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1、I think that you are not right. I dont think you are right. 在英语中动词think, believe, guess, imagine等宾语从句的否定通常转移到主句中,这点与汉语的表达方式有所不同。I dont think he is a good boy. 我们认为他不是好孩子。We dont believe the news is true. 我们相信这消息不是真的。课文要点 I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. (P49)3. 你最好找人把车修一下。Y

2、oud better get the car repair. Youd better get the car repaired. 解析: 英语中get(have) something done意为“让别人去做某事”,即我们通常所说的“让某事被某人做”,这种情况多指技术类的工作让别人完成,如房屋装修、机器维修等专业的活儿。Lastyear,wehadthehouserebuilt.去年,我们的房子翻新过了。(翻新房子的不是我们自己,而是建筑工人)Werehavingourcarrepaired.我们正在修车呢。(修车的不是我们自己,而是修车工人)这种结构还可以表示“遭遇到某事”,通常是令人不快的

3、事件;多指“某人偷了,弄坏或破坏了属于你的东西”。Shesherwallettaken.她的钱包被偷了。Theyhavetheirrequestrefused.他们的要求被拒绝了。课文要点 Sixteen-year-olds be allowed to get their ears pierced. (P49)4. 这本书严禁借给别人。This book mustnt lend to others. This book mustnt be lent to others. lend意为“借出”,是及物动词,主语book是lend的承受者,是被动关系,须使用被语态。The patient must

4、 be sent to the hospital. 这位病人必须马上送往医院。课文要点 Your bedroom must be cleaned every day. (P52) 5. 那个小女孩一看见自己的妈妈就不哭了。As soon as the little girl saw her mother, she stopped to cry. As soon as the little girl saw her mother, she stopped crying. stopdoingsomething意为“停止做某事”即“不做某事了”,如:HestoppedwatchingTVandbeg

5、antoreadEnglish.他停下来看电视,开始读英语。dosomething.意为“停下来原来做的事,做下面的事”,如:watchedforanhour;At8hehishomework. 他看了一个小时的电视,八点钟他停下来(看电视)去做作业。课文要点 He should stop wearing that silly earring. (P50)6. 我们一直对出卖了农场而感到后悔。We have always regretted to sell the farm. We have always regretted selling the farm. regretsomething意

6、为“对要做的事遗憾”。动词不定式的动作未发生。Iregretthis,butnochoice. 我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。something对做过的事遗憾、后悔。动词-ing的动作已发生。donttellingwhatthought.我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。课文要点 I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. (P51)7. 那位老师对他的学生很严厉。The teacher is strict to his teachers. The teacher is strict with his teachers. bestrictwith

7、sb.意为“对某人严格要求”。Sheisveryeverybody. 她对每个人都很严格。比较:insomething意为“对某事严格要求”。himselfeverything.他在每件事情上都对自己很严格。课文要点 Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. (P5)8. 我们大家都反对这个计划。All of us against the plan. All of us are against the plan. against意为“反对;违背”,是介词,不是动词,不能单独作谓语,须与系动词be连用。arestronglyagainsti

8、dea.他们强烈反对这个意见。Areyouormyplan?对于我的计划你是赞成还是反对?Whatdonelaw.你所做的事情是违法的。JanemarriedJackownwill.简与杰克结婚,违背了自己的意愿。 课文要点 We have nothing against running! (P54)9. 这位小孩帮助这位盲人在十字路口过马路。The girl helped the blind man go across h the street at the crossing. The girl helped the blind man go through the street at th

9、e crossing. 它们均表示由某地方的一端向另一端的移动。但across强调在某个表面上的运动,有“on”的含义;Thelakewasfrozen,sowalkedacrossice.湖结冰了,因此我们从冰上过去。Ittookus2hourswalkthroughforest/tunnel.我们花了2小时步行穿过森林(遂道)当表示横向跨过一条河流、街道等时,用across。swamacross theriver.她游泳过河。则强调在一个上、下、左、右皆有东西的三维空间里移动,含有“in”的意义,表示纵向通过或说不出横纵向时用through:OnwaygoHudsonstreet.在路上我

10、们必须穿过Hudson街道。pushedcrowdsbar.我挤过人群到酒吧。课文要点 When I was two running through the field she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger. (P51) 10. 我每天练习打篮球。I practice to play basketball every day. I practice playing basketball every day. 意为“训练;练习” ,用作及物动词,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式,不可以跟动词不定式。He is practicing th

11、e piano now. 他正在练钢琴。You must practice speaking English more. 你必须多练习讲英语。They are practicing singing the new song. 他们在练习唱那首新歌。Practice作“练习”解也可以用作名词,不可数。With practice he could speak French fluently. 通过练习他能把法语讲得很流利了。课文要点 His parents believe that Liu Yu should study hard in the evening so they dont allow

12、 him to practice running at night.(P54)11. 我根本不同意你的意见。I dont agree your idea at all. I dont agree with your idea at all. I dont agree with you at all. agree“同意”,是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,它的后面常跟介词with,表示“同意”,“与一致”,with后面跟指人或表示意见的词。He doesnt agree with me. 他不同意我的意见。I agree with what you said. 我同意你说的话。课文要点 No, I dont agree with this. (P52)12.

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