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1、 4. Could you tell me the way to the Science Museum,please?Yes, walk along this street .Youll see it _ yourleft.A. on B. in C. for D. over 5. Where will Alice sit?The seat next to Kennys is _.A .her B. him C. hers D .his 6. There is such a big noise that I _ hear you very well.A. mustnt B. neednt C.

2、 shouldnt D. cant 7. A human brain can do some things, such as creatingnew ideas, _ than a computer.A. worse B. better C. slower D .later8. The soldier was probably feeling excited when he _ down the stairs.A. came B. comes C. has come D .will come 9 .You can save money _ you buy cheaper things A. b

3、efore B. unless C .if D. until 10. Try to _. Do not depend on your dictionary all the time.A. know B. achieve C. help D. guess 11. Although hes now an old man, hes _ very lively. A even B. seldom C. still D hardly 12. How many Chinese astronauts (宇航员) _ intospace since 2003?Twelve, including two wom

4、en.A. were sent B. sentC. have been sent D. have sent 13 It is good for the fish to have_ water plants inthe tank鱼缸) to keep the water pure.A .little B. a little C .few D. a few 14 .What a lucky boy _! He has won a four-week trip to France.A. Daniel is B. is DanielC. Daniel does D. does Daniel 15. S

5、orry, but I couldnt findyour tape._. Ive got another oneA .Youd better not B. Thats all rightC. I dont know D. Youre welcomeB)补全对话从方框AG中选出可以填入对话空白处(1620)的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Hey, Martin. Doyouwanttogotoaconcertwithme next week?B :Oh, well, maybe. Whos playing? Its a local band (乐队) - Burnt Fingers.

6、_16_B: No, What kind of music is it?_17_Its just that I got some free tickets. My friendAnna is going, too Were going to meet after work. Annasgoingtogo? Great! _18_s on Monday at seven Monday? Oh, no. I have a meeting on Monday withmy boss. We probably wont finish until seven. _19_ I know Anna woul

7、d like to see you, too. Well, wait. Maybe Ill call my boss and ask her if wecan change the day. OK, yeah. _20_.A. Find out and let me know.B. So when is it?C .Do you need it?D. Oh, thats too bad.E. Have you heard of them?F. Im afraid it is not a good idea.G. Well, Im not really sure二、完形填空(共1 5小题,每小题

8、l分;满分15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do you know that humans have been cleaning their teethfor over 7,000 years? According to the BBC, the AncientEgyptians used a type of toothpaste (牙膏). _21_ it is believedthat the Egyptians used a finger _22_ a toothbrush to clean theirteeth .Chinese

9、 people may have _23_ the first toothbrush around1,600 BC.Your toothbrush, however, may have also become_24_.Because it is now possible to clean our teeth _25_ using our hands!Two Canadians, Adel Elseriand Said Fayad, have invented_26_ called T2T or tongue-to-teeth Elseri says hecame up with the ide

10、a_27_ he was driving home after a longday at work His_28_ is a toothbrush that goes onto your tongue(舌) T2T has special edges (边缘) and toothpaste .So just _29_your tongue over your teeth and it cleans your teeth just like atoothbrush _30_! It will make your breath fresh tooElseri and Fayad made this

11、 hand-free toothbrush becausethey believed it was a _31_way for someone to brush theirteeth. But people can only use the T2T _32_.Would you use the tongue-to-teeth? The Huffington Postin the US _33_ readers what they thought. Sixty-one percent saidthat they would use it while only thirty-nine percen

12、t said they _34_. Personally I think Im going to stick to(坚持用) the _35_.21. A. So B. Then C. But D. Or22. A. instead of B .because of C .more than D .less than23 A.discovered B. develop C .built D. developed24 A. science B. history C. problem D secret25. A by B. from C. without D for26. A .nothing B

13、. everythingC. anything D .something27. A. until B. when C. since D .though28. A .idea B. story C. word D plan29 A. hold B. pull C. move D. check30 A is B. does C. was D. did31 A healthier B. easier C. harder D. longer32 A. again B. soon C once D already33. A. told B. asked C. warned D. advised34. A. shouldnt B .shouldC. wouldnt D. would35. A finger B toothbrush C. mouth D tongue三、阅读理解(共18小题,A节每小题l. 5分,B节每小题1分,满分25分) A)阅读下列短文,熬后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。AAre you afraid of tests?What will you do to prepare for atest? The following suggestions will be helpful。Pay attention to what your tea

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