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1、6326 James Brown Sales Manager David Advertising Ltd.33 Corn Road Beijing 100010 15 April 2004 Dear Mr.Brown,Re:New Product Advertisement Booking Thank you for your letter of 12 April 2004 concerning our new product advertisement booking.I am writing to inform you that certain changes have been made

2、 because we have increased the budget on the advertising campaign.We need to change the following details.Firstly,we would like to book color page adverts instead of black and white.In addition,we would like our adverts to appear in four issues rather than two,that is,June,July,August and September.

3、Finally,I would be grateful if you could quote us a new price and offer us a 10%discount considering the large number of issues in which we place the adverts.I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely Thomas Davis Manager Enc.寄信人的地址(senders

4、address)收信人的地址(recipients address)日期(date)10th April 2004(英式英语)或者 April 10,2004(美式英语)称呼语(salutation)信的主题(subject 或者 regarding 加上冒号,regarding 经常被缩写为 re:)说明这封信主要说的是什么内容。1、每个单词的首字母大写:Re:New Product Advertisement Booking 2、每 个 单 词 的 字 母 都 大 写,但 是 不 用 加 横 线:SUBJECT:NEW PRODUCT ADVERTISEMENT BOOKING。3、如果不

5、用 Re 或者 subject 可以直接写为:NEW PRODUCT ADVERTISEMENT BOOKING 或者 New Product Advertisement Booking。以上 3 种可以任选。信的正文(body)1、信的首段:(introductory paragraph)通常正式信函的第一段会表明写信的原因、目的或者根据什么来写这封信。2、信的主段(main paragraph)信的主要内容通常放在此段。此段根据内容的多少可另分为数段。3、结束段(concluding paragraph)在信的结束段,通常会根据情况表达感谢或盼望对方回信等。结束语(complimentar

6、y ending)结束语根据称呼语的不同而不同。如果知道收信人的姓名,用 Yours sincerely 如果不知道收信人姓名,用Yours faithfully 签名(signature)职位或称谓(position/title)内附(enclosures,缩写为 Enc.)表明随信还寄去了何种文件或物品。商务书信写作常用句型 指出写这封信的背景 With reference to Further to,Thank you for解释写信原因 I am writing to I am writing to confirm I am writing to enquire about I am

7、writing to inform you I am writing apologize for I am writing to apply for I am writing to complain about 提出要求 I would be grateful if you could I would appreciate it if you could Could you possibly.?表示感谢 Thank you for 随信寄去的材料 Please find enclosed I am enclosing We enclose 表示道歉 I regret that I am afr

8、aid that I am sorry that I apologize for I wish to offer my sincere apologies for 同意别人的要求 I would be delighted to确认某事 I am pleased to confirm that I conform that I can assure you that告知对方坏消息 Unfortunately,I am afraid that 表达对一件事情的紧急处理 at your earliest convenience.without soon as possible.结束

9、信件用语 Thank you for your help.Please contract us again if we can help in any way.there are any have any next Wednesday.I look forward to hearing from/meeting/seeing you soon/next Monday.询问信 询问信主要是要用来咨询价格、产品情况、付款方式或是向对方索要产品目录等,而回复询问信则是回答上述情况。写询问 信询问有关对方产品或服务的信息,往往是同

10、对方建立贸易关系第一步。询问信内容主要是 索要产品目录(catalogue)介绍产品的宣传手册(brochure)价目表(price list)付款 条件(terms of payment)等。Dear Sir or Madam,I have seen your advertisement in the current issue of Office Monthly and am interested in your range of office stationery.I would be grateful if you could send me your latest catalogue

11、 and price list.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully Dear Sir or Madam,I saw your advertisement in todays Times and am very interested in your product range.Would you please send me full details,prices and samples of your products?I look forward to hearing form you soon.Yours faithful

12、ly 询问信常用句型及注意事项 首先应该提及广告内容,即在什么时候和什么媒介上看到这个广告:With reference to your advertisement in I have seen your advertisement in I saw your advertisement in I am writing to enquire about 或者直接询问信息:I am very interested in and I would like to know 要求对方采取行动 I would be grateful if you could send me Could/Would yo

13、u please send me?Please send me 结束信函 I look forward to your early reply.I look forward to hearing form you.I look forward to receiving your reply.注意事项 1、在信的开头说明你所想问的问题。2、提出你的愿望或要求。3、希望对方回复。Write a letter to Cindy Smith asking for catalogue,prices and terms of payments of the furniture 回复询问信 回复询问信就是根

14、据客户的来信回信说明自己公司情况并寄去价目表、目录等。Dear Ms Smith,Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 2004 about our office furniture.We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue and price list.We hope you will find it of interest.If you require any further details,please do not hesitate to contact us.Yours sincer

15、ely 回复询问信常用句型及注意事项表示感谢 Thank you for your letter(enquiry)of(date).提及来信内容 With reference to your letter(enquiry)of,asking if Thank you for your letter(enquiry)of,enquiring about/requesting/concerning表达随信附上或寄送 We have pleasure to enclose We are pleased to enclose We enclosed Please find enclosed We ar

16、e sending 注意事项 1、在信的开头表示感谢。2、表明随信附上何种物品。3、结尾盼望对方来函或表示愿意回复对方问题。David Bush wrote a letter to enquire about the GH85 pocket radio.Please reply his letter and give him some information about your product.邀请信及其回复 Dear Mr.Pearson,I am the Secretary of a small business club in our city.We are organizing a reception for our business clients next Tuesday 23 May.

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