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1、每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1.A. B C.2. A B. C3. A. B C.4 A. B. C.I根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两遍。(共6分,每小题1分)5. A. Brin. B.antasti. C. Tiing.6.A About ete BAbout 0 klmete.CAbout 10 kileters7A Ahm. B. Inthesupermrke. C In te ibrary.8. A.Because h did too mh hork.B.Bcae ewatch soccer game il ate.C. Bec

2、ausehe aug a ad cd. 9. A. Mr. ees dauter.B.Ms. Green C.M. Gren ather.10. . Suday. . WeedyC. MndIII听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。1 htdoes Jo wn to be?A.An astronat Aenginer. C. scientist. Whrewil he ve?A nt . B On a planet C O apace tion.听 第二段材料,回答第

3、1和1小题。1. What s nrys fathr? AAzokeeper. B.An nmaldoctor. C. A ceaner the zoo4. owmay ox does enrys fathe look after? To. B.hee. C. Fou. 听 第三段材料,回答第15和16小题。15. ha happenedtoeman lst Say?A. He hrt is ead nanacent. B.He as caughtin the rain. ewake in e tee nd was hurt bdly.16. Wa houd themn d?. to work

4、 a usual.B. Have a rest and dikmore water. C ke sho food.IV根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、C三个选项中选出正确答案。17.Sn i s a _bo. ly B hpul Sn Xi lwys thnks about how to _ in hife tm. A. hlh parents improve hs hiese . make ne 9. It took te oy _ tfid aplan ht worked. A.fie ears B. fiveweks C. fiemot0 ro thepasge,wknow S

5、u i _ . wot hel the por chiren an more B wilgn eing he por cldrenC. wil as mre eolto help hsepo cilden笔试部分V.单项选择(共15小题,计15分)选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项( ) 21 -wiyour ama? -She iine. She ued t _TV ahom afer supp But nw sh iused _outfra walk., g B. wathi,go C achn,ng D. watch, going( )22 I havent decidedw

6、hen _a olay ye A. oo B. akng . to take D take( ) 2. ddnt any chores._A imdnt, to B.So id Ji . eithem did Neithe did Jm( ) 4. We didntlear_ n tis sson. . somethig new B.newmehig C.anythn ew . new anthng( ) 25.Did ouse he filmastnigt? Yes, I hve ne seen_excingilm befr. A. sch a B. o an C.suchan . sa(

7、) 2. -hre is Jm? -H_ the bary. Hll rern n ten mits A. haseeto B.asne to has eenin one in( )2. -_ ll you finih your omewrk, en? -In w hur. A. How far B o o C ow long D. H ftn( )28. H buys _ books, but h doesnt ra temt all . hundre of . undrd of . two hunrds D. twohudredof( ) 9Las em,he ha trole

8、_ Englis. A. lern B. laning C. t ean . lern( ) 0 A red f _ i comig tos me ths eeing.Ame B. my C. I D.myslf( ) 1. Thebach in aian is a oo pla f us _A. eax B. eling C. to rela D. elaxes () 3 Thesneis_hay_catcarryi. A. tot B soat C. sctht D. nount( ) hughh as adly hur, he kpt _ thrpassngs.Ahelp B. heli

9、ng C.o he D helpd( )34. You dot eed eribe h. I _ hersevral times .met am meein .have met .will met( )35 Jae sa pieeof paperon t plagroundSe _ an p itte dtbn. pi up it B. pk t up C.picke up t D. picked it upI完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。hangai, eatiu ct duing the dy, bcoms

10、 eve 36 at ihtAt thenoth dy, both t l part ofthe ty rund te Bund(外滩)an te mdern uilding in Pong are covered wt clorfu brigt ligh. The buldings, heand old, ookcompletely diffr an vry 3 .Iyulok 3 th uanu Rver, yo n se the Orienal Perl(东方明珠) T wer te Jiao Builing. Taa oat along the 9 and ou an see te amazin nightlifeonhe und. hee re ovethirytour oat f you t 4 .Ifprefer41 i the street, try the mus NanjingRoad.There are busy shop andcafs andyou will see 42 peopl enoy heses Mot of t

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