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本文(学士学位论文从墨子言语方式看墨学的兴衰起伏.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学士学位论文从墨子言语方式看墨学的兴衰起伏西南大学硕士学位论文从墨子言语方式看墨学的兴衰起伏申请学位级别:硕士专业:中国古代文学目 录中文摘要Abstract第一章、绪 论1.1选题依据及研究现状1.2版本选定及作者情况1.3选题的理论意义第二章、墨学衰微考证刍议1.1墨学诞生及显学之探源1.2墨学中绝现象之发端1.3新时期墨学中绝研究综述第三章、墨子言语方式之探究 1.1墨子言语方式发源1.2墨子言语方式特点1.3墨子言语方式优劣第四章、诸子言语方式择选比较:以儒、道、墨为例1.1言语方式对流派传播影响1.2儒、墨学派言语方式比较 1.3墨、道学派言语方式比较第五章、墨子言语方式对墨学命运的

2、影响1.1功利强势让路儒学独尊1.2草根共性注定学术边缘1.3理想破灭渐遭后之众生离弃结 语参考文献后 记从墨子言语方式看墨学的兴衰起伏中国古代文学专业硕士研究生 方波指导教师 韩云波教授摘 要墨子是前秦时期墨家学派创始人墨子以及墨子的弟子根据墨子的言行撰写的文学著作。墨家产生于战国时期,是继儒道两大学派之后,横空出世的第三大学派。战国初期墨翟创立的墨家学派,在战国时期兴盛了两个半世纪,与儒家并称显学,对中国传统文化影响巨大。而墨家经典墨经,更是中国传统文化的荟萃,它包含了中国文化几千年来的普遍真理,有流传百世而不悖的价值。如此重要和声名显赫的一个学派和学术文化,为何在秦汉之降的两千多年时间里


4、言:首先对墨子一书的一些基本问题,诸如成书时间、所属类别,文体性质,成书方式等方面进行简单介绍,然后就近年来关于墨子中绝方面的研究情况进行较为详细地整理,最后阐述墨子言语方式对墨家学派历史命运的影响。第二章:墨子汇总墨学衰弱的原因。分析墨学言语方式在其中是否有影响。第三章:墨子的言语方式有哪些;言语方式的有点和缺点;第四章:墨子言语方式与儒、道言语方式对比起优势、劣势。第五章:分析墨子言语方式对墨学命运之影响。通过对墨子言语方式的分析,对比方面的研究,证明其言语方式对墨家中衰历史命运的影响。关键词:墨子;言语方式;兴衰;影响Discuss the Ups and Downs of Mohism

5、 From Mo-tses Speech PatternsMasterof Major of Chinese Ancient Literature:FangBoSupervisor:ProfHanYunboAbstract Mo-tse is the former Qin period Mohist school founder Mo-tse and the disciples of Mo-tse according to the words and deeds of Mo-tse writing literary works. Mohist originated in the Warring

6、 States period, following the two University School of Confucianism and Taoism, born third university school. Mohist School in the early Warring States thus created, in the Warring States period flourished 2.5 century, and the Confucian school and said, great influence on Chinese traditional culture

7、. Mohist classic Mojing, is a blend of traditional Chinese culture, it contains the universal truth of Chinese culture for thousands of years, have spread forever and not contrary to the value.So important and so prominent a school and academic culture, why in the Qin and Han Dynasties, down two tho

8、usand years, died in the history of the vast, until modern times began to appear in peoples field of vision, and difficult to interpret and understand by people, had not had the brilliant. At the end of the Qing Dynasty since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Mohism from new entrants into the peopl

9、es vision, but the research about Mo-tse focused on literature, military, science and technology, and thought, rarely mentioned the value of literature. Although some research will mention some Mo-tse literary value in study, but is not complete, deep research about the literature value, the basic n

10、o, very weak.In view of this situation, the author wants to based on the text, a comprehensive study of the characteristics of Mo-tse Literature, especially the impact of the historical destiny of the speech features. From the perspective of text and link the whole literary history, analyzes the adv

11、antages of the language form and he has made contribution to development of literature, and the influence of the language form the shortcoming of the Mohist school historical destiny. Expectations of the Mo-tse in the vast research contribution. The paper is divided into five parts:Introduction: fir

12、stly, Mo-tse a Book of some basic problems, such as the book of time, category, style nature, hand book, briefly, and then the recent research situation about Mo-tse in the aspects of a more detailed arrangement, finally elaborates the Mo-tse speech on the Mohist School School of historical destiny.

13、 The second chapter: Mo-tse summary of Mohism. Analysis of Mohism in whether the effect of the speech. The third chapter: what Mo-tse forms of speech; speech method good and bad points; fourth chapter: Mo-tse speech and Confucianism, Tao language compared to advantage, disadvantage. The fifth chapte

14、r: analysis of Mo-tse effect of speech of Mohism fate. Through the analysis of Mo-tse speech mode, comparative study of aspects, to demonstrate its impact on language form of Mohist decline historical destiny.Key word: Mo-tse; language style; rise and fall; impact 第一章 绪 论1.1选题依据及研究现状墨子是先秦时期,墨家学派的创始人墨翟及墨家学派弟子根据墨翟的言行,编撰而成。它以语录体和对话文体为主,记录了墨子及其弟子的言行,集中体

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