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1、各驾校迫切需要通过提高自身的竞争力实现更好的生存与发展。舒城同兴驾校在当地的汽车驾驶员培训业有骄人成绩。但近年来,随着汽车驾驶培训市场竞争进一步加剧,同兴驾校存在的问题也日益凸现,如何顺应市场需要调整发展战略,实现预期发展目标,是摆在同兴驾校面前的一个重大课题。 本文开篇首先对驾校的性质进行了界定,确定驾校的企业身份和社会地位,指出了驾校制度创新优化的必要性,确定本论文的结构和主要内容。第二部分就同兴驾校的外部环境分析,确定驾校经营成功的两个关键因素。第三就同兴驾校的内在资源能力进行分析,并得出同兴驾校内部资源的核心能力。第四部分通过SWOT分析,判断其存在的外部机遇,外在威胁,内在优势和内在

2、劣势,并得出SWOT矩阵。随后根据以上分析梳理同兴驾校的战略选择并提出战略实施的保障。虽然同兴驾校在全市同行业中优势相对明显,但现阶段的发展具有一定盲目性。本文通过对同兴驾校的分析,为同兴驾校制定战略方案。由于同兴驾校的问题在驾驶培训行业中具有一般性和普遍性,因此,本文研究同兴驾校的战略发展对本行业的其他驾校的发展具有一定的指导借鉴意义。关键词:同兴驾校;驾驶培训;发展战略;SWOT分析AbstractWith the rapid development of social economy, China has become one of the largest countries for a

3、utomobile production and marketing. Market opportunities and market space for driving training industry has brought huge profits. And the demand of driver training industry is expanding unceasingly. At the same time, the low industry currently access barriers and the rapid growth of new entrants qua

4、ntity lead to the increasingly fierce market competition. The internal competition of driver training school industry has become increasingly urgent. In order to achieve better survival environment and development, the driver training schools need to improve their own competitiveness.TongXing Driver

5、 Training School is one of the biggest driving schools in ShuCheng City, established several years ago, has a remarkable result in local driver training industry. However, with the further development of automobile drivers training in recent years the competition of automobile driving training marke

6、t continues to intensify. The problems of TongXing Driver Training School become more apparent, and how to follow the market development strategies needs to be adjusted. At the same time, achieving the desired development goals should be attached much more importance for TongXing Driver Training Sch

7、ool. In this paper, the article begins with the defination of driver training school, Then, determining driver training business identity and social status and the necessity of the driving system innovation optimization are pointed out . The second part analyzes the external environment of driving s

8、chool in detail. It mainly includes the macro environment and competitive environment for driving influence. What more, determining the two key factors of driving schools for their success on this basis. The third part is analyzing driving internal resources ability, mainly including the analysis of

9、 resource conditions, the analysis of driving school and getting core competence of TongXing Driver Training School on the internal resources. The fourth part, based on the analysis of internal and external environment of TongXing Driver Training School, gets the SWOT distraction and judges the exis

10、tence of the external opportunities, external threats, inherent advantages and inherent weaknesses. Besides, SWOT matrix is obtained. Then based on the analysis above and combing with driving schools strategic choice and strategic implementation of protection is put forward.This article aims to deve

11、lop future strategic development, through the strategic analysis of TongXing Driver Training School. Nowadays, TongXing Driver Training School has some advantages in Shucheng city. But this situation could be changed as the economy develops. Thus, it is necessary for TongXing Driver Training School

12、to have its further strategic development. Therefore, this study on TongXing Driver Training School also has an important reference to other driver training school in general.Keywords: Tongxing Driver Training School; Driving Training; Development strategy; SWOT第1章 绪论随着经济和科技的不断发展,人们的生活水平越来越高,对于汽车的需求

13、与日俱增。驾驶学校培训也随之越来越普遍地走进人们的生活。面对如此火爆的驾驶培训市场,驾驶学校不能只顾眼前的发展,对于后期长久的经营也至关重要。所以,对于驾驶学校经营战略的研究除了对于驾校自身发展的长久意义以外,对于人们的生活质量的提高和社会安定也有重要的意义。1.1 选题背景和意义1.1.1战略发展的选题背景21 世纪以来,科技带动了社会各行各业的高速发展。在不断进步的科技带动下,汽车行业也在不断发展。同时,随着人们生活水平的提高,各种生活需求也越来越高,汽车已经从一种奢侈品慢慢成为了人们生活的必需品。居民可支配收入的增加以及消费观念的转变使人们对生活品质的要求越来越高,于是,更多成熟的技术和


15、竞争力,以此来取得良好的经济利益,不断往复发展。1.1.2 战略发展的研究意义汽车需求量的快速增长在改善着人们的生活品质的同时,也因为驾驶技术和人为的因素给我们的生命财产安全带来了隐患。据公安部交通管理局统计,2013 年共发生道路交通事故 25 万起,造成近 7万人死亡、近 30 万人受伤。其中因交通违规造成的交通事故近20 万起,死亡5万多人,占总数的 87.9%和 85.8% ,直接的经济损失达5万多元。对于交通事故的诱发原因有很多,社会因素,自然因素等诸多的变数,但对于人身安全威胁做大的应该是驾驶员的技术水平和素质,因此,进一步提升驾驶员的技术和素质,作为保障公民人身安全,保证社会安定


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