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高考英语一轮复习 语法专题 状语从句复习讲新人教版必修3文档格式.docx

1、【例】The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months;it will be a long time_we meet them again.A.after B.before C.since D.when 答案为 B。it will be a long time before.的意思是“要过很久才会”。【例】He was told that it would be at least three more months_he could recover and return to work.A.when B.before C.

2、since D.that 答案为 B it was some time before.的意思是“在之前过了一段时间”,通常可转译为“过了一段时间才”。又如:It was a long time before I got to sleep again过了好久我才又睡着。3.考查 while引导的状语从句 尤其要注意 while 表示“尽管”、“虽然”时的用法(此时它引导的不是时间状语从句,而是让步状语从句一一此用法许多同学并不熟悉,值得特别注意)。【例】_I really dont like art,I find his work impressive.A.As B.Since C.If D.W

3、hile 答案为 Do while在此表示“尽管”、“虽然”,又如:While the question was difficult to answer,it was interesting尽管问题很难回答,但很有趣。另外,while表示对比的用法也值得注意(此时它表示“而”)。例如:【例】The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain,_the quality of life is probably one of the highest.A.since B.when D.while 4.考查 when引导的状

4、语从句 对于 when的用法,同学们最熟悉的是表示“当的时候”。【例】-Wheres that report?-I gave it to you_you came in.A.if B.when C.because D.before 答案为 B。将四个选项逐一填入空格处,只有填 when时,意思最通顺。句意为:当你进来时我就给你了。需要注意的是,when 还有个用法,就是表示“既然”,也是一个值得注意的考点。【例】Why do you want a new pen_youve got such a good one already?A.that B.where C.which D.when 答案

5、为 D。when在此表示“既然”。还有一点也需注意,就是 when 表示“这时(突然)”的用法。【例】I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel_I heard the steps A.while B.when C.since D.after【例】He was about halfway through his meal_a familiar voice came to his ears.A.why B.where C.when D.while 以上两题答案均选 when,其意

6、均表示“这时”。5.考查 unless引导的状语从句 unless的意思是“如果不”、“除非”,对于涉及 unless的考题,一般只要能读懂句意,弄清语境,就不会有问题。【例】Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees,but_they have eggs or young chicks,they dont use a nest.A.why C.unless D.where【例】I wont call you,_something unexpected happens.A.unless B.whether C.because D.wh

7、ile 以上两题答案为均选 unless,其意均表示“除非”。6.考查 until 引导的状语从句 until 的意思是“直到时”、“在之前”,对于涉及 until 的考题,一般只要能读懂句意,弄清语境,就不会有问题。【例】It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life_weve actually had that lesson.A.until B.after C.since D.when 答案为 A。将四个选项逐一填入空格处,只有填 until 时,意思最通顺。另外,还要注意 not.until.这一句式(直到才)。【例】You cant h

8、ave this football back_you promise not to kick it at my cat again,the old man said firmly.A.because B.since C.when D.until 答案为 D。until 与前面的 not 相呼应,表示“直到才”。7.考查 once引导的状语从句 once的意思是“一旦”,对于涉及 once的考题,一般只要能读懂句意,弄清语境,就不会有问题。【例】You will be successful in the interview_you have confidence.A.before B.once

9、C.until D.though【例】environmental damage is done,it takes many years for the ecosystem(生态系统)to recover.(2006 江苏卷)A.Even if B.If only C.While D.Once 两道题均选 once,均表示“一旦”。8.考查 where引导的状语从句 where可以用于引导地点状语从句,其意为“在的地方”,此用法许多同学都不熟悉,但高考经常考查,应引起特别注意。-Mom,what did your doctor say?-He advised me to live_there a

10、re many where which C.the place where D.where 答案为 D。where引导地点状语从句,表示“在的地方”。9.考查-ever引导的状语从句 whatever,whoever,however,whenever,wherever 等引导状语从句时,其意相当于no matter what(who,how,when,where)等。【例】In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help_there is human suffering.A.whoever B.however

11、 C.whatever D.wherever 答案为 D。wherever 意为“无论什么地方”,意义上相当于 no matter where。Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous.出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。二、要点点拨。一、时间状语从句 1whenwhile与 as-必记考点 如果主句表示的是短暂性动作,而从句用延续性动词的进行时态表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作时,when,while与 as 可互换使用。When/While/As l was walking do

12、wn the street,I came across an old friend of mine.当我沿着街走的时候,遇见了一个老朋友。while可作并列连词,表示对比,意为“而,却”。He is a worker while I am a doctor他是工人而我是医生。when可连接并列句,意为“就在那时”(=and then 或 and at that time),常用于以下句式:sbwas doing sthwhen.sbwas about to do sthwhen.sbwas on the point of doing sth.when.sbwas just going to d

13、o sth.when.The baby was on the point of crying when her mother came home那婴儿刚要哭,这时她母亲回家了。I was just going to explain when the bell rang.我正要解释,突然钟声响了。【例】She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.A.when B.while C.after D.since 【答案】A 2名词短语引导的时间状语从句 t

14、he time/moment/minute/instant,the day,the year,the first/second time,each/every time,next time,any time.The day he returned home,his father was already dead.他回到家的那天,他父亲已经去世了。 soon as,immediately,directly,the moment,the minute,no sooner.,than.,hardly/scarcely.,when.,one.一旦就)这些从属连词引导的从句都表示从句的动作一旦发

15、生,主句的动作就随即发生,常意为“一就”。从句中用一般时态代替将来时态。No sooner had we arrived at the station than the train left.我们刚到车站火车就开走了。注意:no sooner.,than.与 hardly/scarcely.,when.这些结构的时态搭配:主句谓语动词应用过去完成时,而 than与 when引导的从句应用一般过去时。此外,当把 no sooner和 hardly/scareely提到句首时,主句应用部分倒装语序。Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.我刚到家天就下起雨来。4.till.unt

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