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本文(广州深圳沈阳七年级下unit3ouranimalfriends同步讲解与练习含反身代词方位介词汇编.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广州深圳沈阳七年级下unit3ouranimalfriends同步讲解与练习含反身代词方位介词汇编Unit 3 Our Animal Friends同步讲练重点单词blindradio programmehelpfulrescuemeanallowfinallyairportpetapologizeleadbarkwaketowelbottomappearclimbarrive atby oneselflead sb. to fall asleepwake upget downfire engine短语1. arrive at / reach2. by oneselfIm blind and

2、I cant go anywhere by myself.3. lead sb. toThe receptionist leads us to the room.4. fall asleep / go to sleep / go to bedHe is very tired, so he fall asleep very quickly.5. Im sorry that Im sorry that we dont allow pets here.6. some time 一段时间/ sometime 某个时候/ sometimes 有时候/ some times几次 Some time lat

3、er, Charlie started barking.Sometime around 2000, I went to Beijing once.Sometimes I feel rather sleepy at night.We have done this some times.7. with sb.s help, . / with the help of sb./sth.请将下面句子翻译成英文李先生喜欢自己一个人吃午饭。李先生到了展望大厦。我们欢迎您来到展望大厦,但我很抱歉我们不允许宠物进来。过了一会,李先生到达了703.在店员的帮助下,李先生买了一颗AMD CPU.李先生很开心,所以他

4、在公交车上睡着了。语法反身代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数MyselfYourselfHimself, herself, itself复数OurselvesYourselvesThemselves常用搭配enjoy oneself 玩的开心teach oneself 自学 learn by oneself 自学help yourself 不要客气(吃)help yourself to something 不要客气,吃一些XX。come to oneself 苏醒make oneself at home 不要拘束练习一1. Mr. Green is our English teacher. _c

5、omes from U. S. A.A. heB. sheC. itD. they2. Help _ to some chicken, boys and girls.A. youB. yoursC. yourselfD. yourselves3. I made the cake by _. Help _, Tom.A. ourselves, yourselfB. myself, yourselfC. myself, youD. me, him4. She is a student and _ name is Mary.A. sheB. herC. hersD. herselfs5. Who t

6、aught _ history last year?Nobody! He learned it _.A. him, himselfB. his, himselfC. himself, himselfD. his, him6. Whose photo is this?Its _.A. meB. mineC. myD. myself7. Help_ to some meat, Mary.A. themselvesB. ourselvesC. yourselfD. himself练习二选择1. Those girls enjoyed _ in the party last night. A. the

7、m B. they C. themselves D. herself 2. Help _ to some fish, children. A. yourself B. your C. yours D. yourselves3. The film _ is very fun. A. its B. itself C. it D. its 4. Who teaches _ math? I teach _. A. your, myself B. you, myself C. you, me D. you, herself 5. The father will make _ a bike _. A. h

8、er, himself B. she, himself C. her, herself D. she, herself 6. The scarf is _, she made it_. A. herself, her B. herself, hers C. hers, herself D. her, herself 7. Liu Hulans death was great. She thought more of others than _. A. her B. she C. hers D. herself 8. Luckily, he didnt hurt _ terribly yeste

9、rday. A. him B. themselves C. himself D. they 9. I cant mend my shoe _. Can you mend it for ? A. myself, me B. myself, I C. me, I D. I, me10. I like watching in the mirror. A. me B. I C. my D. myself翻译1、 我总是玩得很开心。2. 他们正玩得开心。3. 她正独自一人在家呆着。4. 他正一个人把箱子往桌子上抬。5. 我们打算自己把墙刷成白色。6. 你们必须依靠你们自己。7. 她正在为自己做饼干。方位

10、介词常用介词 in、on、behind、next to、near、over、under (1). in在里面: The pencil is in the desk. 铅笔在课桌里。 (2). on在上面: There are some apple on the tree. 树上有些苹果。 (3). under在下面/正下方:Whats under your desk? 你书桌底下是什么?(4). over在正上方: There is a shelf over the table. 桌子上方有一个书架。 (5). above 在斜上方:Raise your arms above your hea

11、d. (6). below 在斜下方:Her skirt came below her knees. (7).behind在之后: There is a bike behind the tree. 树后有一辆自行车。 (8).next to在旁边:There is a caf next to the barbers. 理发店隔壁是一家咖啡馆。 (9).near在附近:My bed is near the window. 我的床在窗户旁。 (10).by 在旁:He was sitting by the window .第一组:over, above和on的用法 1)over指在的正上方,表示垂

12、直在上。如: There is a lamp over the desk. 2)above指在上方,属于斜上方。如: Raise your arms above your head. 3)on指在上面,表示两物体接触。如: There is a cup on the table.第二组:under / below的用法:1) under在下面/正下方:Whats under your desk? 2) below 在斜下方:Her skirt came below her knees.练习:( ) 1 The boat is passing_ the bridge. A. through B.

13、 below C. under D. across ( ) 2 Two planes are flying_ the city. A. through B. over , C. on , D, below ( ) 3 We can see a river running to the east_ the hill. A. under B. below C. over D. on ( ) 4 Do you see the kite _ the building. A. over B. cross C. on D. above 第三组:in 和on表示“在上”1,门一类镶嵌在墙里的,用in, 字画

14、一类挂在墙面上的,用on ( ) 1 He put up a map _ the back wall because there was a hole _ it.A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at( ) 2 There is a door_ the wall. A. on B. to C. of ) 3 Any man _ eyes_ his head can see that hes exactly like a rope. A. with; on B. with; in C. on; with D. in; with2,鸟一类落在树上的,用in; 苹果一类长在树上的,用on ( ) 1 There are some birds singing_ the trees. A. in B. on C. at D. from( ) 2 There are so many apples_ that tr

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