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1、7. irri gation8. obtainNo pain, no gain9. photo synthesis 光和作用photo ; synthetic 合成的10. preci p i tat i on 降水量2 Disaster1. anti cipate 预期 =part icipate 参加2. cat astrophic kt str fikadj. 灾难的 ; 悲惨的 ; 激变的 ; 惨败的3. co llide 碰撞 co-teach ; co habit4. erupt ion 爆发rupt 破裂 bankruptcorrupt5. fa mine fminfather

2、在 mine 里很饥饿6. flood 洪水7. im pact 影响 =influence=effect have an impact on8. per severe 坚持 p:svi persist=insist男人应该对自己狠一点,坚持到底 9. plu n ge plnd 和 plus 哥,一起 跳河10. unleash nli:; n 解开 lease 合同约束 rent3 Evolution and Migration1. ada pt 改编;适应 a djustad o pt 收养 嘴巴吃饭的人2. di ver se 多种多样的diversi ty =melting pot3

3、. evolve 进化viv 活的 vivid4. feat ure以 . 为特色;以 . 为主演;兰州吃的很有特色This weeks broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.5. gene ration6. in here nt adj固有的;内在的;与生俱来的in ner peace7. mi grationim migrate (immigration intention e migrate8. physicalPhysical Educationphysically and mentally9. pro

4、cess ; progress10. surviv e4 Petrole um Alter natives1. constrain t 强制train 训练都是强制的2. contamin ationmine 污染大3. de plete 耗尽de crease; de scendcomplete4. dispose of 处置miss ; dismiss5. ele mental 基本的 elementary school6. e mission 排放量7. extinctionex tin ct 灭绝的8. reserv oir 水池 reserve ; well-reserved9. s

5、h rink 收 shou 缩10. stableChapter 2 ScienceTime Efficiency1. adjust 调整一下使其正好2. ar bi tr ary 任意的 ; 武断的Art 艺术在 try 的时候都比较任意 恣 意3. denominator 分母de 下面的 (numerator 分子 4. ex p one ntially 成倍地5. infinite simal 特小的6. max imize7. parall el ; para phrase8. proport ion9. rate; interest rates; exchange rate 10.

6、 sequence 序列consequenceAncient Life1. accura cy ; cure ; accurate2. adja cent 和钱很接近3. compress4. feasi bly 可行的5. gut 勇气,剧情 plot6. inte g ral7. overlap 重叠 laptop8. retain 保持9. see p 漏,渗出;看,有纰漏 10. struct ure ; construction第二课 400托福词汇之二 Computers1. circ ulate ; circulation流通2. corrode 腐蚀 e rode熟词 cor

7、rupt3. derive4. detection ; detectivetect=pect=spect=lookspector ; repect5. exped itiously 敏捷地ex(向外 +ped(足,脚掌,走 pedal 踏板6. im plement 实施compl i ment 表扬compl e ment 补充7. innov ative ; le nov o ; legend8. installation9. main ten ance10. simulation 仿真 sames t imu lationE ner gy1. combus tion 燃烧2. com p

8、onent 元件3. convey4. discrete ly 分别创造(分离地5. nucleus 原子核nuclear 原子核的6. permeat e7. rotate 旋转rotation (NBA 8. solarlunar9. source10. tri gger 触发Memory1. acquisitionacquire2. anomaly 反常abnormal=perver ted3. consciously=unknowingly subconsciousness4. degrade (inferior 5. gap6. indisputabledispute 争论7. in

9、tervene8. intui tively ; tuition直觉地9. recede10. retri eveSpirituality1. agno stic 不可知论的igno rancenotorious2. animism 灵气论animation 卡通 cartoon3. athe ist 只崇拜 he 自己的人, 无神论者4. be inclined to ; be subjected to5. contempl ate6. dei fy敬如神,像见到自己的 dad7. ecclesia stical 拉萨有 教会的8. ex alt 到外面赞扬9. pi ous=religio

10、us10. sacri ficeIllness1. aggrav ate 恶化grave2. de crepit 衰退3. disease4. fatally5. foren sics 对人的一种科学(辩论学6. persist7. pro gnosis 诊断8. term inal ; terminate9. vein 静脉veil 面纱pre vail10. wound ; hurt ; injury第三课 托福必考 400词汇之三 Surgery1. anest hesia 麻醉剂进入 Bird Nest 像打了麻醉剂2. augmen t 增大August, 孩子都八个月了 , 一定很

11、大了3. certifi ably 可证明的4. complicat ion 混乱;并发症; =chaos complicated=complex5. cure6. implant 种植 implement7. inject8. obese 远离妹妹的眼球,因为太肥胖 了(噢必死 , 肥胖必死9. proce dureprocess10. scarGhosts1. astro logicalastro- is used to form words which refer to things relating to the stars or to outer space. 2. di vi na

12、tion 玄学 (相信数字占卜未来的 国家 3. haunt4. horror5. intermedi ary 媒介的;中间的6. invo ke 恳求7. medit ate 深思mediate 调停在 table 上深思调停的方法8. phantom n. 幽灵 adj. 幻觉的Tom 是个幽灵9. psychic 灵魂的10. self-perpetuating; eternal; eternity adj. 能使自身永久存在的An thropology1. assimil ate 同化,吸收2. cre mat ion 火化,火葬3. domestic ate 教化;驯养4. folklore 民间传说5. fossilize 使成化石6. re lic 废墟;遗物回收 re7. rite 仪式 right8. ritually 仪式上的9. saga 冒险故事 (巴嘎 10. vest ige 遗迹 (哥哥的背心 Social Inequality1. amend 改善2. bia sed 有偏见的 ; distort3. burden 使负担4. counter 柜台 ; count on=live off counterpart5. de fact o (法实际上地6. discrim inate 歧视7. notion; note8. oppr

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