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1、135).That is top-down model.After that,the artificial,intelligence expert D.E Rumelhart said reading was a process that the bottom-up model and the top-down model interact together and at the same time processes word information.It was called interact model.1.Bottom-up ModelThe term“bottom-up”and“to

2、p-down”have been borrowed from cognitive psychology.Carrell(1988:2)defines the bottom-up model as“a decoding process of reconstructing the authors meaning by recognizing the printed letters and words,and build up the meaning for the textual units at the bottom.So the bottom-up model is a process whi

3、ch proceeds from the lowest level to the highest level of processing in such a way that all of the lower levels of processing operate without influence from higher levels(Carroll,2000:53).That is,the reader will proceed from the features of symbols,to the analysis of strings of words into phrases an

4、d sentences,until finally to the meaning of the discourse,that is,reconstructing the authors intended meaning via recognizing the printed letters and words,and build up a meaning from the smallest linguistic items at the“bottom”to larger units at the“top”(e.g.phrases,clauses,relationship between sen

5、tences and paragraphs)(Richards,2000).Bottom-up models have had their long-lasting influence in second language reading instruction.Problems of second language reading comprehension were viewed as being essentially decoding problems,deriving meaning from print.Failures to activate appropriate schema

6、ta are often interpreted as deficiencies in language processing skills.Consequently,poor readers and beginners are encouraged to expand their vocabulary and to gain greater control over complex syntactic structures in order to improve their reading comprehension.As words and syntactic patterns becom

7、e familiar,less attention will be needed to process them,and reading will be more fluent.However,in this solely bottom-up model of reading,learners may foster a habit of reading word for word to make sure of every unfamiliar word without paying much attention to the gist of the whole text.This hinde

8、rs them from efficient reading,and may result in poor comprehension as well as slow reading and loss of interest in reading.自下而上模式来源于人们对阅读过程最初的理解,是对传统的阅读理论观点的系统性总结。该模式产生于20世纪60年代,代表人物有P.B.Gough,S.T.Samules等。该理论认为,阅读是从辨认字母、单词开始,然后理解词组、短语、句子乃至整个篇章。这种模式强调信息从低级向高级转换并在高一级的水平上得到进一步的加工,当低一级水平上出现理解故障时就必然导致句



11、立处境。例如,“see eye to eye”是指“达成协议”,如果按字面意思来翻译却成了“看从眼到眼”,意思完全不同。“自上而下与自下而上的阅读模式是一种科学合理的阅读模式.自下而上的阅读模式是阅读的基础,自上而下的阅读模式是高水平阅读的必要条件.2.Top-down Model Goodman had described reading as a“psycholinguistic guessing game,”in which the“reader reconstructs.a message which has been encoded by a writer as a graphic

12、display”(Goodman,American Linguist 1971:135).According to this point of view,the reader reconstructs meaning from written language by using the graphophonic,and semantic systems of the language,but merely uses cues from the three levels of language to predict meaning,and most importantly,confirms th

13、ose predictions by relating them to his past experiences and knowledge of the language.In the top-down view of second language reading,not only is the reader an active participant in the reading process,making predications and processing information,but everything in the readers prior experience or

14、background knowledge plays a significant role in the process.自上而下阅读模式是古德曼在六十年代末提出来的。他认为,阅读过程并非是一个精确的知觉过程,而是一个选择的过程,即在阅读者预测的基础上运用那些可能得到的最少的、从知觉中选择而来的语言线索。一旦这些选择而来的信息被加工,则形成“暂时决定”。而这些“暂时决定”在继续阅读中会加以证实、拒绝或进一步提炼,直到阅读者理解阅读材料,阅读过程便告完成。经验、语感、期待选择部分材料意义 此外,他强调阅读者认知系统依赖于已有的语言知识和社会经历。在阅读过程中,充分发挥语言知识和社会经历的作用,以此来推动对书面文字的理解。古德曼认为,自上而下阅读模式的主要步骤是:(1)扫瞄和注视。从左到右对文字符号进行扫瞄,并对某些部分进行注视。(2)选择线索,形成表象。选择那些将成为知觉表象的信息,结合对材料的预测信息(线索)形成一种知觉表象。(3)一致性猜测。将选择的信息

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