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1、turn left向左转street大街;街道turn right 向右转get to到达go straight直走GPS全球定位系统feature特点gave (give)提供; 交给follow跟着far较远的重点句型:1. I want to buy a postcard. 我想买一张明信片。(想做某事)2. Where is the science museum? 科学博物馆在哪里?3. Its next to the bookstore.它在书店旁边。4.Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.它在东方大街的公园附近。5. How can we

2、 get there? 我们怎么到达那里?6. Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。感叹句:1.What a great museum! 多么宏伟的一座博物馆啊! 2. What an interesting film!多么有趣的一部电影啊!Unit 2 单词on foot 步行early早到的by bus乘公共汽车helmet头盔by subway乘地铁must必须by taxi乘出租车wear穿;戴by plane乘飞机pay attention to注意by ship乘船traffic lights交通信号灯by train乘火车fast快的by bike

3、骑自行车Munich慕尼黑by ferry乘轮渡Germany德国by sled乘雪橇Papa Westrary帕帕韦斯特兰岛slow down慢下来 减速Scotland苏格兰stop停止Alaska阿拉斯加州(美国)wait等待Mrs夫人1. How do you come to school?你怎么来的学校? (go to school去学校) 2. I come to school by bike.我骑自行车来的学校。3. How does he go to school?他怎么去的学校?4. He goes to school on foot.他步行去学校。5. How do you

4、 get to the USA from China?你怎么从中国到美国? By plane. 乘飞机。 6.Take the No.57 bus over there.乘那里的57路公交车。 7.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必须要注意交通信号灯。 8.The park is over there.公园就在那里。 9. In the USA people on bikes must wear the helmet.在美国人们骑自行车必须戴头盔。10.Dont go at the red light! 红灯时禁止通行!11.You mu

5、st look right before you cross the road. 穿过马路时你必须向右看。You can see this on the road in HongKong.你可以在香港看到这样的标志。12Dont touch the door. 不要触摸门。You can see this in the subway.你可以在地铁里看到这样的标志。13.Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ferry every day.中国江西的一些孩子每天乘轮渡去上学。Slow down and stop at a yellow

6、light.黄灯时减速并停下来。Stop and wait at a red light.红灯时停下来并等一等。Go at a green light. 绿灯行。(圆圈内涂上相应的颜色)Unit3 单词visit my grandparents拜访祖(外)父母this evening今晚see a film看电影next week下周take a trip旅行lesson课go to the supermarket去超市(购物)space太空dictionary词典travelcomic book连环画册half price半价word book单词书Mid-autumn Festival中秋

7、节postcard明信片get together聚会this morning今天早上mooncake月饼tonightmoon月亮this afternoon今天下午about关于tomorrow明天have a big dinner吃大餐(丰盛的晚餐)1.What are you going to do today?你今天打算做什么? Im going to take a trip.我打算去旅行。、2.What is he going to do next week?他下周打算做什么? He is going to go for a picnic.他打算去野餐。3.Where are you

8、 going (to go) this afternoon?你们今天打算去哪里? We are going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院。4.When are you going (to go)?你打算什么时候去?(Im going to go) next weekend。(我打算)下个周三。5.We are going to see a film about space travel.我们打算看一场关于太空之旅的电影。6.I have lots of comic books about space. 我有许多关于太空的连环画册。7.What are you going to

9、 buy?你打算去买什么?Im going to buy some word books.我打算买一些单词书。8. Do you have comic books? 你有连环画册吗? Yes, I do.是的,我有。三单的情况 What is he/she/it /Amy/your sister going to do?他/她/它/Amy/你姐姐 打算做什么?He/She/It/Amy/My sister is going to . Where 、When和What同样的用法Unit4 单词dancing(dance)跳舞listening(listen) to music听音乐singing

10、 (sing)唱歌drawing (draw)cartoons画漫画reading (read)stories读故事cook(s) Chinese food做中国菜playing(play) football踢足球study(studies) Chinese学汉语(字、语文)doing(do) kung fu练功夫do(does) word puzzles猜字谜play sports做运动go(goes)hiking远足watch TV看电视hobby(复hobbies)爱好climbing (climb)mountains爬山pen pal笔友play the pipa弹琵琶jasmine

11、flower茉莉花Good idea好主意amazing令人惊讶的Canberra堪培拉shall表征求意见goal射门club俱乐部join加入share分享重点句型1. (1)What are your/his/her/Amys hobbies? (2) What is your/his/her/Amys hobby?你的/他的/她的/Amy的爱好是什么? I like playing the pipa. He/She/Amy likes playing the pipa. 我/他/她/Amy喜欢弹琵琶。2.What do you like? What does he/she/Amy li

12、ke?你/他/她/Amy喜欢什么?I like playing the pipa. He/She/Amy likes playing the pipa. 3. (1) I live in China. 我住在中国。Do you live in China? 你住在中国吗? Yes,I do.是的。 No,I dont 不,我不住在中国。(dontdo not)(2)三单:He/She/Sarah lives in Australia. 他/她/Sarah住在澳大利亚。Does he/she/Sarah live in Australia? 他/她/Sarah住在澳大利亚吗?Yes,he/She

13、/Sarah does.是的。 No,he/she/Sarah doesnt。不,不住在澳大利亚。 (doesntdoes not)He/She/Sarah doesnt live in Australia.他/她/Sarah不住在澳大利亚4. Sometimes he reads to the cows. 他有时候给奶牛读书。5. Who is your best friends? 谁是你最好的朋友?6.I/He/She/Amy can play the piano. 我/他/她/Amy会弹钢琴。动词ing 形式 正在做某事(现在进行时)7.What are you doing ? What is he/she/Amy doing?你/他/她/Amy正在做什么?I am He/She/Amy is writing an email. 我/他/她/Amy 正在写一封电子邮件。 喜欢做某事(发自内心的喜欢) like doing sth He likes drawing pictures.另一种喜欢like to do sth (不一定是长期的喜欢) He likes to draw pictures. 他喜欢绘画。 to 后面加动词的原型

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