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1、4.2默写1.由Mary 代替Kitty参加歌唱比赛(substitute)substitute Mary for Kitty to take part in the singing competition2.因某事责怪某人blame sb for sth应该由某人承担责任sb be to blame for sth3.代表 v represent4.做某事没有意义(point)There is no point in doing sth5.drug resistant infection 抗药性感染6.用对话填满每一个空隙 fill every gap with conversation7.

2、可能隐含的意思是 What may be implied is that8.在这些文化中,沉默就表示要求回应。#In these cultures,silence is a call for reflection.9.沉默的治愈性价值 the healing value of silence10.希望每一个都到场(到那儿)。#Everyone is expected to be there.11.最终侮辱/损害了那些他希望建立贸易关系的人end up insulting people with who he hopes to establish trade relations12.没什么价值的

3、 of little value13.因此adv thus14.交易障碍 trade barriers15.take sb for ice cream 请某人吃冰激凌16.致力于帮助其他人1)be committed to helping others2)be devoted to helping others17.put sth on hold耽搁/推迟某事 charged with cash 用现金充值19.valid 有效的20.bulk ticket purchases 大批量购票21.develop a more diverse intelligence 发展/培养更多样化

4、的智力22.intellectual capacity 智力/才智23.extra-curricular activities 课外活动24.适应大学生活adjust to college life25.学习效率 study efficiency26.坚持对你来说很重要的事(matter)stick to things that matter to you27.学生创造力和独立学习能力的培养the cultivation of students creativity and independent learning28.消息传来 Word came that/News came that29.

5、导致这个新建地区的重大损失result in/cause/lead to severe damage to the newly-built area30.某人从来没想到某人会做某事 It never occurred to sb that sb would do sth31.一个胜任这项工作的人 a person(who was/is)qualified for the job/to do the job32.共享单车不仅使用方便,而且价格合理。#Not only are shared bikes convenient to use,but also their prices are reas

6、onable.33.为短途旅行提供了一种额外选择 provide an additional/extra choice for short trips34.应该更多地强调Much emphasis should be put/laid/placed on35.对生存是很关键的be critical for survival3.11默写1.减少交通运输成本 reduce transportation costs2.公众可以得到的大量信息a wide range of information available to the public3.正如它们的名字所暗示的as their name imp

7、lies4.耗尽石油 run out of oil5.对需求变化反应更快速 respond more quickly to shifts in demand6.与某人达成协议strike a deal with sb7.与。#相比 compared to/with sth8.点击电子邮件里的链接click on links in emails9.They are entitled(entitle)to know what their donation is being used for.突然10.all at once11.在于 lie in12.炫耀 show off13.有着美丽心灵的人

8、people with beautiful hearts14.dominance 主导,控制15.bargain with sb 与某人讨价还价16.只要 as long as17.As a person ages,随着人的衰老18.毫无戒备之心的受害者 an unsuspecting victim19.戏弄某人play a trick/joke on sb20.令我们非常失望的是,to our great disappointment,/much to our disappointment,21.用A替换B(两种)replace A with B/exchange A for B22.朝他的

9、桌子走去proceed to his desk23.给他们惹麻烦cause them trouble24.给这个词下个定义give a definition to the word25.After everyone was seated,the chairman proceeded to announce(announce)his plan.26.向某人隐藏某事conceal sth from sb27.没有这样的疾病no such disease28.她好像感冒了。#(appear)She appeared to have caught a cold.It appears that she

10、has caught a cold.29.尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持我们在做得是。#We should persist in doing what we are doing now regardless of past failures.30.金融危机的解决办法the solutions to the financial crisis31.损伤惨重suffer great losses32.就气候变化达成共识agree on climate change33.强调经济全球化的重要性lay/put/place emphasis on/emphasize the importance of e

11、conomic globalisation34.像往常一样 as usual35.看起来非常不舒服的绿色a rather unpleasant-looking green36.接替 take over37.Parents will insist that these goodies are delivered(deliver)by a bearded man.38.With sales slowing(slow)in many western countries,toymakers are looking to China.39.strike 写出过去式,过去分词strike-struck-s

12、truck40.find toys stuffed(stuff)into stockings3.5默写1.在他40多岁的时候 in his 40s2.Not having done(not do)anything like this before,the boy felt very excited.3.面对被广泛接受的知识in the face of the universally held knowledge4.groundbreaking 开创性的5.感到挫败的 frustrated6.等价,相等nequivalence7.值得努力(worthy)be worthy of the effo

13、rt8.souvenir 纪念品9.考虑收费 consider charging a fee10.a big hit大受欢迎,巨大成功11.apart from 除了12.语音助手 voice assistants13.enthusiastic热情的14.充当一个学术顾问 serve/act as an academic consultant15.enter the work force 加入劳动力大军16.lag behind 落后于17.她对待我就像个陌生人一样She treats me as if I were a stranger.18.直到母亲满足了简的要求,她才上床睡觉。#(Not

14、)Not until Mother satisfied/met her needs did she go to bed.19.旨在做某事 aim at doing sth/aim to do sth20.有人建议某人做某事 Its suggested that sb(should)do sth21.心跳的速度 the speed at which your hear beats22.保持稳定的速度,慢慢来 pace oneself58.有氧运动 aerobics/aerobic exercise59.减肥 lose weight增肥 put on weight60.我认为现在讨论去哪里一点意义

15、都没有。#(point)I dont see any point in discussing where to go at present./I dont think there is any point in discussing61.你的衣着是否得体将会影响他人对你的印象。#(impression)Whether you dress properly will affect others impression of you.62.急剧的增长 sharp growth63.cyber space 网络空间64.They created artistic things related(relate)to natural beauty65.enjoy the movement with rhythm 享受有节奏的运动66.看到小男孩在被贵族殴打 see the boy being beaten by the diagnosed with 被症断为68.特别强调交通安全 lay/place/put special emphasis on traffic safety69.一条小船沿河顺流而下Down the river flew a small boat.70.The number of the people invited was(be)50.

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