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1、Say No to Drunk Driving_【正确答案】:答案:范文与解析1 As is known to all, drunk driving is very dangerous. 2 It puts to risks not only the drivers life but also those of other innocent people.3 Dangerous as it is, there have been more and more people who drive after drinking in recent years. 4lOne reason for thi

2、s is that people have been getting wealthier these years. More and more people own cars, and they like to drive to get-togethers and other occasions where they might drink alcohol. 5 Another reason is that many people are overconfident with their driving skills. They believe that they can avoid acci

3、dents even if they are drunken. 6 As a result, thousands of people fall victim to drunk driving each year.7 In my opinion, we should say no to drunk driving immediately. 8 There have already been too many traffic accidents that are related to drunk driving, so strict laws and regulations are called

4、for to ban it in order to create a safer road condition for all citizens.本题分数: 106.0 分 【答案解析】写作指南本文要求对酒醉驾驶的原因进行分析,并提出门己的看法。如果要求分析酒醉驾驶的不良后果,那就容易点,可 outline要求分析酒醉驾驶的原因,许多考生可能绞尽脑汁也不知道该说什么好了。范文从两个角度分析原因:首先,经济上富裕了,开车的人更多了;其次,司机主观上对自己的驾驶技术太过门信。这两条都很好,与醉驾密切相关,很有说服力。是否还有别的原因呢?无酒不成宴的传统习惯勺现代生活不合拍;法律上对醉驾处罚力度不够

5、;酒席上人们的自控能力太差;等等。读者可以自己尽情展开自己的思路,写出好文章来。最后还要说明“我认为”,当然要与标题Say No的看法致了。但要注意如何表达。Analysis1 由outline改写而来,得来毫不费功夫。2 是1的支持句,put sth to danger/risks是较好的搭配。3 还是描写现象。其中暗含这种现象的存在原因,于是下文就可以就这些原因进行分析。注意这句话与前一段话之间有转折关系,用了让步结构。4 5 one reason is that;another reason is that,衔接自然。6 注意tall victim to的用法7 是作文标题的再现!主题句

6、。8 怎样say no呢?再提下具体措施,文章就更加有力度了。也是7的支持/扩展句。二、Cloze(共20小题,共70.0分)There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Ans

7、wer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must be an optimist, an active person who enjoys life, people and 1.Do you prefer grays and blues? Then youre probably quiet, 2, and you would rather follow than 3You t

8、end to be a 4. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know because they have been 5studying the meaning of color 6as well as the effect that colors have 7human beings. They tell us, 8other facts that we do not 9our favorite color as we grow up since we are born with our prefer

9、ence. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or 10as soon as you could see clearly.Colors do 11our mood. There is 12doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings 13and cheer to the

10、saddest winter day. 14, black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, 15to be the scene of more suicide than any other bridge in the area 16it was painted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply;17it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been

11、done in pink or baby blue.Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more energetic. It is a(n) 18fact that factory, workers work better, harder and have fewer 19when their machines are painted orange 20black or gray.A excitementB stimulationC luxuryD pleasureA【本题分数】:3.5分名词辨义题。exciteme

12、nt“刺激,兴奋,激动”;stimulation“激励,刺激”;luxury“奢华”;pleasure“愉快高兴”。根据上文和常识,乐观者是积极的热爱生活的人,这样的人应该非常热爱尝试新鲜事物,这和奢华或愉快无关,故排除C、D。A、B词义相似,但是,前者更加强调人们受到外界情绪影响,而后者更强调外界作用。鉴于本文是讲人的情绪受影响,故A更为合适,为正确答案。第2题 A smartB kindC plainD shyD形容词辨义题。联系上文可知此处描述的人与上文说到的active这类人相反,且此空的形容词应与空前quiet一词意义相近。shy意为“羞怯的,腼腆的”,符合句意,故选D。第3题 A

13、achieveB pursueC leadD trackC语义逻辑题。根据空前的would rather follow than可知此空所缺动词应与follow意思相反,四个选项中 lead“领导”最符合文意,故选C。第4题 A pessimistB initiatorC pioneerD follower上文提到了optimist,结合此前quiet,shy等细节描述以支持此处的总结可知此空表示的是与 optimist相对的一种人,即pessimist,故选A。由于此空前出现follow一词,follower会造成视觉的干扰,可能会被误选,但是请注意follower表示“追随者,拥护者,信徒”,从意思上可看出与文意不符,故排除。第5题 A especiallyB criticallyC gravelyD seriouslyespecially“尤其,特别”;critically“伤势严重地;批判地”;gravely“严峻地”;一般指人表露出的严肃;seriously“认真地,真诚地”,可表示做事认真。根据下文中该项研究的具体而又详细的描述可以判断,科学家做了认真的研究,故D最适合文意。第6题 A pr

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