicycles.对我而言,我认为骑自行车有很多好处。Cycling is highly beneficial (benefit)to health and the environment.骑自行车对健康和环境大有益处。 wind up上发条;(指人)终于到达某处,安顿;使结束(讲话等);把(尤指车窗)摇上(教材P3)The first record players had to be wound up by hand and only

13、played records that were two minutes long.最早的留声机必须手摇上发条,而且只能播放两分钟长的唱片。wind sth.into a ball 把绕成一团wind ones way 蜿蜒前进wind down (指钟表)慢下来后停住;使(业务、活动等)逐步结束,把(汽车窗玻璃等)摇下The stream winds its way through the village.小溪弯弯曲曲地流过村庄。Would you mind winding down the window?请把窗户摇下来好吗? foresee vt.预料,预见,预知(教材P3)Who can foresee what the future will bring?谁能预料未来会给我们带来什么?(1)foreseen./ 从句 预料到;预知(2)foreseeable adj. 可预料的,可预见的unforeseeable adj. 预料不到的,不可预见的(3)unforeseen adj. 未预料到的,意料之外的He asked me who could have foreseen such pr

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