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1、_,许多人仍然喜欢纸质书胜过电子书根据上一句People often check what is happening in the world on the Internet, keep in touch with friends through emails, or even start to read ebooks人们经常在网上查阅世界上发生的事情,通过电子邮件与朋友保持联系,甚至开始阅读电子书及首字母提示,可知,表示转折,用However然而3better;考查比较级句意然而,许多人仍然喜欢纸质书,而不是电子书,因为他们认为在阅读纸质书时大脑工作得_更好两者比较,且修饰动词work工作用

2、副词well的比较级better4different;考查形容词句意一些科学家提出了一些_想法根据下一句They believe how brains work is not greatly affected by the way people read, but depends on the following factors(因素) 他们相信大脑如何工作并不受人们阅读方式的影响,而是取决于以下因素 及首字母提示,可知,应该是不同的修饰名词ideas想法用形容词different5include;考查动词句意它们_阅读材料的种类和内容根据上一句but depends on the follo

3、wing factors而是取决于以下因素及首字母提示,可知,应该是包括主语they它们一般现在时态,谓语动词用原形include6purpose;考查名词句意它们包括阅读材料的种类和内容,阅读的_目的the purpose of的目的填purpose7funny;当人们阅读娱乐节目时,比如说关于明星家庭的新闻或_故事有趣的修饰名词stories故事用形容词funny8knowledge;当人们阅读去获得科学_时,阅读纸质书籍更有帮助知识填不可数名词knowledge9hand;通常,在纸质书上用_写笔记要比在数字设备上输入笔记更费时手一只手写字,用单数名词hand10easy;所以当你读纸质

4、书时,你很_记住要点根据上一句Usually, taking notes by hand on paper books takes longer than typing(打字) notes out on digital devices通常,在纸质书上用手写笔记要比在数字设备上输入笔记更费时及首字母提示,可知,应该是容易的it is+形容词+for sb to do sth对某人来说,做某事是填形容词easy2(2017镇江)One day, when a boy named Ted returned from school in a hurry, his mother complained,

5、It is six oclock, and your school c(46)loses at four where have you been?Oh, mom, said Ted, when we play ball games, we f (47)orget everything else We dont think of the time Is supper ready?The boys mother believed him Teds a(48)nswer led her to think that he had been playing with his classmates But

6、 he hadnt been playing at allHe had been kept in by the school librarian, because he had made the l(49)ibrary in a complete mess He didnt like to tell his mother about that He wished her to think that he had been playingWhat a s(50)hame it is for you to try to deceive(欺骗) your mother! said something

7、 in Teds heart, as he q (51)uickly sat down to his supperI dont care, said the boy to h(52)imself t care I didnt tell a lie I didnt say that I was playingBut, said the voice, you used words which m(53)ade your mother think that you had been playing, and that was s (54)imilar to what you had said soI

8、 didnt tell a lie said TedDid Ted tell a lie, or did he not? What do you think?If we use words which can deceive others, we tell a lie; and Teds lie was a bad one, for it sounded so like the t (55)ruth A lie that sounds true is the worst kind of lie【解答】46closes考查动词句意现在是六点,你们学校四点_关闭这里直接引语用一般现在时态,主语sc

9、hool单数谓语动词用colse的第三人称单数closes47forget考查动词句意当我们打球时,我们_了其他一切根据下一句We dont think of the time我们不考虑时间及首字母提示,可知,应该是忘记主语we我们直接引语用一般现在时态,谓语动词用原形forget48answer考查名词句意Ted的_使她认为他一直在和同学们玩根据46空后where have you been?你去哪里了?及首字母提示,可知,应该是回答名词所有格Teds修饰名词,这里指一个问题的答案,用单数answer49library考查名词句意因为他把_搞得一团糟根据上一句He had been by t

10、he school librarian他被学校图书馆员留住了及首字母提示,可知,应该是图书馆填单数名词library50shame考查名词句意你欺骗你母亲真是太_羞耻a修饰单数名词shame51quickly考查副词句意他_坐下来吃晚饭根据上一句What a same it is for you to try to deceive(欺骗) your mother!s heart你欺骗你母亲真是太羞辱了Ted的心里说及首字母提示,可知,想要吃饭来掩盖说谎的羞耻因此应该是快速地,修饰动词用副词quickly52himself考查代词句意我不在乎,男孩对_说根据51空前said something in Teds heart在Ted的心里说了些什么及首字母提示,可知,应该是他自己填反身代词himself53made考查动词句意你用那些_你妈妈认为你一直在玩的话根据首字

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