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1、第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMaybe you want to give back to your community, but you dont know where to begin. It was some- thing Rebecca Reeder used to hear from friends whenever they learned she volunteered around the Los Angeles area.The idea finally took

2、shape during her 30th birthday celebration. Reeder and her brother put together a surprise party for her guests. They rented a party bus in secret and invited everyone she knew to a mystery (神秘) event. The surprise bus ride was not only a hit but also an effective ice breaker. Many guests had never

3、met before that night but they were all fast friends by the end of the trip.Reeder and a friend realized this might be the answer for friends seeking fun ways to do good.Then they began Do Good Bus and hosted their first community ride in 2010. Everyone assumed it would be a one-off event, but parti

4、cipants had such fun and felt so good about giving back that they demanded another. And then another. “This kind of things just snowballed from there,” says Reeder, who is now a full-time director of the growing nonprofit organization.Over the past seven years, Do Good Bus has offered once-a-month p

5、ublic rides in Los Angeles. Volunteers board the bus and ride to a mystery community service project. Reeder likes to keep the loca-tions and causes a secret to add an element of fun and mystery, and to prevent people from arriving with too much expectation.Participants pay $ 45, with 10 percent goi

6、ng to the days cause and the rest going to Do Good Bus to help cover costs and run the program.Rides usually last four to five hours and include everything from working in homeless shelters to beach cleanups to planting community gardens.The aim, says Reeder, is to raise awareness about causes, and

7、encourage continued support in the community while having a good time.21. Why did Reeder say the bus ride on her birthday was an ice breaker?A. It exposed the need of the poor to people. B. It made people realize how to do good deeds.C. It made people brave enough to stand the cold ice. D. It helped

8、 people get connected in the activity.22. How does Reeder get the money for the activities?A. Participants pay for them. B. The government supports her.C. She raises money in society, D. Community covers 10 percent of the cost.23. What can we infer about the Do Good Bus?A. It takes about 5 hours on

9、the way. B. It offers a pleasant way to do good deeds.C. It raises money for the participants community. D. It gives a surprising and friendly celebration.BWatching wooden dolls come to life may not be one of the most popular forms of entertainment today, but with over twenty years experience, talen

10、ted puppeteer (木偶表演者) Peter Roberts has earned himself the title “master puppeteer” because of his great ability to turn puppets into believable, almost living characters. “People are quite often surprised to hear what I do for a living and have little appreci-ation of puppy as a form of entertainme

11、nt. But while the exact origins of puppet theatre are unknown, it has been popular in many cultures and may have been the very first kind of theatre,” he explains.Roberts shows are highly original. “A puppet show can involve anything from clowning(傻逗) to storytelling,” he says. Equally diverse are t

12、he audiences he performs for. “Some are attracted by the puppets themselves, while others enjoy the dialogue.” Roberts believes that this form of entertainment can be appreciated by people of all ages and cultures. interest in puppets started when he received some beautiful glove puppets one Christm

13、as. He started putting on shows with these for family and friends and then moved on to handmade Chinese string puppets. Learning mostly from books and personal experience, he explains, “I was already spending most of my free time carving puppets and putting on shows, so I hardly noticed the change f

14、rom students to full-time professional puppeteer.”The puppets are designed specifically for each show, whih is extremely time consuming. According to Roberts, “Sometimes what you expect and what you actually create in the end are two very different things. Ive made some of my best puppets accident-a

15、lly.”When most people hear the word “puppetry”, they more than likely think of a way of keeping child-ren entertained at birthday parties. Certainly the subject matter will be expected to be light-hearted rather than serious. However, Roberts wants to point out that puppets convey serious messages s

16、ometimes.” he says.24What do we know about puppetry in the first paragraph?AIt is a most popular form of entertainment. BIt cannot give people pleasure any more.CIt was first brought to life by Peter Roberts. DIts value as an art form is not fully recognized.25In Roberts eyes, his puppet shows .Ausually attract people full of humor Bar

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