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1、在美国,每个有成就的艺术家一生的梦想,便是得一次拉索普奖。3. All of his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook.近年来他所购买的全部东西都不得不用来清偿债务。这对他的健康和经济都是个很大的损失。4. It gives the Lathrop Gallery pleasure to announce that the First Landscape Prize of $ 1000 has been awarded

2、 to Collis P. Ellsworth for his painting, “Tree Dressed in White.”兹将风景画一等奖美金1000元授予“穿白衣的树”的作者柯利斯波艾斯沃斯先生。拉索普画廊宣布此项决定,深感荣幸。5. She wondered at the magnitude of this life and at the importance of knowing much in order to do anything in it at all.她对这种生活景象的伟大很是吃惊,也想到在这样的地方做事需有丰富的知识。6. She felt the need of

3、 a breath of fresh air and a drink of water, but did not venture to stir.她感到需要吸些新鲜空气,喝些水,但是她不敢动。7. She was concentrating herself too thoroughlywhat she did really required less mental and physical strain.她的注意力过分集中了她做这种工作,精神上肉体上都用不着那样紧张的。8. In the Red Square, where Lenin spoke so often to his comrade

4、s, teaching, explaining, leading them forward to new battles against difficulties, his coffin is laid on the raised platform.列宁的灵柩停放在红场的一个高台上在红场上他曾经多少次地向他的同志们讲过话,他教导他们,给他们阐述革命道理,率领他们迈向克服困难的新战斗。II. 运用适当的技巧翻译下列句子1.It was soon recognized that this approach offered the best framework for a solution.人们不久

5、就认识到,这种办法提供了解决问题的最佳框架。2.Some analysts say that the banks an anticipating money tightening actions by the Federal Reserve Board.一些分析师说,各家银行希望联邦储备局采取紧缩银根的行动。3.His snorting response was interrupted by the arrival of a much older man wearing a warm Christmas smile.他刚一露出一副不屑搭理的模样,就过来了一位年纪比他大得多的人,满脸喜气洋洋的过

6、节神情。4.I like him none the less for being outspoken.他说话很直率,但我照样喜欢他。5.Pulling through the woods, the little swine-herd was coming towards her, in a shaggy cap, a short sheep-skin jacket.树林里突然钻出一个人朝她走来,原来是小猪倌。他带着一顶蓬松的帽子,穿着一件羊皮夹克。6.没有安定团结的政治环境,干什么都不成。Noting can be accomplished without a stable political

7、 environment.7.对我来说,我的水族箱就像我的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。To me my aquarium is like my little kingdom where I am king.8.正如没有经历过大事的人一样,他是经不起成功也经不起失败的。Like those of little experience, he was easily elated by success and deflated by failure.9.交出翻译之前,必须多读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。Before handing in your translation, you have to

8、read it over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. 10.我们的教育方针,应该使教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟、有文化的劳动者。Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist cons

9、ciousness and knowledge. III. 综合运用各种技巧翻译下列长句1.Crowding down to the water are rows of low houses, dirty and dark, inhabited by countless thousands of poor folk, whose days are spent in unending toil and the struggle to keep alive.沿河挤满了一排排又暗又脏的矮房子,不计其数的穷苦百姓居住在这里,他们经年累月永无休止地辛苦干活,挣扎着活下去。2.The memory of

10、the great men who have lived in London and the poets and dramatists and novelists who wrote their works lend the place a romance and charm that every visitor cannot but feel.每当想起曾经在伦敦住过的伟人以及曾在这里从事过写作的诗人、剧作家、小说家,来访者不能不感到他们给这个地方带来的浪漫色彩和诱人的魅力。3.A canting, lie-loving, fact-hating, scribbling, chattering

11、, wealth-hunting, pleasure-hunting, celebrity-hunting mob, that, having lost the fear of hell, and not placed it by the love of justice, cares for nothing but the lions share of the wealth wrung by threat of starvation from the hands the classes that create it.一伙冒充善良、爱撒谎、不顾事实瞎写瞎说、追求金钱、追求名誉的人,一伙既失去对地

12、狱的畏惧,又没有代之以对正义的热爱的人,这一伙人,硁硁在意的,只是分到最大部分的财富,这笔财富是从创造它的那些阶级的手里以饥饿相威胁榨取来的。4.“I am defending myself, an accused communist; I am defending my political honor my honor as a revolutionary; I am defending my communist ideology, my ideals, the content and significant of my whole life.” 我正在保卫自己一个被控告的共产党员;我正在保

13、卫我的政治荣誉,一个革命家的荣誉;我正在保卫我的共产主义观点、我的理想、我全部生命的内容和意义。5.The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and socialist critics, had been groping in the dark.由于剩余价值的发现,这里就豁然开朗,而先前无论资产阶级经济学家或者社会主义批评家所做的一切研究

14、都只是在黑暗中摸索。6.Dimitrov knew German quite well, and save at once he must learn to know it even better in order to fight victoriously and so he studies, chains on his hands and feet, German grammars, the works of Goethe, German history, for he felt that this would also prove an excellent weapon.季米特洛夫的德文

15、很好,可是他马上看清为了斗争的胜利更有把握,他应该学得更好。于是他就带着手铐脚镣研究德文文法、歌德的著作和德国的历史,因为他觉得这也是一种很好的武器。7.当前我们迫切需要一个装备优良、人员齐备、按照安全保护原则、本着一丝不苟精神建立起来的先进核能实验室。A well-equipped and well-manned nuclear-energy lab is badly needed at present. Such a lab must be advanced in technology and built in accordance with the principle of security and protection as well as in the spirit of meticulous discretion.8.历史业已证明,人类对资源的认识、开发和利用,以及制造生产工具利用资源和能力,是社会

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